I'm not really sure why you chose to post such a basic question here when the last post is 4 years ago... If you searched around online or even on these forums, in the Getting Started section, you could find your answer fairly quickly. But anyway, there's a guide here that shows you how to install the Homebrew Channel. As you can see, these forums have been inactive for a few yearby bg4545 - Homebrew General
I just tried this on my Wii and it worked fine, but I vaguely remember a point where it was broken (when the HBC changed title IDs). Maybe you have mismatched BootMii and HBC versions? You can always try reinstalling the latest versions again and go from there.by bg4545 - BootMii Beta
QuoteslimboyslimI've recently installed Wii64 on a couple of Wiis (well, reinstalled it on mine and for the first time on a friend's) and in both cases it can't open the roms folder either via SD or DVD. Comes up with an error message on trying to open the directory. I also tried Not64 with the same result. Is this a new or common problem or have I missed the boat on this one? Iby bg4545 - Homebrew Applications
Yes if your Wii runs Japanese games then you should be able to use the NTSC-J version of Smash Stack. You need the Wii (NOT Wii U) version.by bg4545 - FixMii
You can always download the codes yourself on a PC and then transfer the files to your SD card.by bg4545 - Cheat Codes
It has definitely slowed down a lot. The Wii is much older now and over time interest in homebrew drops. And there's always the fact that there are more open systems to develop for.by bg4545 - Homebrew Applications
You should be able to proceed with the standard homebrew installation.by bg4545 - Getting Started
It should be fixable if you can boot a game exploit, you just need the Japanese versions of the games. There is a version of Smash Stack that will work if you have Super Smash Bros. X. From there you can install the Homebrew Channel, and then install the Japanese system menuby bg4545 - FixMii
It appears to be working now, so I hope you were able to download it.by bg4545 - Feedback & Support
QuoteLeeJP77I tried wii64 and it wouldn't load my N64 rom (namely Conker's Bad Fur Day, which I've still got the N64 game cartridge for but haven't got an N64 any more) came up with errors. Tried Not64. It loaded the rom for a couple of minutes and then did a memory dump. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong?!?! In Not64 turn FB Textures on and set Audio Speed Limit to Dby bg4545 - Homebrew Applications
I am sure there's sites on the internet that explain how. Google is your friend.by bg4545 - Homebrew Applications
Either way, you're going to need an SD for the Homebrew Channel to work. (I guess USB does work as well, but generally SD cards work better with homebrew apps)by bg4545 - Getting Started
You can run the HackMii Installer from the Homebrew Channel; Just put the boot.elf file in a folder in the "apps" folder (e.g. SD:/apps/HackMii/boot.elf ) Yes the safety warning will still come up but it loads after BootMii. When you power on your Wii it will load to the BootMii menu (as long as the files are present on the SD card) and from there you can boot the HBC, or the Wii menu. If no SDby bg4545 - Getting Started
If you can install BootMii as boot2 (the HackMii Installer will tell you if you cannot) then you should do that. It will be the first thing that loads on your Wii when you power on, even if you brick the system, and it can be used to restore your Wii to a working state. If you are only using your Wii to play Mario Kart/CTGP-R then there's not really any chance of a brick. If you mess with Wby bg4545 - Getting Started
QuoteHomieBrewChannelIt is safe to uninstall all WADs and cIOSes manually. Search through each folder of your SD (be SURE not to modify anything) and if you see any files with the extensions .wad or .ios, delete them. If you can't tell normal IOSes from cIOSes, test them in your Wii. Please don't' respond to posts that are more than a few months old if you have nothing informativeby bg4545 - Getting Started
You can run Wii .dol files with Dolphin (Gamecube/Wii emulator).by bg4545 - Coding
Since the homebrew channel is running in Wii mode, you need a Wii remote (the one that points at the screen) and you can use a Wii Classic Controller (that plugs into the Wii remote.by bg4545 - Wii U - Wii Mode
The emulator is just buggy. It's not being worked on anymore so there's no way to fix it, unfortunately.by bg4545 - Homebrew General
QuotedynospeedHi all, I bougth a used Wii about two years ago and deleted the HBC because I didn't know it.. Now I know better. So I tried to install HBC and got the the same problem - it is stuck at scam screen Version is 4.3u. here is the log : [...] No IOS with * so what's the problem ? Any idea how to go on ? thanks. It looks like you are on 3.4U and not 4.3U (twby bg4545 - Homebrew General
It could potentially be possible to add or replace music in the game using something like Riivolution, but it's not as simple as you are suggesting. You would have to reverse engineer how the game plays its music and the create your own music in that format.by bg4545 - Homebrew General
Marcan made a blog post a few days ago that I just read, about Linux running on PlayStation 4. I think it's very interesting that the PS4 could potentially be used as a Steam machine, or with emulators as demonstrated in the video. Unlike the Wii U, the PS4 is a lot closer to a traditional PC but it's just different enough to be a challenge when porting Linux. Here's a link to theby bg4545 - Offtopic
Well here's some sample code from AnyRegion Changer printf("\x1b[2J\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t AnyRegion Changer 1.2\n"); printf("\n\t This software comes supplied with absolutely no warranty.\n"); printf("\t\t\t\tUse this software at your own risk.\n"); printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t" WARNING_SIGN " IMPORTANT BRICK INFORMATION " WARNING_SIGN "\n"); printf("\n\tSemi Bricks are caused by theby bg4545 - Coding
From what I understand, the messages are stored in "/shared2/wc24/mbox" on the NAND (See ). If you can find a way to delete the files in there it would clear them. However, I think it would probably be easier to use your NAND backup to create a new, clean, NAND with Ohneschwanzenegger.by bg4545 - FixMii
You should extract the files straight to your SD card. There should be an "apps" folder in the downloads. Get them from here and here. For future reference, any app you get should be a .dol or .elf file. In order for it to be seen by the Homebrew channel it must be named "boot.dol" or "boot.elf" and it must be in its own folder in the apps folder. For example, on your SD card should be the "apby bg4545 - Getting Started
This list probably includes most of the apps from the HBB:by bg4545 - Homebrew General
Quotedjs777saintIt will solve his problem No it will not. WiiSX is a Playstation emulator, while Not64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator. Please try to consider what you are saying before you give advice.by bg4545 - Homebrew Applications
Quotedjs777saintTry to download the Not64 emulator for Wii I too have a Black Wii New with Motion plus and New classic pro and Not64 works with all my controlers I'm not really sure why you're suggesting this in a thread about WiiSX.by bg4545 - Homebrew Applications
We do not support "backup" loaders. Please read the forum rules.by bg4545 - The Junkyard
No, Letterbomb won't remove anything.by bg4545 - Homebrew General