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Posted by SonicFan49 
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 04:17PM
any updates? no.......................poo
See DanielHueho's post just a little above yours for an updated version of Wii64.

Actually there is some newer revisions, I will try to upload it the soon as I can (unfortunately, I am at school right now =/)

Oh, DarkechoesX, you can view the source code on the Google Code page: [code.google.com]
You need a SVN client to download the source.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2009 04:19PM by DanielHueho.
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 05:22PM
Alright, thanks DanielHueho. And in the Source Code, what's the name for the speed and sound of the Wii64.
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 06:39PM
Oh there are more versions?? awesome! Please post them as soon as man, im willing to test what roms and emulators work!
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 08:10PM
Alright, thanks DanielHueho. And in the Source Code, what's the name for the speed and sound of the Wii64.

Please explain? What exactly should be "speed" and "sound"?

Oh there are more versions?? awesome! Please post them as soon as man, im willing to test what roms and emulators work!

Here we go, revision 473:
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 09:07PM
thanks alot man, you guys are awesome i wish i could help yall but i cant cause i dont know how to do all that, hey can you plz post future updates here? oh and how do i install it? i usually get the emulators from the homebrew browser i just click download and it automaticly install it. plz tell me i have some n64 i will give yall feed back on witch roms work and witch dont
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 09:19PM
i tested turok rage wars and i just got that black screen that says its running at 1 something and it freezez i cant do nothing after that, i have to unplugb the wii. i'll test some later and post them here, 1 cause the wii its on the living room and their watching t.v., 2 cause my internet for some reason is lagging right now
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 10:16PM
ok i tested

POKEMON STADIUM 2- and it plays kinda slow but not that slow i still was able to play it an
and for some reason it has no sound

MARIO PARTY 3- dosent work at all i get that black screen that says its running at 1 something and it freezez

TUROK RAGE WARS- samething as mario party 3

DONKEY KONG 64- Same thing as the last 2

DISNEYS TARZAN- WOrks BUt Kinda Slow And No Sound Whatsoever

I Got MOre Roms In my Laptop But My Friend Has It, I'll Get It From Him Later Today Or Tomorrow

If YOu GUys Want Me To Test Any Rom YOu Like Tell Me I'll Get It Tested And Tell You Ift Works.
Re: Wii64
February 13, 2009 10:31PM
Please try to avoid triple posting by editing your first post.

To me, this version feels kinda like the last version. Maybe just one fps faster, maybe not. I'll post more details later.
Re: Wii64
February 14, 2009 02:02AM
oh sorry i beraly register to this today
Re: Wii64
February 14, 2009 02:49AM
Alright, thanks DanielHueho. And in the Source Code, what's the name for the speed and sound of the Wii64.

Please explain? What exactly should be "speed" and "sound"?

Oh there are more versions?? awesome! Please post them as soon as man, im willing to test what roms and emulators work!

Here we go, revision 473:

I meant the Speed ( How to speed up the Wii64 ) sorry not the sound.
Re: Wii64
February 14, 2009 04:17AM
I meant the Speed ( How to speed up the Wii64 ) sorry not the sound.

It's not as simple as that, there are many things that go into making an emulator.
Re: Wii64
February 14, 2009 04:07PM
how do you make an emulator is it hard?
Re: Wii64
February 14, 2009 04:30PM
how do you make an emulator is it hard?
First you need to learn (actually, master) the C and/or C++ computer programming languages. Writing the actual emulator requires you to code a virtual enviroment that runs like you are actually running the console you're trying to emulate yourself. So for example, when you run an N64 rom, you must have the computer (Wii in this case) go through all of the N64's boot processes before you can tell it to run the rom. Once it is running the rom, you must have programmed the emulator to change each piece of N64 code into Wii code as the N64 code is called but before the Wii executes it. So, for example, if(N64_Button_A) in the rom gets turned into if(PAD_Button_A || WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A) on the Wii.

After thats done, your emulator must be working on a machine about ten times or more faster than the machine you're trying to emulate to achieve full speed emulation. In this case, the Wii is not quite fast enough, so the Wii64 team is building a solution called dynarec. Dynarec is a story for another day but basically it breaks roms down into code, translates the code into wii code, and then puts the rom back togather again all before the rom is actually run or the N64 boot processes are called. For the record, they're also building a version of dynarec for WiiSX.

Thats my understanding of how emulation works, please correct me if you are able to.

Edit: And I apologize if I'm not very clear, I've edited my post a couple times for clarity, but it still feels like a bit of a disjambled mess.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2009 04:34PM by Arikado.
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 12:33AM
wow its really hard, i wanted to make something that could play mugen on wii or .exe games. do you know if theres an emulator for the wii that play .exe games?
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 12:36AM
wow its really hard, i wanted to make something that could play mugen on wii or .exe games. do you know if theres an emulator for the wii that play .exe games?
No, that's probably not even possible...
And that is a bit off-topic...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2009 12:38AM by bg4545.
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 12:38AM
.exe is the windows format of executables. Maybe if we port Wine to Wii linux... Nah, it would be too hard and damn near impossible. The Wii is also not even close to powerful enough to run most .exes any way.
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 12:46AM
ah hm hey does the wii64 has no sound or its just my version? and how long do you think it will take untill they get it to run games at normal speed?
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 12:48AM
you can turn sound on...
and it should be a while for games to run full speed. I don't think the PSP even has full speed yet...
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 12:51AM
how do you turn the sound on? and how do you get the letters of the screen?
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2009 01:02AM
to take off the FPS and stuff, go to 'Dev Features' and disable them. For sound, on the main menu it says 'Toggle Audio (Currently Off)'. Turn it on
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