QuotestrongfanMac runs Flash 9, and Macs run on a PPC architecture. I see no reason that it wouldn't, other than OS dependency, of course. I've been waiting for a version of the Internet Channel that can download files FOREVER. Macs haven't been PPC based since 2005 or so though. Also, I've got finals currently but once they're over I've got a month to kill,by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
This is no big issue, if you noticed on the original beta 9 post they mentioned that Geexbox is one of the few homebrews that has a valid elf file, so just leave it as is and it will work fine. It breaks if you try to convert it to a dol. Oh sorry, missed the part in your post where you mentioned that you saw that. Have you tried deleting everything in the geexbox folder and reinstalling it? Iby iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
I was looking into this too as I want to make an RSS reader, and I was reading over Teknecal's netsend example over on the Homebrew Browser page. That might be enough for what you need.by iofthestorm - Coding
Have you tried last.fm? It's very similar to pandora.com.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
It has, a Japanese coder by the name of Yasu I think actually got DS homebrew running from the SD slot but he didn't release anything because he's afraid or piracy, or something like that from what I can gather. I think someone else will get there eventually and release the exploit, as tona said there are a lot of interested parties. Obviously all the DS flashcart makers have an interesby iofthestorm - Offtopic
Well I think if you follow that definition of piracy than running ROMs in an emulator is piracy. Even if you physically own the game, I think you have to dump it yourself for it to not be piracy. I don't think legal issues are the real problem with online enabled emulators...by iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
QuotewiiztecQuotestrongfanIt's a problem with libfat. All the latest emulators by that team have that problem. It happens when you frequently use save states. Solution: downgrade to the previous version. It works perfect, then. I would but I heard that 006 doesn't have autopatching I don't really know what autopatching is but a lot of my games say that their loading a patcby iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
Well, the enforceability of EULAs is debatable, so it might still be possible to sue them in court, but that doesn't help if your Wii is bricked. I still find it unlikely that Nintendo would do that, but then I don't think anyone expected them to go after homebrew for so long, and now every firmware update is just for closing some holes that homebrew uses.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
I'm guessing this doesn't work over WiFi though, which sort of tempered my enthusiasm. But hopefully someone will be able to reverse engineer the broadcom drivers for Wii Linux, although I realize it's going to be hard since the Wii is PPC and there probably aren't any PPC based computers with this wifi chipset.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Umm... learn to read changesets, lol. Nothing in the Wii code changed at all, so it's just placebo effect unless maybe you upgraded your compiler or something.by iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
If you want to play home movies, I would suggest just using a USB hard drive since it would probably be faster.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
These are fairly good: There's also this for libwiisprite: And this is for GRRlib: I'm in the same situation as you, going through tutorials to try to piece together some knowledge.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Actually, if you've got devkitPro set up there's a chance that it added msys to your path, in which case you can probably just run patch from a regular cmd.exe.by iofthestorm - Coding
Scorched earth is one of those games where you control a tank thing and set a power and an angle, and then try to shoot other people. Here's a helpful link: I'm looking into starting homebrew development, although I had some other plans but this looks interesting. I might pick this up once I've got a bit of experience.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Likely impossible for Wii, even on PC you need a fairly good PC to emulate Dreamcast, and the XBox is close in processing power to the Wii so it's pretty much impossible.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Err, of course when I'm actually working on something I'll rename it. I just wanted to get a working build system first. Sheesh. Also, I think if you use make as the command line and you've got msys in your path, you actually aren't even using nmake. I fired up the VS2008 command prompt and tried to use nmake to compile the examples but it didn't work. Anyway, thanks allby iofthestorm - Coding
Ah OK I got it to work. For anyone else having problems, if you've got other compilers in your system PATH that happen to also use make, you might have weird conflicts. Make sure you have the environment variables set up properly too. I happened to have WinAVR compilers which I don't actually use but which happened to add their own make to the PATH which superseded the msys make.by iofthestorm - Coding
I'm trying to get set up with Visual Studio 2008 and I used mattgentle's settings, and then I copied over the libogc template with its makefile into my new project, but the make can't find the Makefile. I've never used Visual Studio 2008 before (and my only experience with VS is VB6) but I've compiled stuff in Linux using make. Can someone give more explanation or some liby iofthestorm - Coding
If you already installed DVDx it should still work though, right?by iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
Also the DSi rejects DS flashcarts so it needs to be hacked anew, although videos of a purported hack have already hit youtube.by iofthestorm - Offtopic
Hi, I'm trying to get started with homebrew on the Wii and I've installed devkitpro. I'm going through examples and tutorials right now to get used to C++ because I've only done serious work (taken classes in) Java and Scheme. I was wondering what kind of IDE support devkitpro has, i.e. what can I use it with and how well does it work? I have access to Visual Studio 2008 Pro tby iofthestorm - Coding
QuoteMuzerApparently, it doesn't let you access the shop channel unless you have it :( Pretty lame, I just got a Wii points card to support WiiWare as a concept. I guess I'll have to wait on using the points until a workaround is found. Is this going to hamper BootMii? Or would BootMii provide a way to work around this? I'm guessing you guys will post something on hackmii once yby iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Cool thanks. The thing is I spend the weekdays at college away from my Wii so I can't always test on real hardware. Of course, I should probably be studying during the week anyway.by iofthestorm - Coding
Cool, thanks guys. I didn't realize the forum email doesn't work (or maybe i disabled the option or something) so I thought no one was replying to my thread. I've actually got a PIC16F690 with a PICKit 2 for playing around with, but haven't gotten around to doing anything with it besides making some LEDs flash. I think I'll look through that PIC tutorial and maybe start lby iofthestorm - Coding
QuoteDanielHuehoI know that the proper "emulation" is hard... But let's pick a PS2 and a Wii, for example. Both of them uses PowerPC-based processors. And just for training the imagination, let's guess the video chips of both console use some common specification, a really small similarity, like some OpenGL-based architeture (I believe is cheaper to improve something than creating fromby iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
Honestly, if he's asking that question I don't think he's in a position to code an emulator. General rule of thumb is usually 10x the speed for good emulation to work. If you look at JenesisDS, which is an amazing Genesis emulator on the DS, you'll see that it requires a lot of highly optimized assembly code, and that's with possibly more than 10x the speed (depending onby iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
Hi guys, I'm a freshman in college right now, going to the best university in the world (UC Berkeley ;)) and majoring in EECS. I was just curious about what kind of courses I would want to take if I wanted to be able to do the kinds of things you guys do with hacking and reverse engineering the Wii and other future consoles, or other devices in general. I'm probably going to have an emby iofthestorm - Coding
Already exists actually, see . I just saw it on DCemu a while back and remembered it when I saw this topic, no relation to whoever coded it.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Damn, these cheats work online? Hopefully people are decent enough not to use them online. Hacking killed Metroid Prime Hunters online, and snaking made MKDS less fun (although technically not cheating, it's pretty annoying) and Nintendo really needs to find a way to detect hacks during online play. Probably something that checks memory integrity would work, although I don't know how thby iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
Oh, so to see menus you need to use libdvdnav? I wasn't sure what that was for. I've had bad luck with some bootleg DVDs from Asia but that's most of the DVDs that I have access to. I don't actually watch any DVD movies myself.by iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications