Quotefreegame36its easy...just search google for the channel you want....i found all my channels like that....all you have to do is put it on sd card in proper folder and load it...worked out great for me and i didnt have to worry about bricking my wii....just a thought I'll bet you 3/4th of those channels are illigal in some way. (banner, nandloader, etc.) It is much safer to create yourby hunterm - Getting Started
is it just the dol priiloader standalone, or the installer?by hunterm - Testing Corner
Just use DOP-Mii to install a IOS36 with FakeSign (a.k.a. Trucha Bug, it allows fake signed things, which would be the channels you want to make), use that IOS with the CustomizeMii installer, and then it will be on the Wii Menu. (Get priiloader or BootMii before, kthx.) Just thought sand should get the info he asked for. >.>by hunterm - Getting Started
Testing right now... all my Miis showed up just perfect! :Dby hunterm - Testing Corner
QuoteArikadoNo problem! Sorry it took so long to finish, development was (surprisingly) quite a bit of coding hell. What made it so hard? It seemed like you could have used the IOS selector in DOP-Mii for SGM Mod...by hunterm - Homebrew Applications
Well, BootMii/boot2 is the only one that can restore a NAND backup period. If BootMii/IOS attempted to restore it, it would overwrite itself in the process, which is very dangerous or it could do worse and leave it in a brick/crap state. If you can't install as BootMii/boot2, then that means that you have a newer Wii with boot2v4, making it impossible to install. If you need to use bricby hunterm - BootMii Beta
I want to do it so I can run my custom channels made with CustomizeMii from the SD Card Menu.by hunterm - Getting Started
Would it be safe to use DOP-IOS Mod to trucha bug restore my System Menu 4.2's IOS70?by hunterm - Getting Started
Quoteneeno77wont this stop my homebrew from working? from what ive been reading the twighlight hack cant take 4.0 or above. so it looks like im going to have to take my hbc and hacks off it and go again using bannerbomb It won't keep it from working, yes twilight hack won't work, but just update HBC to 1.0.6 and you won't need to reinstall it.by hunterm - Getting Started
1. Turn on wii. 2. Press A. 2. Click Wii Icon. 3. Press Wii Settings. 4. Press + 2 times. 5. Press Wii System Update. 6. Press Ok/Yes. Too Hard?by hunterm - Getting Started
Try using AnyRegionChanger to change it back to USA maybe?by hunterm - FixMii
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72This isn't such a good idea at all... Why?by hunterm - The Junkyard
Because I feel like posting random stuff on these forums, and I know I can't, I thought this would be a good way to organize that. So just post random things that you felt like saying, and this will be less crap in this section. I hope this can be an exception to your new thing with Offtopic section Arikado...by hunterm - The Junkyard
If that is the case, it is probably since the Wii's internal fan is very small and weak, so you need to do one of these: 1. Replace the fan with a more powerful one. 2. Find a way to send more power to the fan. 3. Get more fans into the Wii. 4. Let your Wii burn into a blazing fire, killing your Wii and destroying your happyness. :-( 5. ???? 6. PROFIT! :Pby hunterm - Offtopic
Well, maybe you have hot air around the fan blowing towards the wii, it would just blow that hot air too the console: making it heat up faster.by hunterm - Offtopic
I'm wondering how much memory it would take up....by hunterm - Offtopic
Eh, I might as well make my mark on the scene. I can help with story, and graphics.by hunterm - Ideas, requests
QuoteArikadoMPlayer CE? Arikado is right, but you probably need to setup a smb server.by hunterm - Getting Started
Quoteasegura074Same here i did the Nand Formater and the same results also i went to xbins server and downloaded all the ios from there installed trucha bug and cios 249 and try to run any region changer and is giving me the same resul always in europe and Pal region settings it said error -102 epic fail, ugh. if you don't know what anyregion will do, DO NOT USE IT. Just do what Arikado saidby hunterm - FixMii
If you just need a server, search on the wiki, for ftpii, Wiihttpd, or Wii Web Server.by hunterm - Wii Linux
QuoteTakeshi55The reason why I want to downgrade my wii is because I want to use Codes on my Wii channels. I have version 4.2E You don't need to downgrade to use Ocarina on the Channels...by hunterm - Homebrew Applications
1. MINI version will only work with bootmii, use the IOS version. 2. Use the swap file on a USB device, SD cards use flash, and if you use a swap on SD, it could mess up the SD, because flash storage has it where after a certain number of I/O, it will eventually fail/corrupt. :]by hunterm - Wii Linux
Now i feel like posting a picture saying Don't feed the trolls... :Pby hunterm - Old Announcements
QuoteFeeley39Hahah they are trolls? harsh,,,,dont you think? Not harsh at all. They are uber-st00pid.by hunterm - Old Announcements
a good open-src base for a flash player would probably be swfdec, better compatibility.by hunterm - Ideas, requests
Quotecactusjack901QuotehuntermYou could possiably get a small version of X ported to Wii, make a custom made version of Firefox, or some other Linux web browser, and just edit the net and wifi workings. Ahh, but with X comes a WM, and then we'd have to port a WM as well, but before that we'd have to decide on a WM to port. Figuring out which one is the tricky part, due to hardware limby hunterm - Ideas, requests
Go to www.bootmii.org and click download. p.s. This guy sounds like so much of a n00b that I wonder how he even learned how to use AnyRegionChanger. -_-by hunterm - FixMii
QuotemarieresearchHaha. Well, you guys just basically wrote up my presentation for me, so I appreciate it! I think it's going to go well—I’ll let ya know. I think I can confidently and clearly discuss on the topic now. I barely knew anything before coming to this discussion board, so anything is an improvement. I’ll be back if I have any more questions. Who knows, maybe I'by hunterm - Ideas, requests
Quotechrisprintf("\x1b[2J"); Now I feel utterly stupid. :| Thanks!by hunterm - Coding