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Posted by SonicFan49 
Re: Wii64
August 17, 2008 05:24PM
Re: Wii64
August 17, 2008 06:17PM
Its on the svn but its worthless unless you know how to compile it and you want to just use an ngc controller cus the new libogc broke the classic controller controls
Didn't you fix the classic controller in your unofficial version? Will this new official version have fixed the bug that it had when you compiled it that almost broke my wii? I just want to make sure that this new version is going to be safe because last time someone said they were in the middle of implementing some stuff that could damage your wii.
Re: Wii64
August 17, 2008 07:30PM
All I want is a solid N64 emulator. I know that Mupen64 is very network extensive. However, I wouldn't mind if they got rid of the networking to bring us a good emulator. And then later updated Wii64 with networking capabilities.

Most of my friends can come to living room to revisit split-screen Goldeneye. So, if it speeds up the process, I wouldn't mind if networking is ommited from the initial release of Wii64. I'm really just looking for something that works like it did in the past.
Re: Wii64
August 17, 2008 08:35PM
especially since Goldeneye will probably never make it to the virtual console (http://www.vc-reviews.com/news/2008/08/goldeneye_locked_in_legal_limbo) otherwise I would have just bought it so I could have perfect game play.
Re: Wii64
August 17, 2008 08:48PM
Yeah, no chance of Perfect Dark either.

Splitscreen Mario Kart 64 was my other favorite.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2008 08:53PM by Arikado.
Re: Wii64
August 22, 2008 03:26AM
ive heard stuff about a new version with dvd support coming out, do you guys know when to expect that or if this update will speed up the emulator and fix graphical issues?
Re: Wii64
August 22, 2008 03:49PM
It's already out. Read this topic for more info.
Re: Wii64
August 22, 2008 09:01PM
did it fix any graphical errors or speed it up?
Re: Wii64
August 22, 2008 09:59PM
No, just added dvd support and broke classic controller support.
Re: Wii64
August 23, 2008 12:50AM
feh. Why not project 64?
Re: Wii64
August 23, 2008 12:58AM
ya project 64 is pretty awsome.
Re: Wii64
August 23, 2008 02:29AM
feh. Why not project 64?

Yes, PJ64 runs well, but apparently it is too specific to PCs to port it to the wii.
Re: Wii64
August 23, 2008 03:19AM
I hope somebody out there is working on this. I don't know much about making emulators. How does Nintendo themselves get the N64 games on the VC to run well? I hope that isn't to stupid a question, I really have no idea. I hope that the homebrew scene for the wii takes off.
Re: Wii64
August 30, 2008 10:08PM
They don't. Every VC game comes with a different emulator designed specifically to fit that game. This is increasingly evident in Starfox 64. When it was first released, the game went normal speed in areas where it would slow down on the N64. Nintendo later updated it to make it slow down the framerate in areas with excessive polygons. Also, if you inject Mario Party into a certain VC WAD, it goes 10x the normal framerate.

EDIT: Before any misunderstandings happen, I do NOT support piracy.

EDITEDIT: by piracy, I mean emulating oldschool games that have already been released on the VC.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2008 02:06AM by strongfan.
Re: Wii64
August 30, 2008 10:51PM
That explains why vc downloads are so large.
Re: Wii64
August 31, 2008 02:48AM
All I want is a solid N64 emulator. I know that Mupen64 is very network extensive. However, I wouldn't mind if they got rid of the networking to bring us a good emulator. And then later updated Wii64 with networking capabilities.

Most of my friends can come to living room to revisit split-screen Goldeneye. So, if it speeds up the process, I wouldn't mind if networking is ommited from the initial release of Wii64. I'm really just looking for something that works like it did in the past.
I'm certain that they will wait until a large amount of games are compatible until even thinking about network support. But merely leaving out the network code isn't going to magically make the core run faster.
You don't have to worry, they're not going to mess around with less important features and neglect making it run better.
Re: Wii64
August 31, 2008 03:03AM
I think he means to stop focusing on network play and try to make it faster first. It's called priorities.
Re: Wii64
August 31, 2008 10:56PM
Thats exactly what I meant!
Re: Wii64
September 05, 2008 05:15AM
I think he means to stop focusing on network play and try to make it faster first. It's called priorities.
Yes I know, that's why I wrote this part:
You don't have to worry, they're not going to mess around with less important features and neglect making it run better.
Re: Wii64
September 05, 2008 12:06PM
They don't. Every VC game comes with a different emulator designed specifically to fit that game. This is increasingly evident in Starfox 64. When it was first released, the game went normal speed in areas where it would slow down on the N64. Nintendo later updated it to make it slow down the framerate in areas with excessive polygons. Also, if you inject Mario Party into a certain VC WAD, it goes 10x the normal framerate.

They made it slow down.. what ever for??

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2008 08:52PM by cuber.
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