The wii alone is going to the ages, look at all the new game systems out, wiiU, playastation, xbox. There is not much of a need to keep updateing and changes on the wii, before long it will be like the other long lost game systems, dirtrider73068 - Homebrew Applications
Well I also have older white wii and I can not run bootmii as boot2 only as IOS, I don't know how old of a wii you would need but once you go to install using the hacmii installer it will tell you if it will install as boot2 or IOS, I don't mess with bootmii since i don't know anything about it. Riivolution I can't tell you about I don't use it, the emulators are fineby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
If you follow the right instructions and stay away from the bad stuff you won't brick your wii. By having just HBC, and the apps you will be fine, at one time changing the theme was brick risk but I am not for sure now, I knew nothing about this homebrew couple years back and was able to re-hack mine and put HBC back on it. Also bootmii will only work on older wiis, if it states can onlyby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
For me, I have lost interest in the wii, when I first got it, I thought it was cool to have homebrew, home made games, as well as getting the play all the old classic consoles on one unit. But over time I just lost the need to want to play with the wii anymore, and now I really don't have the time, plus look at the new consoles that have come out, wii u, ps4, the new xbox. Its part of the faby dirtrider73068 - Offtopic
There is nothing wrong with updating to 4.3. I have mine updated on 4.3 and it does just dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Just because its a white console does not mean it will read DVD, at some point the disc drives were changed to stop that, unless you get a older close to first release wii's it may not DVD. Some of the newer white Wii's in just the past 3 years will not read a DVD, you have a older console that can, one of the lucky ones, like dirtrider73068 - FixMii
No should run like its suppose to, could be a bad dirtrider73068 - Homebrew Applications
I couldn't tell you that I haven't got into coding yet, though its something I would like to learn some of, just can't sit for long time doing that kind of dirtrider73068 - Ideas, requests
Most great games can take a year or more to create devolop and code. When you take alot of time it turns out better then to rush dirtrider73068 - Ideas, requests
No we can't you didn't read the rules we don't support back dirtrider73068 - The Junkyard
It means you can't play dvd's you have one of the newer wii's that can't play dvd' dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
This has happened to me sometimes, when it does I go the the reply and see thats it dirtrider73068 - Feedback & Support
Quotezatchfx Youtube guides are pointless will lead you in the wrong direction and install things that shouldn't dirtrider73068 - Wii U - Wii Mode
You need a apps folder to put apps in, the apps folder needs to be inside the homebrew dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Yes you can remove it but there will be traces of it and no it can not brick it unless you putting illegal pirated crap on there then you have a big risk of that stuff bricking it. But just doing HBC it will not brick dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
QuotequeballYour best bet is mplayer ce. Best out there ATM, and I just got the forwarder channel working on it too. Actually wiimc is better than mplayer. Mplayer is dirtrider73068 - Homebrew Applications
QuoteShadowHero46Well... I'm trying to play a game that i burned, so i kinda need it unless MPlayer CE can play it. We can't help with that its against our dirtrider73068 - The Junkyard
No will need to leave the sd card in to load HBC stuff after install, you can install HBC then use the usb drive to put your data on to load back HBC, just have to use a sdcard to install I think. Or get another sd card they are fairly cheap for 1 or 2 gig dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
I thought there was been a while since I been inside the dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Thats because you need a folder called apps, in that folder you have apps that load in homebrew. The apps folder should be in side the HBC folder on your sd dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Need to get Homebrew channel on your wii first then can with the homebrew browser download the emu apps you want to use to play, check out the wiki wiibrew.orgby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
We can tell you where and how to put the emulator on but after that can not tell you where to get the games, that is against the dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Like I said I don't know bootmii as I don't use it, from what I gather its used to get out of sticky situations, and on your newer wii you can only install it as a IOS, once thats done don't do the nand back up exit out, then go to the wii menu see if HBC is there, if not you might be doing something wrong, I haven't had to use letterbomb, when I did mine I was able to use banby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Bootmii on newer wii's installed as a IOS not as boot2, you can do a nand back up but to restore it from a IOS is risky. Install HBC, got the wii menu and chose HBC see if it opens up that way. I am not much on bootmii as I don't use it and don't have a need for dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
You don't go to bootmii to get to the HBC it will be channel on the wii menu access it dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
You will have to save it as a state, not as save game, this is in dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
No it works the same on any version of the system menu you have, You can install home brew before or after its your choice, if you update first you can use letterbomb on 4.3 as it does not need a game to run the dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
I can access it on firefox, to get the apps I had to scroll all the way to the bottom and under homebrew go the apps dirtrider73068 - Offtopic