Hi, So I'm finally on summer vacation now and want to get started with wii coding again. I want to do stuff with threads, and I found here that the "thread" subsystem stuff is actually lightweight processes, am I correct? Is this API based on anything, or is it from scratch for libogc? I'm familiar with pthreads and it looks sort of similar, but I'm not sure the thread queue stby iofthestorm - Coding
If you still want an example I have what I think is a pretty good and easy to understand example of HTTP code that uses no extra libraries. On an unrelated note, hopefully I'll be able to work on my projects after finals are over next week yay.by iofthestorm - Coding
Here's a simple example you could look at, I was planning on writing a web browser but I got too busy with schoolwork. I would also recommend looking at the WiiEarth or other fully functional applications' HTTP code to get a better picture of what is necessary, and also read up on HTTP GET syntax and status codes, maybe RFC 1945 or the one for HTTP 1.1 although you probably don't nby iofthestorm - Coding
I'm definitely interested in using it. Very cool.by iofthestorm - Coding
Yeah it's fine, I did the same because there was a game I wanted to buy. Upgraded to 4.0 without any issues.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
I remember asking on #wiidev if someone had done this and I think someone said that someone else had, but I'm not sure if they ever got it to a release worthy state. Thanks for putting this out there, this is awesome.by iofthestorm - Coding
If you just want a program to download files, that would not be too hard. I had written code over winter break to download a specified file but once school started up I got too busy to work any further. I might be able to work on a GUI over spring break and make it so that you can enter a URL and download that file, which should be useful. One problem is that I'm trying to do everything fromby iofthestorm - Coding
Can't you just stick an #IFNDEF #ENDIF around that variable? That would probably be the easier way to do it.by iofthestorm - Coding
I got the downloading code done, but then school started so I didn't start anything with rendering. If you want you can take a look at my code on github: . I just used direct socket access although there are some classes lying around that you can find that would simplify it.by iofthestorm - Coding
You could also just change the logical or to a binary or, since those are each just a bit in a certain position. Binary or is one pipe, |, i.e. (WPAD_GUITAR_HERO_3_BUTTON_STRUM_DOWN | WPAD_GUITAR_HERO_3_BUTTON_STRUM_UP )by iofthestorm - Coding
The general psuedocodeish way to do it would be to set a counter to 5000ms or whatever unit of time you can count by, and then in your game loop if (counter>0){ currentTime = getTimeNowSomehow() counter = counter - (currentTime - lastTime) lastTime = currentTime /*stuff that you want to handle, eg. input*/ }else{ /*normalish game code*/ } This might not be the best way to do it, butby iofthestorm - Coding
Installing the redist thing worked fine, and now I can run example programs perfectly. But of course now I'm stuck in the same situation as you; no Wiimote input. Have you tried asking on the Dolphin forums whether they plan to support a mouse emulating a Wiimote? That would be very useful and I'm actually kind of surprised that it doesn't work like that already.by iofthestorm - Coding
Meh, well my laptop has not so good graphics. But uh, I tried running Dolphin 2276 or whatever the latest SVN revision was, and it complained about a bunch of plugins such as DirectX9Video and Pad plugins etc, and then it refused to load. Was I supposed to download something else too?by iofthestorm - Coding
Cool. I'm actually trying to write a GUI toolkit sort of thing using GX so I should be able to test everything in Dolphin fairly easily. I just remember when I first tried writing homebrew and the same thing happened; couldn't even get the simple hello world program to run. One last question, do you know whether the 64 bit version is faster? I've seen that sometimes this is the casby iofthestorm - Coding
Ah, that's really cool, since I am without my Wii on weekdays at college. So GX functions work fine in Dolphin? Which version are you using? I may try it out myself, because the stuff I plan on working on right now involves GX and I hate not being able to do anything during the week because on weekends I'm too tired to do anything.by iofthestorm - Coding
You are running make in the same directory as the makefile right? Also, the file should be Makefile, with the M capitalized and no file extension. If not, you can always do make -f makefilename although it's easiest to just always use the name Makefile.by iofthestorm - Coding
SVG is XML, which is purely text, not just indecipherable hex values. But I don't think it's worth implementing in a homebrew web browser.by iofthestorm - Coding
Umm, I think the guy misspoke, or is just confused, because he started off talking about Warcraft 2: Orcs and Humans. He also mentioned the FOSS clone of WC2, Stratagus. Warcraft != World of Warcraft, a confusion that makes many Warcraft III players such as myself cringe. Porting Stratagus to the Wii would at least be several orders of magnitude easier than WoW, but still, as others have said, ifby iofthestorm - Offtopic
Can you provide an error message so we know what doesn't work?by iofthestorm - Coding
Of course I'll be using __LINE__ and __FILE__, but what is _break? Hadn't heard of it before.by iofthestorm - Coding
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'll probably whip up my own assert macro that doesn't exit, or something like that. It would be more useful than a code dump screen anyway.by iofthestorm - Coding
Quick question, since I'm away from my Wii. If I use assert (from assert.h) what exactly happens? Does it return to loader or will it give me a chance to see what the assertion failure was? And if it was a non-console application, would it output anything anyway? Can you initialize the console and still have a graphical (eg. GX) application? I guess I could probably define my own assert macrby iofthestorm - Coding
SVG is still text though, it's XML.by iofthestorm - Coding
I'd like to point out that writing itoa is fairly trivial, or you can use the K&R version linked from wikipedia.by iofthestorm - Coding
Well, the gcube emulator doesn't support any Wii hardware features, so you're out of luck for testing the SD stuff on it. As for the debugger, I don't know about that.by iofthestorm - Coding
QuoteWikipediaSyslog messages can be sent via UDP and/or TCP.by iofthestorm - Coding
Haha, as I said I'm not focusing on rendering most likely and it's extremely unlikely that I would be able to port flash. I'm not that leet, at least not yet anyway ;-). Now that I'm away from my Wii, I'll be making mockups in C++ with SDL or something during the week. That is if school doesn't crush me.by iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Wow, that's really impressive. I haven't done anything in 3D either and I don't think I would be able to do something so impressive looking on my first try. Nice job.by iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
I am working on one, but it will take me several months. Don't expect anything moderately useful before summer ;-). But I'm hoping all the intermediary parts of this project will be helpful to the Wii homebrew community, and an edifying process for myself. Right now I've got downloading a file working, and my next area of attack is a graphical windowing system, which I hope to makeby iofthestorm - Homebrew General
Even easier, just send an email to your Wii and never read it. There, your light will always be on!by iofthestorm - Homebrew General