It would be helpful if you could express exactly what doesn't work. The code doesn't compile, you can't run it on your Wii, or is the site down? Please clarify, otherwise there might not be hope for you ;-).by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
I was told in another thread that ftpii uses nonblocking sockets, so that might be a source of more help if you still need iofthestorm - Coding
QuoteSinmanWouldn't I still have to include it in the Makefile with the list of other LIBS? If so, what's six in one hand versus half dozen in the other? Err, you would include it in the makefile but you wouldn't have to compile it along with the rest of the stuff. But I'm pretty much a C noob so maybe henke37 can clarify. It just seems like bad programming practice to haveby iofthestorm - Coding
Well, it's already been ported, but it's only available to licensed developers. I assume it uses the official SDK or something like that. I'm interested in a curiosity sort of way, since I don't actually use any .Net languages but it would be interesting to have more options for homebrew iofthestorm - Coding
I think the preferred way would be to compile GRRLib once and then stick it in your /libogc/lib directory, and the .h in your libogc/includes iofthestorm - Coding
I think the best thing to do would be to have some sort of counter, and have the sprites animate once every 3 frames or something like that. Also just having a counter before the computer player responds might work too. But it sounds like you don't want to do that. But I really think that would be preferrable to using iofthestorm - Coding
Oh really? I assumed it would be restricted to only string constants. Thanks, I will change that right away iofthestorm - Coding
Ports 1024 and below are reserved IIRC. That's probably why it wouldn't let iofthestorm - Coding
I don't know x86 asm unfortunately, only a little MIPS ;-). Cool, thanks for the info. I still don't quite understand how you compile to a .a file, but I'll probably look more into it later. Is a .a file the same as a .dol but not executable or something? And isn't compiling for the wii on your PC already cross compiling anyway?by iofthestorm - Coding
I'm sure you can do it, I just don't know how. But you could look in the list of GX functions or look at the source of other people's iofthestorm - Coding
Reading off the SD card is done with libfat. You will want to add -lfat to your libs in your makefile and then #include at the top. Then you can just do fatInitDefault() in the beginning of your program and then use files like you normally would in C. Eg, to open a file for reading you would do FILE *file = fopen("sd:/path/to/file", "r"). Read up on C file I/O for more information, and check theby iofthestorm - Coding
Yeah, that's what I just said, basically. I checked the official Phorum support forum and it didn't have the "kaka" on search pages so I don't know what's going on. It might just be a white hat hacker, who just wants to point something out. Or it might just be someone was messing with the templates and accidentally iofthestorm - Feedback & Support
Nice, are you the guy that made AmplituDS? Your youtube name looks very similar. That looks awesome, and I was really impressed with the DS version iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
Shouldn't OS X have a syslog daemon since it's UNIX based?by iofthestorm - Coding
Thanks very much TekWarrior for the modified wiiload. This will save me a lot of trouble, because reading text on the Wii's console output (on a CRT TV) is iofthestorm - Coding
Oh ok, didn't understand what it meant by const. I'm still working out pointers. And for the other one, I didn't realize that one was signed and one wasn't. I'll just make them both signed since they are filesizes, although that does mean I'll have to subtract off the header length at the end. Oh huh, didn't realize that C distinguishes between a string constby iofthestorm - Coding
Oh, okay. I really don't know what the problem is then because I just used the if_config() function which initializes the network automatically for you. It gives up after a set number of times, so maybe you just need to keep trying. You could try throwing that part in a while loop so that it keeps trying until you press a button or something, maybe it just takes more tries on your iofthestorm - Coding
Hi, I'm kind of new to C and completely new to Wii programming but I have a fair bit of experience with other languages and am very enthusiastic about learning. So, over the past two days I've made a program that will download a file you specify (see here) and experienced my fair share of code dumps and infinite loops. Fun times. Anyway, this is all in preparation of writing an RSS rby iofthestorm - Coding
Hi, I just noticed that on search pages there's a random text "kaka" right before the first opening html tag. Where did that come from? I hope it's not the mark of a hacker. For example,by iofthestorm - Feedback & Support
JW player is a flash video player, similar to what youtube iofthestorm - Offtopic
I'm using C, not C++. That might make a difference, since C++ is more strict than C. Oh, and you need to add libfat to your makefile, if you didn't already, but I assume you did or else you would have a compile error about fatInitDefault(). Also, are you running the latest devkitPPC? It compiles fine on my machine with the latest devkitPPC as of a few days ago, dunno if something was adby iofthestorm - Coding
Woah, I'm not writing a library (wouldn't know how - this is my first nontrivial C program) but I'll be sure to try and make it as general as possible. The HTTP header stuff goes in a struct so I think that should make it easy to access the header once I start storing all the header fields. Anyway, here's a nicer version of the above that downloads the file to temp.txt on theby iofthestorm - Coding
Umm, doesn't the Mario Kart package come with the wheel? I personally don't like it and use nunchuk (sp?) but my sister just uses the Wiimote on its side because putting it into the wheel is a huge hassle with the jackets and whatnot. Also, I would recommend getting Mario Kart over Brawl because Mario Kart doesn't suffer from huge lag problems like Brawl does. Actually though, I haby iofthestorm - Offtopic
Cool, that does have some very nice HTTP code. It doesn't explain how to use if_config though, and now I'm thinking it's best to use that to initialize, especially since shagkur recommended it. Mainly just to save on duplication of code. But I really like the WiiEarth code, especially the way it's commented and functions are named logically and everything. Very useful as a refby iofthestorm - Coding
Wow! I didn't even know what that did, although I did notice the similarity to ifconfig on Linux. I couldn't find any information about it in a quick Google search, as well as Google code search, and I don't think it's a standard socket function. Is there any place with documentation on libogc functions? The doxygen page was really out of data last I checked. Edit: So s3by iofthestorm - Coding
Sure, no problem. You should really check out all the links I included in my posts though, if you want to do something besides download the index of google and display it flying past on your screen in bare HTML glory you will need to understand everything. I tried to comment it as well as I could but I'll break it down some more later. By the way, if you try to run it you might want to choosby iofthestorm - Coding
Does the "format wii memory" option in the Wii settings not do that?by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Oh, ok. I was wondering what other fun hidden functions are in libogc, and was going to go read through the source. Actually, that might be a fun side project. It works fine, ftpii has been using it for a while I think and it worked in my program too. I'll pop into #wiidev and let him know I iofthestorm - Coding
Hi, So I'm working on a network using program, intending to make an RSS reader, and I was reading some tutorials and looking at example code from other apps. I looked at ftpii's source, and I notice that he used the function net_gethostip() to get the ip address of the Wii. Then I looked in network.h and it wasn't there, which confused me. Finally I searched on Google Code searchby iofthestorm - Coding
Ah, now that I know what that is it seems very useful. I'll be sure to use it when I get to a stage where I'm programming something with graphics. I agree that this could be something that would be useful to have built into iofthestorm - Coding