It would have to be something that the launcher does when a program starts up, and the linker would have to be modified to put in placeholders instead of actual memory locations when linking a program. It's "doable" from a theoretical standpoint, but I think it would depend largely on the members of Team Twiizers, and they're busy enough as iofthestorm - Coding
I think possibly my sample might help you. My project is pretty much dead in the water but at least that code should be a good example for how to use some of the libogc network iofthestorm - Coding
Either you're talking about dynamically linked libraries, which I don't think are possible on the Wii currently since there is no OS running during homebrew and I don't think the Homebrew Channel or any other launcher has a dynamic linker built in (although it would be a neat surprise), or you just want to make your own statically linked library, which is definitely possible, but Iby iofthestorm - Coding
Oh cool, I was planning on working on a homebrew web browser but I got caught up in other projects. I'd just like to point out that a good starting point/example would be Bunjalloo, a DS homebrew web browser, since it's also working from a close-to-the-metal standpoint and with a homebrew SDK rather than any official SDK with an OS behind it. If you guys need help I *might* be able to pby iofthestorm - Ideas, requests
Huh. I'm not sure what set that variable, but it worked. How'd you find that out? Well, to be precise, I had to delete the variable in control panel. unset didn't seem to iofthestorm - Coding
Well, both of my machines are Vista machines, so I'm not sure whether it makes a difference, but yes. Have you experienced this problem also?by iofthestorm - Coding
Speewave, do you get this error when you try to compile libogc? Quotemake make[1]: *** No rule to make target `console.o', needed by `/wii/libogc.a'. Stop. I've been getting this error on my laptop when I try to build libogc, but the exact same thing from SVN builds fine on my desktop and I've been wasting hours trying to figure out why, since it's a lot more convenby iofthestorm - Coding
Just go into the directory in a command prompt, and then use make and then make install to build and install the SVN iofthestorm - Coding
Oh nice, you got a USB Gecko. So gdb can't set a breakpoint while the program is looping to stop the loop? I guess that makes sense, although I would hope that the scheduler would preempt the main thread every now and then to check the debugging thread, or however it iofthestorm - Coding
Hmm, I seem to have problems with using wifi while debugging, although maybe that's not quite the problem. I also installed Zylin per PhoenixTank's guide, but I'm not sure what advantage it has. Oh, by the way, does debugging over wifi do anything for you when you hit a code dump? I was under the impression that if you were connected via USBGecko you would get more information,by iofthestorm - Coding
Huh, I am an idiot. Apparently I hadn't rebuilt my dol after adding the debug stuff, so I just had a basic hello world file that wouldn't respond to gdb at all. After rebulding it works fine, and I can use the eclipse debugger. Awesome! Apparently there are two threads by default? That's iofthestorm - Coding
I don't know all the details, but I think this link might help you learn how libraries are compiled in general. Basically, libraries are just packages of object (.o) files. I think you could start by trying to compile the library with powerpc-gekko-gcc instead of gcc and see if it works, although there's a good chance that it won't. You could try using the devkitpro template maby iofthestorm - Coding
I love it when people go "Why hasn't anyone tried to port X to the Wii?" Usually, the answer is because most of these programs don't run in a void, but they depend on the operating system to do a lot of things for them. Any porting effort would likely end up rewriting large ports of an OS, which would not be fun. Porting isn't some magic process where you just give the right compilby iofthestorm - Ideas, requests
Hmm, it seems like as I was trying to duplicate the wifi patch on my laptop, the libogc SVN fell into a state where it no longer builds for me. In addition, the elf that I was able to compile before with the wifi debugging patch didn't seem to work. Could you let me know which revision from SVN you were able to apply the patch to? The latest ones don't seem to be working. Actually, Iby iofthestorm - Coding
Here's an example, apparently the site disappeared but the Google cache is still there: [] This might be handy too:by iofthestorm - Coding
QuotePhoenixTank Scratch that... run: $(BUILD) wiiload $(TARGET).dol Seems to work correctly. Is that what you intended? Yeah, that's what I intended I guess. It's not really going to be noticeably faster, just I feel that it's a more "correct" way to do things, since dependencies are the essence of makefiles more or less. QuotePhoenixTank The idea was to have the genericby iofthestorm - Coding
