QuoteSteelSLasheri want to see a quick launch bar where you can put your most used apps like, gecko os or the game loader. Yeah, something like the iPhone menu would be cool. You could just show the icon for the app at the bottom of the screen.by gameboy13 - Offtopic
Sounds interesting... You could send video messages to other users. If it's possible, we could possibly incorporate it into WiiConnect.by gameboy13 - Ideas, requests
Which version of Gecko OS are you using? Which games are you trying to play? I heard some games won't run with Gecko OS.by gameboy13 - Getting Started
It freezes me when I try to load a DVD. Or, it takes a long time to load and I'm impatient. lolby gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
lol, I never thought of doing something like that... :-]by gameboy13 - Offtopic
And where did you find this guide?by gameboy13 - Getting Started
QuoteTopGun96we cant help you with illegall roms and i dont thinnk it is possible to emulate a chip in the snes just yet... Ok, thank you. Anyway, even if the ROM wasn't illegal, it would still freeze.by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
I read on GameFAQs that pirated versions of Earthbound will freeze right before the final boss because of code that checks for a special chip in the cartridge. If it dosen't detect that chip, the game will freeze and all save data will be erased. My friend has a pirated ROM of this game. (He didn't know it was illegal to do this until I told him.) I don't know if SNES9x GX will byby gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
QuotesuperbobQuotegameboy13Does Trucha Bug Restorer require the installation of WADs? Because I REALLY don't want to try that. No wad needed to use TBR. You can find a video on youtube that shows the process (search "How To use Trucha Bug Restorer") ... I watched the video, now I need to know if restoring the trucha bug on IOS60 will allow me to use apps requiring fakesigning.by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
QuoteMattManThe PatchMii Installer failed because you don't have any trucha vulnerable IOSes. The only way to get these on your firmware are through unsupported methods. Ok, I see. Edit: Does Trucha Bug Restorer require the installation of WADs? Because I REALLY don't want to try that.by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
I would use Dop-IOS to restore the trucha bug in IOS36, but it requires a trucha bugged IOS249.by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
Not going to happen. No one has found out how to connect the DS To the Wii. Even if we COULD, it's EXTREMELY unlikely to be able to broadcast video and data like that to the DS.by gameboy13 - Ideas, requests
I tried using the Tona's Patchmii installer, but near the end of it, it froze when it was installing it. (I think)by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
Which cIOS does Gecko OS 1.9.2 use to load channels and Wiiware? I want to know if cIOS36 installed as cIOS249 with cIOS Patchmii Installer will enable Gecko OS to launch channels. I'm on System Menu 4.1. This was originally posted at the Wiird Forums, but no one would answer me.by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
Problem solved! It was the SD Card. I now have a Sandisc 2 GB for Wii SD Card. The backup worked!by gameboy13 - BootMii Beta
QuoteGrungeKid17I downloaded WiiConnect a few days ago and whenever I load it up, it boots to a black screen and nothing happens. I'm currently running System Menu 4.0. Any suggestions? Off topic. Belongs in the Homebrew Applications forum. Anyways: It happens to me too. It just boots to a black screen and I have to turn the power off.by gameboy13 - Homebrew General
Use Gecko OS. It can apply cheat codes to any GC game. Find codes here: Wiird Forumsby gameboy13 - Ideas, requests
QuoteSifJarTry formatting your card, prepare it again with HackMii Installer, then try the backup again. It's no use. I waited for it to verify, then put it on my computer. There was no nand.bin on the SD Card. About 529 Megabytes were filling up the SD Card, though. It may be the SD Card, so I'm going to get another SD Card sometime.by gameboy13 - BootMii Beta
On the root of your SD Card, go to the Bootmii directory and open up the config file in notepad. Erase the Autoboot option, then save. put the card back in your Wii then try Bootmii agan.by gameboy13 - BootMii Beta
Quotedaniel_c_wI am sure, using the Gamecube ports would be alot easier. AND cheaper.by gameboy13 - Hardware
When I tried to back up my Wii's NAND, nand.bin doesn't appear on the card. The thing is, after the backup, about 560 Megabytes are filled up on the SD Card. There is nothing on the SD Card but the bootmii files. The card is an Ativa 2GB SD formatted as FAT with 64kb cluster sizes.by gameboy13 - BootMii Beta
Correction: on the back it could say, "Piracy = FAIL."by gameboy13 - Offtopic
@WaxyPumpkin72: This is what preloader does and Starfall doesn't do: (Taken from the Wiibrew page) QuoteIt's main feature is to directly boot the Homebrew Channel or a file you can install from a FAT device. Since preloader places itself before the system menu any problems that would cause the system menu to fail are not causing your whole wii to stop working. In other words: its liby gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
How could Banana Patcher harm your Wii though? If it modifies the Wii's RAM, how dangerous could it be?by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
What does the Banana Patcher actually do? I've read the Wiibrew page, but it doesn't give any details on what it does exactly. I know it patches the Wii Menu in a way like Preloader, But what does it do to your Wii?by gameboy13 - Homebrew Applications
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72 Quotedaniel_c_w Quotegameboy13QuoteWaxyPumpkin72Who is "you"? The general community, or someone specific? lol Sorry, I mean't the entire community.He was just messing with you :DErm, I actually wasn't. :P LOL.by gameboy13 - Offtopic
This happened to me too, and I'm on 4.1. Signcheck says the trucha bug is enabled on each IOS.by gameboy13 - Homebrew General
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72Who is "you"? The general community, or someone specific? lol Sorry, I mean't the entire community.by gameboy13 - Offtopic
Out of curiosity, do you own one? I don't.by gameboy13 - Offtopic
QuoteSifJarI dont like Gimp. I find it tricky to use. Paint.net is awesome, it just seems to freeze when I want to do this. Works fine at other times... Gimp is awesome! It's almost as good as Photoshop in my opinion.by gameboy13 - Offtopic