With a small modification FTPii could be modified to not require a hacked IOS at all to browse a disc. >.>by AerialX - Ideas, requests
Sure, but he said he just wanted to browse the disc and dump particular files/folders, not the whole thing :Pby AerialX - Ideas, requests
Why has no one mentioned FTPii yet? It's still the easiest way to grab files off of a disc.by AerialX - Ideas, requests
It labels it as a "player" which isn't what you want. I don't have access to a Mac, for all I know it includes an encoder too. I don't think so though.by AerialX - Ideas, requests
QuoteTopGun96Does that have a mac installer? And where do I get the MID files. Also, I assume I can just use any MP3 right? Sorry for all the questions. RawkTour itself works on Mac, with Mono. For replacing the note charts. The MIDI files you can find for Guitar Hero on scorehero.com, or for frets on fire, or pretty much any music game (if you get a .chart file, there's a converter calleby AerialX - Ideas, requests
Uh, guise... RawkTour From August. :P EDIT: Oh, and video for effect:by AerialX - Ideas, requests
QuoteDrLuckyQuoteAerialXiTunes is far from perfect. I like browsing my music by the Artist -> Album -> Song hierarchy, but in some cases I need exceptions. Consider the fact that I have almost 2000 songs from OCRemix on my iPod. Do I want my Artist view polluted with hundreds of usernames just because I have one song by them there? No, so I change every single one to "OverClocked ReMix" asby AerialX - Offtopic
iTunes is far from perfect. I like browsing my music by the Artist -> Album -> Song hierarchy, but in some cases I need exceptions. Consider the fact that I have almost 2000 songs from OCRemix on my iPod. Do I want my Artist view polluted with hundreds of usernames just because I have one song by them there? No, so I change every single one to "OverClocked ReMix" as the artist. It kills meby AerialX - Offtopic
QuoteArikadoEmulation = playing games on a console they weren't made for. That's cool and convenient to the end user. Piracy = playing games on the console they were made for illegally. There's also the convenience/coolness factor of being able to playing hundreds of Wii games off of one USB drive. The fact that emulation isn't on the original console is irrelevant when youby AerialX - Offtopic
QuoteArikadoJust a note on random code dumps: Make sure you're not passing global variables as function parameters. That always gives me a code dump. wut. Mind taking the generic Hello World example and adding whatever you're doing with functions to it in order to demonstrate the crash?by AerialX - Coding
QuoteekeekeI think the thing above is already implemented in libogc: just use gettime() to get the elapsed ticks since boot (in microsecond) , diff_usec() to calculate the difference between 2 values (this take timer overflow in account) and usleep() to wait a specific amount of microseconds. Last time I tried gettime() it returned the time in ticks, but the value was only updated once a second &by AerialX - Coding
There's a high-res millisecond timer here: Header Code Or, if you're more into C++... /**************************************************************************** * tmbinc msec timer ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HW_RVL #define TB_CLOCK 60750000 /* WII */ #else #define TB_CLOCK 40500000 #endif struct MillisecondTiby AerialX - Coding
Well, I wrote this FST parser a while back: (Doesn't require DVDx or patchmii or anything... Should work on any retail disc, although there's really no error checking there) Not sure what you mean about fopen, but there is a libfst which lets you use fopen and such on disc files... It requires DVDx to be installed though to run it. My example isn't that fun for opening fileby AerialX - Coding
Wouldn't the easiest method be to always use ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice() instead of a hardcoded channel? If the libraries and your own apps always used it, there would be no collisions/issues.by AerialX - Coding
Quotedrchinkjust downloaded it and tried it out, was pretty good and fun. but wen i went to quit, it never went anywhere, jsut a black screen, dunno wat happened here, ill try it again and see though. It... does that sometimes >.> A first release can't always be perfect :P Quotegood job, its pretty sik. it reminds me of a thing my friend showed me called audiosurf. it b cool if thby AerialX - Homebrew Applications
FYI: << Releasedby AerialX - Homebrew Applications
QuoteDykamAerialX, be online at IRC... need to talk to you about this. Well I'm on often enough, I'll try to catch you. Not sure what you want from me, but I'll surmise what I've accomplished in the past... (not much :P) 1) If you haven't, read this. There's the lack of pthreads (and AFAIK there's no open-source Wii equivalent in place, although I don'tby AerialX - Coding
I would love to see Mono ported, even if only minimally (a basic runtime and corlib). Yes it's been done with the official SDK, but obviously that's not available to us :/ Also, the newer stuff like LINQ support would be nice (I doubt things like that will be the problem though. Most of the issues would be the mono/io-layer stuff, like threads).by AerialX - Coding
QuotemartinstaticNice! I love Amplitude so much, this is great. You know the way Midi's have different tracks (like for each instrument)? Maybe you could have it let you use your own Midi's, using the first, say, 3 tracks of the Midi? I don't know if it could work like that the way you've coded it, but either way, good work! :) It uses .IT files at the moment, and the trackby AerialX - Homebrew Applications
Meh, I hard-reset my Wii too often then :P k, disregard what I said.by AerialX - Homebrew Applications
QuoteDrLuckyno, the hooks will stay on, ArialX, so it is faster... After shutting down?by AerialX - Homebrew Applications
That doesn't help him, it takes even longer to do :P As for the question... There are ways to make channels out of homebrew apps, all of the public methods for this tend to use illegal methods (or be illegal to distribute) however. Installing Starfall is an option if you have an older System Menu version that would automatically allow you to run out-of-region discs from the disc channel rby AerialX - Homebrew Applications
QuoteArikadoThats very impressive. Is that ship a 3D model and the other objects 2D? Hm? Everything there is 3D except for the HUD (score display and such). QuoteiofthestormNice, are you the guy that made AmplituDS? Your youtube name looks very similar. That looks awesome, and I was really impressed with the DS version too. No, although that Youtube name is indeed the name that Dark Knight ezby AerialX - Homebrew Applications
Well, I've been working on this since forever ago, I figured I'd release a video for the upcoming release. Enjoy!by AerialX - Homebrew Applications
I don't see the option to download the entire thing as a zip... :/by AerialX - Coding
What is it, just a hacked NES ROM? You should be able to play it with the NES emulator... I feel obliged to say that you should try searching the wiki first >.>by AerialX - Homebrew General
Quotedaniel_c_wWhy was this thread moved to coding? I think it belongs here rather than being in Homebrew General. It's more related to the development of games rather than the discussion of homebrew apps. Just because it's not strictly coding doesn't mean it doesn't fit IMO.by AerialX - Coding
Nice catch, the main site rejects me (I'm in Canada) but that little flash gadget works. I just tried it on the Wii browser though, and it just says that it requires Flash AerialX - Homebrew General
QuoteJustWoodyQuoteAerialX(I'm currently using .it module files) Are you using .it mod files through the modplay library? I wasn't sure which mod file types were supported and would be good to get clarification for future reference I wrote a sndlib driver for the MikIT library (MikMod's C++ successor). I don't know what modplay can play (I thought it was just .mod files), Iby AerialX - Coding
Would you be up to doing space/techno style songs? My game needs a good, looping, background song for the main menu (ominous feeling or epic/adventurous, I'm not really sure :P). In the future, I'll be looking for an artist to make a fast-paced, diverse/interesting techno song for the game's stages (watch this and you'll see what I mean). However, it'll be a while untiby AerialX - Coding