OK, I'm going through it right now. One thing I just noticed is that you have one thing that could be done a little bit better in the makefile part. You mentioned that it's a good idea to add the command make before using wiiload, which is sensible but slightly inefficient. If you just add a dependency to the run target, like the following: run: $(OUTPUT).dol wiiload $(TARGET).doby iofthestorm - Coding
Awesome, I will be sure to go through with it tomorrow. Thanks especially for the instructions on wifi debugging setup, it probably would have taken me a while to figure out as I'm sure it took you some time. I just made a short addition; for editing the PATH variable, I've found a program recently that splits it up into separate entries for you. I hope you don't mind. Thanks aby iofthestorm - Coding
Umm, not sure why this was a reply to this post, but I can't quite help you. In any case, I've made a separate branch for my HTTP sample code on github, and added a few #ifdefs so that it will actually work on other people's Wiis. Pokeglobe, let me know if that works for you, it probably should but if not maybe libogc changed since the last time I ran code on my Wii. Hey, I guesby iofthestorm - Coding
I think the SD card needs to be a bit bigger than 512MB to do a full NAND backup. I read somewhere that a backup is about iofthestorm - BootMii Beta
Hi! I see you found my code somehow. Does even the example URL work? I haven't touched that code in months, so I can't really help too much right now, but I definitely remember that I could change the URL as I wished and it would still work and download the file. Does other homebrew work with internet and SD access? Edit: You might want to remove all references to the syslog thing asby iofthestorm - Coding
Hi, I just got VBA-GX set up with SMB and it's pretty awesome right now. One question I had though, was whether the save files are architecture dependent - i.e., can I use save files from my PC on my Wii? I tried loading a save state from my PC and that didn't work, but I didn't have an SRAM save to test with. I can see why save states might be more likely to not work than the Sby iofthestorm - Homebrew Applications
See the FAQ, and search for "My WiiMote froze up in the installer and I can't continue!" on the page. I think that should be the issue that you guys are iofthestorm - BootMii Beta
That solution makes sense; however, I'm just wondering in that case what the option in the Wii system menu to format your Wii really does, because supposedly doing that will still keep your download rights. Does it possibly keep the tickets, or is it just that the Shop Channel remembers the associated Nintendo account and gets the downloaded title information from the Nintendo iofthestorm - BootMii Beta
If you look in the bootmii.ini file, the options are already there but just commented out. Just uncomment the option for autoboot and then set the delay to whatever you want, it works great! I was waiting for something like this to install BootMii since I don't usually want to find a gamecube controller just to get to the Wii menu. One thing I noticed is that the little dots for the countdowby iofthestorm - BootMii Beta
By the way, this is only tangentially related, but I see it in every thread so I figured I'd point it out. You can replace the < and > in your import statements with < and > which are the html entities for < and >, and it should show up properly. I'm not sure why the forum software doesn't automatically do an html entities encode so as to not lose the bracby iofthestorm - Coding
Is this a common problem with installing the new HBC over an older version? I've got HBC 1.0.1 and System Menu 4.0 and I was planning on installing BootMii sometime soon, hoping to avoid any issues. I waited until beta 2 precisely to avoid issues like this, so is this still something I need to worry about, or was it just because of updating the System Menu after installing BootMii? Right nowby iofthestorm - BootMii Beta
Umm, I don't know much about PPC ASM specifically or what you're trying to accomplish, but with MIPS ASM you define a label by simply following a symbol with a semicolon, eg. _start:. I think although MIPS and PPC differ, at least some parts are similar since they are both RISC architectures. If you're writing assembly, then you would stick that in some place in your assembly fileby iofthestorm - Coding
That would be awesome, anxiously awaiting your guide iofthestorm - Coding
Are you using the patches from here? I would love to use eclipse for Wii development, although currently it's a tossup between eclipse, emacs/CEDET and notepad++. The main problem I felt was that eclipse feels too clunky for C and it doesn't seem to do autocompletion properly. Any tips on setting up eclipse?by iofthestorm - Coding