QuoteMahirosorry for the duoble post, i figured out the save issue, but when i load my save game, i have all my progress, and money, but i start off at the beginning, is that supposed to be happening? Yes. This is how different versions of OoT work.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
No, because other Wiis do not have the encryption key that the Korean Wiis do.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
QuoteDekuLinkHow do I know what to download? I installed homebrew a long time ago (3.x I'm sure). If I install the 4.3 System Menu, will it mess with my current homebrew installation? Will I have to install homebrew again? I know that the only way to install homebrew on 4.3 systems is through the message board, which (because I can only use maintenance mode to get to the system menu) I woby metroid_maniac - FixMii
Quotebg4545You must press all for D-Pad directions at once when powering on the Wii. It may be difficult to do this; the controller may need to be disassembled in order to press all D-Pad directions.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
Are they some sort of archive?by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
You should try using something other than Startpatch. Priiloader supersedes it in most ways.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
It is illegal to distribute IOSs, you must download them yourself from Nintendo's servers with NUS Downloader or on your Wii with DOP-Mii.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
USB Loaders are not supported on this forum, read the rules.by metroid_maniac - The Junkyard
QuotejoshuadubyaAwesome! I really appreciate the quick reply You might find it to be a good idea to do a NAND backup from Bootmii now. This will backup the contents of your Wii in case it gets damaged.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
You can delete boot.elf (That's the Hackmii installer) installer.log (Exactly what it says on the tin) and private (That's the Letterbomb exploit)by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
It's not going to be possible without running some sort of program from the SD card with Letterbomb or a similar exploit.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
QuotebassimHI ihave bricked my wii last nighte by uninstalling ioss and when i re boot it a black screen ok ihave bootmii installed and a backup of the nand and no preloder What do you have Bootmii installed as? Boot2? IOS? Both? Make your own thread.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
If the folder Snes9xGX is looking for doesn't exist, then it might not save into it. In the Snes9xGX Saving and Loading settings, you can tell it where to look for files. Arrange the folder structure on your SD card however you like and then inform Snes9xGX through its settings.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
There's your problem. There is a hardware failure. Unless you can fix it yourself, your only option is to send it to Nintendo.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
Try to avoid double posting by editing instead.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
It may be a hardware failure. Does pressing the power button on the Wii Remote turn on the Wii?by metroid_maniac - FixMii
So you installed a stub IOS60. -.- Your wii's not going to work without a NAND flasher. This will only work if you have your Wii's console-specific keys.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
The directory that contains your save files should be SD:/snes9xGX/saves. I assume you are talking about normal in-game saving and not the save-state function. If so: Go into snes9xGX's Saving and Loading settings and check to see if auto-load and auto-save are on for SRAM.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
QuoteHmbrwmanI bricked my wii like 2 weeks ago The first step would be to tell us how.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
I'm trying to find a way to unlock the Echo Visor in Metroid Prime 2 at the beginning of the game. So far I've considered trying to find an Ocarina code to unlock the item or manually editing the save file. Either solution is good. Finding the Ocarina code, I have no idea how to go about. I'm assuming I'd need to look at the memory in some way, and given I've not gotby metroid_maniac - Cheat Codes
QuotekeybounceThank you for that. Meanwhile, the basic issue for me is simple: I am trying to run ROMS off a DVD. It sounds like the only choices are SD card or USB. Is there a version of Wii64 that can work with the modern DVD access system? If not, is there a way I can install the older version that Wii64 wants? If you unearth a copy of the Hackmii Installer 0.6, you might be able toby metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
A NAND flasher is a hardware tool that is able to manually read and write to the NAND chip inside the Wii.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
Savemiifrii will not work if it simply blackscreens on boot. The Wii's hardware keys are encryption keys required to create a working firmware for your wii. They are console-specific, so they must be obtained from Bootmii. If it is a software error, you will need a hardware NAND flasher to check your Boot1 version (to see if the Wii is old enough to install Bootmii) and actually install Boby metroid_maniac - FixMii
QuoteSifJarQuotemetroid_maniacIf you do not have the nand keys, I do not think you can flash anything to the nand chip to fix it.It depends if the Wii is old enough to allow BootMii/boot2 installation. If it is, this can be done using a hardware NAND flasher, then it can be used to extract the keys, which can then be used to create a clean NAND to flash. If it's too new for that, nothing canby metroid_maniac - FixMii
If you do not have the nand keys, I do not think you can flash anything to the nand chip to fix it.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
How is it bricked? What happens when you turn it on?by metroid_maniac - FixMii
Bootmii needs certain files on the SD card in order to run. You can generate these files again by running the Hackmii Installer and choosing "Prepare SD Card". Also, remove that link. That site contains instructions on how to use backup loaders and we do not support them on this forum.by metroid_maniac - BootMii Beta
We will help you if you do not double post hollow nonsense. Can you turn your Wii on using the Wii Remote?by metroid_maniac - FixMii
You can move the file to your computer if you want. The NAND backup is just that, a safe backup of the Wiis state that you can restore to if something damages the software on the Wii.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
It should work.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started