well duh! you changed your region and screwed everything up! You do realize that channels are REGION LOCKED, right? Change back to 3.2U!by strongfan - Homebrew General
this "loader" better not be what I think it is.by strongfan - The Junkyard
*sigh* My favorite place to go to get ROMs(that I already own anyway) is They have a large collection and no forced voting.by strongfan - The Junkyard
I wouldn't try doing that.by strongfan - Software
hmm... my Wii said "system files are corrupted" when I rebooted one time, but was fine after reboot too! Strange...by strongfan - Homebrew Applications
Quotearsononewhere can i get this? nevermind...I contacted comex and am waiting for a reply. It's in the topic official topic.by strongfan - Homebrew Applications
Redownload it and try again. It could be a corrupted file.by strongfan - Homebrew Applications
Any game with an update should work.by strongfan - Homebrew General
It WOULD be theoretically possible, but you'd need to modify the System Menu; something that most definitely WILL brick your Wii.by strongfan - Offtopic
Oh. I thought that the game in question was a Wii game XD. In this case, google is your friend.by strongfan - Offtopic
Shouldn't have used a modchip.by strongfan - FixMii
step one: open up your gamecube controller step two: remove the peg in the center of the d-pad step three: put controller back together step four: insert controller into slot four step five: while booting, hold down all d-pad buttons step six: insert a newer game that has an update included(EG Mario Galaxy) That should solve your problem! If you don't want to open up your Gamecube Cby strongfan - Homebrew General
Hmm... my sugguestion would be to find someone with C++ programming knowledge. To the game when your done, you're going to need to Trucha sign the game. Go to GBATemp with that.by strongfan - Offtopic
QuoteamarallaDanielHueho your a bit of a twat aint ya who mentioned anything about piracy so why dont you get of your high horse and do something better with your time rather than writing crappy songs like that First off, I posted that song originally. Second, nobody on this forum wrote this song; it's from a Youtube video. Third: Look at your "L" key. Under it, there should be a "peby strongfan - The Junkyard
From stories I've heard, Nintendo never actually turns on the Wii, so sending it in to be cleaned *should* be fine. Just make sure you DON'T have a modchip as they WILL see that.by strongfan - Homebrew General
EDIT: Similanious Post!by strongfan - Feedback & Support
Perhaps the disks are extremely scratched somehow?by strongfan - Homebrew General
The guys making Gecko OS claim they know how to make Ocarina work for Gamecube and that we can expect it soon. Also, Ocarina is an abandoned project. Or rather, it's been merged with Gecko OS.by strongfan - Homebrew Applications
Well, the homebrew channel can skip it when it goes back to the menu, so you'd think it would be possible to do that. Now if only team twiizers released the sourcecode...by strongfan - Homebrew General
hmm... I can't seem to find that menu option...by strongfan - Homebrew General
Which programs?by strongfan - Homebrew General
QuoteDrLuckynah... the "custom songs" thing isn't actually "real" songs.. they are songs that you can write and chart and then play... to play REAL custom guitar hero, check out scorehero.com... the only think is that you have to modify the game ISO and then have a way to play the modded and burnt game. I'm asking how you play the songs that you wrote/charted.by strongfan - Offtopic
Try redownloading AnyRegionChanger. That might solve the first one. As for the second one, you probably chose the wrong region.by strongfan - Homebrew General
no USB Gecko?by strongfan - Homebrew General
Okay, so I just got Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for Christmas, but I can't seem to find out how you add custom songs :-(. Can you do that on Aerosmith? Also, I've always be wondering: what update does Super Smash Brothers Brawl contain? I've downgraded to System Menu 3.2 and Brawl wants me to update(how surprising). I've been skipping the update with Gecko OS, but it just nowby strongfan - Offtopic
QuoteArikadoI actually prefer Gecko OS. Rebooting your wii with hooks provides the same effects as starfalls update skipper in that you can launch games from the system menu without worrying about updates. The hooks stay attached until the wii is unplugged. So the wii can be turned off (I've done this) just not unplugged. And I rarely ever unplug my Wii. Also, Gecko OS works on multiple systby strongfan - Homebrew General
And you can use AnyRegionChanger to downgrade to 3.2! Just don't actually change the region; doing so will brick you.by strongfan - Homebrew Applications
huh? WiiRD was made BEFORE ocarina and requires a USB gecko.by strongfan - Homebrew Applications