The IOSes aren't really running "in the background" - they are on a second, hidden ARM Muzer - Software
Just while this topic's bumped, how DID you sort this out? I don't have an updated Wii so I have no idea if GC games work or Muzer - Software
Also, IIRC you don't need a triwing to remove the battery, it is a slot with an ordinary screw at the bottom of the Wii. I might be wrong Muzer - Hardware
Ugh, why goto? :p You could attempt to load the file again (it is probably stored in argv[0], the filename, though I'm not sure) Muzer - Coding
Well, you can basically do anything with your Wii and still restore it, as long as you ensure you don't overwrite the first few sectors of the NAND... So, do whatever the hell you like :p Yes, you only need keys.bin and nand.bin (the former being your Wii's encryption keys so bootmii knows it came from your Wii, and nand.bin being the actual dump). You'll probably also want to kby Muzer - BootMii Beta
Pick me! :p Lots of coding and testing experience (see, reach me through e-mail (muzerakascooby AT gmail DOT com), IRC (most #wii* channels that are legal), or Wiibrew Wiki talk Muzer - Testing Corner
Hmm, the Korean Wiis lack gamecube controller ports, don't Muzer - FixMii
No, you don't, at least, I didn't with my near-launch Wii. There were just two drive connectors that are simple ribbon cables. The hardest part of it all is procuring a triwing, and remembering where each screw goes back :pby Muzer - FixMii
This subforum seems to be full of people who have no idea (not an insult, I mean that just regarding to Wii Linux), so I thought I'd answer a common query - how to load it off a USB drive. It's quite simple in theory, and will get simpler once I update Boot It to use MIKE. 1) Create an ext2 partition on the USB drive. Remember the partition number for later, for the sake of this tutoby Muzer - Wii Linux
He might be looking at BootMe, which is completely Muzer - FixMii
Press accept. The latest homebrew channel was released before the latest system Muzer - Getting Started
QuoteI can't seem to run GeckoOS though - it says it's not a valid program (or words to that effect). Convert it into a dol, or replace the boot.elf with the .dol file from the folder called "DOL"by Muzer - FixMii
Not really good for startup tunes, but meh, someone else has made me quite a Muzer - Coding
Exactly. Changing the area, however, does not require grabbing a Muzer - FixMii
Quoteoh wait, you need to be connected to the internet... Anyregion Changer has to get the update from Nintendo's servers... No you don't, not that I can remember anyway. QuoteExcellent - that means I can try it out this evening... should I just be changing the System Language then, should i first off try and make it install 3.2J - (it seems to suggest on [] that it will dby Muzer - FixMii
I would quite like a nice bootup sound for miight, probably around 5 seconds long. I don't really care what it sounds like, just listen to other boot themes to get a good idea of what they tend to sound like.Obviously don't just copy any of these, just get the feel. They should ideally be either uncompressed (*.wav), or compressed with an open-source codec (*.ogg, and flac whatever tby Muzer - Coding
Bushing hinted in IRC once that Nintendo actually harrassed him, and said that he would tell the full story one Muzer - Feedback & Support
QuoteJust the Settings stuff.See here Um, I get a message saying that I shouldn't be Muzer - FixMii
QuoteWha? Of course it can be done. Whether it's a good idea is debatable. I was under the impression that it was completely triggered by the system menu itself, and a custom IOS alone could not prevent Muzer - Software
QuoteIsn't Starfall "dangerous" to use? Well, it is potentially dangerous, but as long as you don't do anything really weird, it should be fine. QuoteI have a 3.3 . Is it still possible to remove the warning -without starfall- a different way? Like a cIOS? No, unless someone releases another starfall-like app. It cannot be done in a custom Muzer - Software
It did have the screen. Starfall is a program which hacks the system menu in various ways, including removing the warning screen. Starfall only works on 3.2E/U. Therefore, the warning screen can be removed in 3.2E/U using homebrew, but it is there by Muzer - Software
Quotewell, I have 3.3 so I can't. So the Warning screen was an "upgrade"? how lame.... Um, no. Just, starfall only works on 3.2. As I said, downgrading Muzer - Software
If you have 3.2E or 3.2U (you can downgrade), use Muzer - Software
You don't need that, you could just make an autoboot of anytitle deleter. Alternatively, you could install starfall now, keep Twilight Hack, no need for a modchip, then if you brick the wii with a banner brick, just hold Y on the gamecube controller, boot Zelda, and load AnyTitle Muzer - FixMii
For the sake of humanity, someone please, please, add this link to the first post:by Muzer - Homebrew General
Apparently, it doesn't let you access the shop channel unless you have it :(by Muzer - Homebrew General
Your own fault, your changes coincided with a new Muzer - Homebrew Applications
It allows GC homebrew to run, why do you think it's called the GC Homebrew Launcher?by Muzer - Homebrew Applications
Do you have homebrew channel installed (I know you can't boot it, but do you actually have it installed?)by Muzer - FixMii