Hi all! (haven't written anything here for a while, but this interesting thread excites me) I see 2 big problems, which could prevent us from bruteforcing the Wii's key. To bruteforce any encryption you need to know three things: -the algorithm -a lot of encrypted data -a lot of unencrypted data Why do we need "a lot" of data? I am no expert on RSA, but in generalby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
AFAIK somebody said, that they can be upgraded with versionnumbers just as high. And a patched IOS should be able to downgrade themby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
The timezones do not have official names. The +0 zone is often called: GMT (as it is GMT = Grennwich mean time) English speaking people call the +1 zone CET (central European time), CEST when daylight saving is used. AFAIK, the 4 U.S. timezones (-5 to -8) are called eastern, central, montain and western p.s.: I hate daylight sving time p.p.s: when your browser window is to small, youby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
I am just wondering, if every character, that renders fine on Windows, will automaticly render fine on the Wii...by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
QuoteSteelSLasheralso its harder to get banned on WFC if your ip is dynamic shouldn't be. Banning based on IPs is a stupid idea anyway, because an IP doesn't mean anything. That is why nobody should use an IP adress to ban somebody on a permantent basis.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
QuoteI.R.onQuotescanffThanks profetylen, For anyone who's interested in helping or wants to see what their language looks like I've release a windows build for skinning and testing out languages. Thanks, it correctly renders Turkish.. How does it render? Is it using the something from the Windows API?by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
The internet channel was free, until a certain date, which I forgot. It was anounced way before (like in the beginning), that it would be free until then. (No bad sheme involved)by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
I hope you did not miss the fact, that this thread was sleeping for 4 months.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Unfortunately, overclocking from 1,8 GHz to 3.0 GHz is almost out of the question...by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Thanks scanff QuoteSifJar Well, Waninkoko has made a "NAND emulator" which he claims allows you to use SD or USB as the NAND Is it finished?, is it safe? I was actually looking forward to it.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Unless it is really full, every writing operation to the SD-Card will save it in a different place, to prevent the scneario you fear.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
What is redboot? I was thinking about the IOS, because they handle the whole NAND, even the wear leveling.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Actually SMB is the protocol Windows and co. use. SMB = Server Message Blocks. Today they call it CIFSby daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
I am currently tying to pick a ringtone for my new cell phone, and this piece is in the top 4! So far the only comment from a friend of mine was: "too spacy". Unfortunatley he did not know the theme :(by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Neither Brawl nor Mariokart, nor SMGalaxy raised my Wii beyond 3.2, so they should have 3.2 (or less). I didn't dare to let newer games update my Wii. Keep in mind that those games got new disc versions, which may contain other updates. Quoteninjafish1990Correct me if I'm wrong, but i think when you put in the disk all it does is initiate the update, and it will contact Nintendoby daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Give it some time :) I will try if the behavior changes after a firmware update (I am still on 3.2)by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
This forum does not support playing backups in any form.by daniel_c_w - The Junkyard
So basicly every game makes your Wii get hotter than it being in WC24/yellow Stand Bye mode? Maybe it got better thanks to firmware updates.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Leaving the hardware aspect aside: Does the software even support bigger NANDs?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuoteTopGun96and i will not run windows on my Mac You couldn't, even if you wanted to? At least not nativly, you may do it in a VMby daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
BootMii restore uption would: 1: not care, it it overwrites itself, because it resides in memory, when it is working. 2: it only overwrites blocks, that have changed (and that includes boot2, if it has changed)by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
QuoteArikado -Access to the database (means they can view passwords) They are not encrypted?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Having boot0 to 2 doesn't change anything, because it is well know what they do, and they hide no secrets. QuoteArikado They're the first (16?) bytes. Aren't it the last bytes?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
I am actually thinking about doing a rather slow paced underwater RPGby daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
Which game makes your Wii hotter?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuotescanffDid you ban z400100500? lol he was funny. I guess he came back under the name JellyCorona :-) TheMadHatterZ may be a pseudonym of him too....by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Perhaps it is because your Wii is newer, but touch it, it definitly gets warm in (yellow) Stand Bye! Warmer than normal gaming conditions.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
I see no reason why it couldn't be done.by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
I do not know a lot about the MIT licence, but I would release your new lib (1) under MIT and (2) under GPL.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
and windows says it is a dol file? (I am sorry to treat you like a noob, but I am just trying to be sure, that the filename is right. Do you have "hide extensions from known filetypes on"?)by daniel_c_w - Getting Started