Have you tried a different web browser, like google chrome, or IE, or some other browser.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
I had issues with mine and the router no matter what i tried it.wouldn't connect but oncei removed the security off the router it would connect.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
If you have the current version of hbc 1.0.8 hbc will not removed and you can update. 4.3 is still the current system that i know of. If your wii is connected to the internet hbc should tell you there is a update if not you can update manually.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
No once you put homebrew on your wii, its done, will not be under warrenty it will void, and nintendo will not repair it. You can do back ups for your game data but they can still detect it somehow, there might be other ways one of the other guys will chime in, if don't do anything stupid won't have to worry about it.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Because you failed to read the rules, we don't support piracy.by dirtrider73068 - The Junkyard
No it won't work you can use letterbomb though.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
QuotesmoothiebunThank you, I managed to update and install homebrew through Letter Bomb, I posted my most recent question in the Apps section pertaining to usb loader and as to how/what I can do with it, and how to obtain the app. I do applogive for my noobness. As stated in rules we done support piracy. Unless that one is different form the other one.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
You need the apps folder on the root of your sd card, inside the apps folder you put the apps you want to run, one I would start with is the homebrew browser if your wii is connected to the internet from there you can download and install apps right to the sd card without removing the sd card and using your computer, another good app is wiimc its a media app. You can also find the list apps inby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Ok will give that a look, can it be done on the sd card in the saves folder do you know?by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew Applications
If it only let you install bootmii as a IOS then you have a wii that can't have bootmii as boot2.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Is there a way to delete the save states in this, I have two saves but as I go more will be added I only want to keep a couple more so the farther I get in the game I want to keep and delete the old one so I don't have a bunch of saves. I don't see a option to delete in the menu other than removing the sd card and going into the file but is that a option.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew Applications
You didn't read the rules, we don't support piracy.by dirtrider73068 - The Junkyard
You should be able to delete what ever you don't need just need to keep the apps folder, and the apps that are in the folder unless there are apps you want to delete.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
First if you want to update, you need to have the current HBC which I think is 1.0.8 then update to keep HBC from being removed from the update. Now don't take my word for it, just from what I have read in the past and still learning I think you can run gecko os to run region games, there is also a way to do something make a change and force to run region games. But like I said don't tby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
If you have the most current version of HBC then you can update to 4.3 and keep the HBC it will not get deleted.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
They have gotten more picky on repairing wii's that have had homebrew on them, if they detect any little sign of HBC they send it back. I know at one time somebody on here had posted a site that parts to repair wii's even had disc drives, if you get ahold of a certain one it will play dvd movies, newer disc drive won't play them. Nintendo even started changing disc drives in workinby dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
If it does remove them can't you re-download from the shop channel but have to buy them again?by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
If you have the latest version of HBC you can update and it will be fine, which I think its 1.0.8.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
Ok I did not see that part when I scanned over the post.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Because I didn't see letterbomb mentioned why I put that.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Actually if not mistaken the letterbomb you don't have to use a game. Look on the wiki wiibrew.org they might have put it there.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
Harmonium is pretty easy to play, its just blocks that you click on and it plays a beat and repeats over and over.by dirtrider73068 - Ideas, requests
Also make sure you have the current HBC or it will be removed but can be installed back with letterbomb or one of the game exploits.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
For future reference you have to use a 2gig or lower regular sd card to install the HBC.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
If you have HBC on your wii and send it to nintendo they will NOT fix it and just send it back, unless you can back up your data and return it 100% to factory, but I think that they can detect anymore if HBC has been on a wii.by dirtrider73068 - Getting Started
If you have a newer wii then you have one of the new disc drives that can't read dvd movies just games nothing you can do, unless you have a older drive that reads them and change it out.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew Applications
Then it could be your sd card won't work with bootmii try another sd card.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
Quotebg4545Run the HackMii Installer and choose "Prepare SD card". This will put the files needed by BootMii to run. So you are saying you can't do what he told you to do, run the hackmii installer and then chose prepare SD card?by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General
Congrat's bg4545, I think you will do a great job, have done a good job as a moderator as well.by dirtrider73068 - Old Announcements
If you have a newer wii you can't play dvds, nintendo changed the drives.by dirtrider73068 - Homebrew General