gecko os is better I think, it is still being worked but ocarina isn't, and ocarina has compatability issuesby metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
what's Alameda? HBC banner tools? oh and dr lucky, ya know if nintendo gives us stuff for free we may as well take advantage :-)by metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
I have heard that there is a legal wad that doesn't use nintendo's apploader, called BBC.wad. if anyone has a copy please would they post a download link. I want to start making and distriguting legal wads of homebrew apps. (I know a lot of people want a wii linux.wad) after bootmii is released it will be safer to install wads so a lot of people would like apps in that form. is somebodyby metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
so system menu detects GC game and loads BC BC changes clock speed and loads boot2 boot2 detects clock speed and loads MIOS MIOS loads gc gameby metroid_maniac - Software
GUIDE FOR INSTALLING TWILIGHT HACK AND HOMEBREW CHANNEL: 1. turn on your wii, and select the wii icon in the bottom left corner. go into wii settings and take note of the number in ther top right corner 2. go to the Homebrew Channel website and download twilight hack beta 1 if your number is 3.3 or below, beta 2 if it is 3.4. put the private folder in your sd card. 3. next, download the homeby metroid_maniac - Getting Started
I believe that as ios30 does't have korean key, it freezes when trying to load korean channels. I dont think a savemii will help as there is no korean key. however if you changed the region settings at the top too then you install a drivechip and try and run anytitledeleter to delete the korean channels in system channels folder with savemii. if that doesn't work after you've deletby metroid_maniac - FixMii
I wasn't saying bootmii was out, I was just saying he (or she) needed metroid_maniac - FixMii
DON'T UPDATE THROUGH NINTENDO, EITHER THROUGH GAME DISCS OR INTERNET. it blocks some homebrewby metroid_maniac - Getting Started
I'm in UK and bro uses the CC it for mario kart (only 2 wiimotes) so that wont help either. i'll take some pictures if it metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
I have a similar problem with the datel retro wireless controller. it has a power button under the home button, a red led to show connection under that and a sync button on the back.i can use it to play like the official one but the homebrew channel doesn't recoginise it. the red led stays on on the homebrew apps and HBC. can someone fix this?by metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
are those the ones from 3.3? will you guys be making an app using bootmii to specifically downgrade BC? (not anything else so it wont help piracy) I love my gamecube games :-) also, is gamecube mode under ios? what starlet code runs?by metroid_maniac - Software
probably your metroid_maniac - The Junkyard
sorry, your gonna need bootmii. and a NAND programmer. so you'll need to open up your metroid_maniac - FixMii
I have read on hackmii that BC is very similar to boot1, and thus probably loads boot2.what does it do and (as bootmii is a boot2 patch) is it affected by bootmii?by metroid_maniac - Software
games wont work if you have an RF modchip. once you've installed 3.2u use starfall to get them working againby metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
does savemii update from standard games? I just thought it accepted autoboot (0xxx or 1xxx) discsby metroid_maniac - Software