Try a different SD Card. A 128MB SD Card is too small and many MicroSD Cards simply don't work even though other Micro SD cards of the same size and brand do (MicroSD Cards are really weird).by Arikado - Getting Started
Why are you asking me? I don't run the homebrew browser. Teknecal does. Ask him:by Arikado - Homebrew Applications
This topic violates our forum-specific rules:by Arikado - Ideas, requests
You are using the r19 (latest official release) builds of devkitPPC, libogc, and libfat, correct?by Arikado - Coding
Awesome. If you have any more questions feel free to ask :)by Arikado - Homebrew General
Quotestone_wiiThe current system is a 4.1. Should I really install the ISO 30 ? You have no choice. Installing IOS 30 v1040 WITHOUT any patches is the only way to get the hackmii installer to work for Arikado - Homebrew General
Why in your right mind would you want to delete everything on your Wii? If Anytitle Deleter hadn't stopped you, you would've deleted the system menu and IOS 60 and killed your Wii. Also, to fix your problem, run Dop-IOS MOD with bannerbomb, have it install IOS 30 v1040, then run the hackmii installer with Arikado - Homebrew General
If you want a ball to orbit around a center point you need to take advantage of the physical quantity of centripetal acceleration to keep the ball continually changing direction so it does not fly off in a Arikado - Coding
Thanks for the encouragement! Right now, any IOS with NAND Permissions can extract any savegame. Dop-IOS MOD can patch the NAND Permissions into any IOS. In fact, it even puts them into IOS 36 for those of you take advantage of the "install an IOS that accepts fakesigning" function of the program. The problem is installing savegames. In order to install a savegame, you need to have the Wiiby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
I believe this thread has now expended it's usefulness. Anymore questions/comments, PM Arikado - Old Announcements
Try: #EXTINF:0,ARD rtp:// Arikado - Getting Started
I really don't understand you, sorry. Please tell me exactly what you have done so far in putting homebrew on your Wii and what you are unsure Arikado - Getting Started
You have two options when you see one of these posts. 1)Waste your time seriously answering the post only to receive no response or a very rude response (the latter being the nail in the coffin to invoke a rise out of you and/or other members) 2)Report the post so someone checks it to see if it matches up with the data used by the (for lack of a better term) 'dumb question spammerby Arikado - Old Announcements
Quoteirule88I have the exact same problem as dawn1. I cant install bootmii as an ios it says FAILED(-1) or watever, and homebrew browser says cant mount sd card. its a kingston class 6 sdhc 8gb and is compatible (accorind to that list). the switch is off, as i installed HBC and dvdx, and even some other apps. WHAT doI do??!!! Tried formatting your SD Card?by Arikado - BootMii Beta
Sounds like your Wii is registered for a region other than what it should be. Like it should be PAL but you have it set-up NTSC or vice versa. Also check the video cables and make sure they're plugged in Arikado - FixMii
Pretty simple to fix this. You have to rewrite the image paths in the code. For example, making your path "data/image.png" no longer works thanks to various libfat updates. You have to change the path to "sd:/apps/folderyourappisin/data/image.png" Once you load the images properly the screen will not be Arikado - Coding
A .dol and an .elf file should appear in the root of your project folder (Usually C:/projects/wii/thisisthefolderimtalkingabout) for you to run after a successful Arikado - Coding
Do you mean you can't find the output .dol/.elf file? Or do you mean you don't know how to run it with your Wii?by Arikado - Coding
QuoteArikadoThe folder you store your project in (Usually C:/projects/wii/ThisIsTheFolderImTalkingAbout) can't have any spaces in it. For example, you cant name the folder Your Project, it has to be YourProject. I swear up and down that I had the same issue and this solved Arikado - Coding
QuoteKeith_LovingSince you are the forum mod, the higher archy, you could have handled this better from the very start, so consider this a lessoned learned for yourself. Hm? If you post content clearly in violation of our forum rules it is my job to remove the offending comment. I then have jurisdiction to leave a message from you on your post, send you a message via PM, or both. Nothing I did heby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
QuoteelmoreasI really am just looking for brick protection, I do not intend to use priiloader for any of its other features, I wish I could just use boot2 but my system only has bootmii as an IOS available. I do not intend to use any custom channels or themes or use any out of region games or downgrade or anything like that, however I do plan to use apps that modify the NAND. As other users haveby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
To be perfectly honest I actually felt kinda bad about posting this. I initially felt like it would only give them the attention that they seek. But I eventually figured it was the best thing to do in order to inform people that yes, we have a problem and we're doing all we can to resolve it. Also, I just think it's nice for people to know what's going on in this case so they donby Arikado - Old Announcements
elmoreas, I am truly sorry that this happened to your topic. If you would like to open a second topic please feel free to do so and I promise you I will not let it get hijacked. I feel forced to reply to KeithLoving in public because of his strong comments against me. Whether you choose to continue your discussion here or not is entirely up to you. Please let me know if there is anything at all Iby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
The folder you store your project in (Usually C:/projects/wii/ThisIsTheFolderImTalkingAbout) can't have any spaces in it. For example, you cant name the folder Your Project, it has to be Arikado - Coding
QuoteFeeley39Hahah they are trolls? harsh,,,,dont you think? It's internet vernacular intended to imply that they are only here to intentionally invoke an emotional rise out of people. Asking stupid questions he/she/it and everyone else knows the answer to is what he/she/it seems to find the easiest way to accomplish Arikado - Old Announcements
Alright guys. My savegame manager mod works, the problem is just that it doesn't display the savegame list on the screen properly. However, you can still navigate with UP DOWN and A and it works just fine. This seems to be an issue of Wanky's insane coding style conflicting with mine. In other words, I need to simplify his stuff or make my stuff look as ugly as his to get things to dispby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
I've found the compatibility list to not always be 100% accurate. You could try another ROM if you want but don't count on Arikado - Homebrew Applications
Thanks guys. I generally stay far from away from game maker software so I haven't heard of it. However, this is kind of interesting. From reading Waxy's link though, it sounds like it doesn't develop homebrew software but instead official Arikado - Getting Started