MP3 does work but it's a pain in the ass. I'm using ogg now. Small files, and seems to work better. You can check out libwiigui or Snes9x GX to see how it was Tantric - Coding
The template is integrated in the source (demo.cpp and menu.cpp). Just compile it, and you'll get a working Tantric - Coding
You could do this in libogc by modifying the background color in console.c: con->background = COLOR_BLACK; Then you have to compile/install Tantric - Coding
I don't have the time to look at this more right now, but what I've found is that it has no problems entering a directory and listing the contents, it just has problems backing out and continuing on with the parent directory's listing. If you want to implement some sort of recursive listing like this, you'll have to find your own workaround for the problem (eg: storing a listby Tantric - Coding
Check out the libogc source code. Yes, you can read directly from SD using the methods that libfat uses. But libfat reads the data as FAT - ie: interpreting the filesystem, so that you can actually make some sense out of what you're reading in. Reading in raw sector data doesn't make any sense, unless you happen to have a low-level understanding of how to manipulate that Tantric - Coding
You can take a look at the just-released libwiigui, here:by Tantric - Coding
Read the whole file into a buffer first and use Tantric - Coding
Yes, mp3player has been updated to use ASND, just initialize ASND first. Though not with enough flexibility to use it for sound effects. For those I'm using ASND directly, with raw PCM Tantric - Coding
Yes, I'll put it on SVN soon. Please test it. =)by Tantric - Coding
Good idea. I've added a little warning box =)by Tantric - Coding
This is a tinysmb bug to do with the file attributes. I've just rewritten the code in tinysmb that handles the file info, this might solve your Tantric - Coding
Your best bet is to record those beeps blips and boops as raw samples (16 bit PCM). Then you can use ASND to play them Tantric - Coding
Umm...those variables are for your video (framebuffers) - xfb = frameBuffer. You can't have them declared both places. Your best bet is to keep them in one, and set the other up to use them with extern: extern void *frameBuffer; extern u32 fb = 0; Also you can't call the video init stuff twice (VIDEO_Init(), FIFO setup, etc). And you probably don't want to be rendering in bby Tantric - Coding
The only one of those that supports cheats at the moment is SNES. See the wiibrew article:by Tantric - Homebrew General
WPAD_Rumble(pad, 1); Where pad is the controller # (0-3). Just don't forget to turn it off: WPAD_Rumble(pad, 0);by Tantric - Coding
Those two functions aren't included in a number of libraries AFAIK - they are extensions. That includes newlib - newlib's wchar support on the whole is minimal. If you want to use wchar's, you'll have to define functions Tantric - Coding
Yes, it has nothing to do with the emulators. You should just need to turn on the second wiimote and it will just "work", just like the first one does. If this isn't the case, try resyncing in the Wii menu with the red buttons on the Wii console and Tantric - Homebrew General
Priority, shagkur has told me set that to > 128 for time critical threads, and < 128 for anything else. Main thread runs at priority of 80 and gets a stack size of 128K. So I set some threads below 80, as the other threshold. The default stack size for other threads if you use 0 is set to 8K, be aware of this so you don't get a stack overflow. Two threads set with the same priority getby Tantric - Coding
Also, I see this a lot - using all those WPAD functions to get data. You can use one function to get all your WPAD data, do something like so: WPADData wpad; while(1) { memcpy(&wpad, WPAD_Data(0), sizeof(WPADData)); // use the data if (wpad.btns_d & WPAD_BUTTON_B ) { printf("Wiimote acceleration:\n" "X: %f\n" "Y: %f\n" "Z: %f\n", wpad.accel.x, wpad.accel.y, wpaby Tantric - Coding
You're missing the init to get that data, put this after WPAD_Init() WPAD_SetDataFormat(WPAD_CHAN_ALL,WPAD_FMT_BTNS_ACC_IR); WPAD_SetVRes(WPAD_CHAN_ALL,screenwidth, screenheight); where screenwidth/height are whatever width/height you want (eg: 640x480)by Tantric - Coding
Wii64 is still in development, you'll have to wait to see a fully functional version. But you can download from and read about the progress on emulatemii.comby Tantric - Homebrew Applications
They call it HID, and it's possible, but, hasn't been Tantric - Homebrew Applications
Don't bother. I've fixed the problem. You'll see the fix in the next Tantric - Homebrew Applications
Yes, all they did was replace the reset button check with a sleep() and immediate Reload (); exception.c is in libogc, you would have to download libogc from SVN and Tantric - Coding
Edit exception.c from libogc and Tantric - Coding
Snapshots = save states Look for the option called "Snapshot"by Tantric - Homebrew Applications
Broken? What's broken? I know some people get an ISI on bootup, but other than that, I'm not aware of any other major issues like the one mentioned here. I'd check the card before anything else, run chkdsk, it might be going Tantric - Homebrew General
Save state issues? I don't know about any save state issues. DrLucky, you can PM me if you have Tantric - Homebrew Applications
It does support Wii, and Wii homebrew, but compatibility is Tantric - Coding