does it run at full speed.. (i just wanna play banjo kazooie, and those big games from Rareware ;) -thanksby kydo - Homebrew Applications
your not supposed to delete it off your wii. start a new file. then after saving in that filse of ac-cf then go back to the hbc and use the save kydo - Getting Started
sounds like a waste of time to me >.>by kydo - The Junkyard
after i got brawl my wii started making loud noises! i got mine a few months after it came out is mine at risk?by kydo - Homebrew General
i do. if you wanna edit your town .. then you'll need alot of intel. you'll need to download save game extractor and save game installer. i dont feel like telling you the rest untill i know what you wantby kydo - Getting Started
the problem is when i tried to use it on the hbc it said error. and then went back to the hbc. so i dunno if i did somthing wrong. i am using a us wii running on v4.0 wii system kydo - Homebrew Applications
um i am trying to use the startpatch app. and when i downloaded it, the winrar file cam with this folder--> StartPatch-v4.0.4_MOD and another folder called - StartPatch wich had a bunch of different stuff in it such as a .elf and .dol file. i put the folder named StartPatch on the root of my sd card. and the folder StartPatch-v4.0.4_MOD with the boot.dol in the apps kydo - Homebrew Applications
so say i wanted to get a japanese wiiware game. could i turn it into a wad using this program and then put it on my wii? (i have used wad manager several times) (and i got a japanease vc game but cant get the wiiware one to work)by kydo - Homebrew Applications
but can u install them on your wii? or do you need the ticket for that ? how does it work? and has anyone tried it out? -thanks by the kydo - Homebrew Applications
is it worth using and i dont get what its kydo - Homebrew Applications
why is it called banana?! it has nothing to do with a banana. so is it somethuing to look into or a waste of soft ware?by kydo - Homebrew Applications
yeah but thats so unconvenientby kydo - Homebrew Applications
okay i got crash warped to work with a few graphical bugs that need some fixxing. that one was in a bin file. then i got spyro year of the dragon in a .img file and that one code dumps. thus psx beta 1 cannot play .img is there some way to convert .img -> kydo - Homebrew Applications
thanks everyone. i am gunna try and figure this out kydo - Homebrew Applications
the controlls are , well ...different.. but great job. its a fun game pretty hard. i keep dieing. >.<by kydo - Homebrew Applications
it extracted them but near the end of the extraction an error came up and say .img file is currupted. the other to bios files are fine. ugh is there somewhere where i can get not currupted files?by kydo - Homebrew Applications
wow. you need help dontcha. tell me what your question is and what you know. did you get to the screen to install boot mii. also have you installed any wads, or changed your regeon ect?by kydo - Getting Started
new problem. okay so i have my files in a winrar archeve and when i tried to extract them to my sd card and stuff it said they are currupt. so am i screwd or what? i dont know what todo. do i need to find a not currupt one ? couse this has happend before when we tried to extract simular files at my friends house. the cue. & ccu files work fine but the .img file is currupt according to winby kydo - Homebrew Applications
okay i got lost, the file i downloaded didnt come with a bin. file just an img, cue, & ccd. do i extract all into the psxios file on the root of my sd card? i already have the SCPH1001.BIN in there. ???by kydo - Homebrew Applications
um i tried that link someone posted downloaded the thing.. and it doesnt work.. am i supposed to extract the .img or open it? when i opened it it said the file is broken?! i cant figure out how to use this emulator and the fact that there are tules about emulation/roms makes the users even more confused!? can someone help me please. and i dont understand alot of the stuff some of you kydo - Homebrew Applications
okay i just got crash bandicoot and it came with these files. file- ccd file- cue file- img what do i do with these files and where do i put them?by kydo - Homebrew Applications
what are bios files? and do i need 3 seperate folders in the ios's file? or do i have all the nessisary files?by kydo - Homebrew Applications
heres what i have on my sd card. i have the psx-beta1.dol in my apps folder and i have my psxiosfolder on the root of my sd card. so what do i do to get a .bin ps1 game? i dont know what the next step is.?by kydo - Homebrew Applications
okay so how does this work couse i am confused. so do i download the new beta version? i understand what todo with the game iso's... but i dont understand where i put them? and can i have more than one game on there at one time? i need some kydo - Homebrew Applications
i dont even understand how to run ps1 games on an emu. are they in rom form or iso's?by kydo - Homebrew Applications
heard that he isnt. but thats probley just a rumorby kydo - Homebrew Applications
is there one at all? is the wii capible of one? are our sd cards large enough for one?by kydo - Offtopic