something original like i had already said made by one of us or by ttby darklink - Offtopic
yeah bannerbomb wasnt working for some ppl maybe thats why they released that exploit but htey still should have waited though -.-by darklink - Offtopic
Quoteninjafish1990My friend (in Ohio) had the exact issue, (related to SSBB) and it was not under warranty and they repaired it for free, with out deleting the HBC, updating the wii, or charging for shipping. When the problem is about ssbb nintendo repairs it for free What i quoted above is from my wii whose warranty was expired and i went to the problem with ssbb and it said it was freeby darklink - Offtopic
i dont even know how to install it Any help?by darklink - Homebrew Applications
im not worried about my hdd getting screwed up i have restore discs and backups of everything i needby darklink - Homebrew Applications
yeah changing the bgm would be coolby darklink - Homebrew General
i think its better i installed linux using wubiby darklink - Homebrew Applications
why?by darklink - Homebrew Applications
Quotemetroid_maniacYes. Linux is a free alternative for Windows. To test it out, burn an Ubuntu CD, place it in your PC CD drive. Then restart, hit the "boot menu" key (it will say on the screen) and choose CD. Try it without change to your computer and you can begin to use it. theres another way to install ubuntu linux with this site:wubi installerby darklink - Homebrew Applications
maybe to know if someone has cioscorp or something like that reminds me of ioscat(is the name right?)by darklink - Offtopic
nintendo always gives a free year of warranty when you send them a console QuoteNintendo Support Factory Service (no charge) Warranty factory service repairs include: * Free shipping options. * Fast and reliable service: Systems are usually returned within 10 business days after they are received by Nintendo. * Product replacement policy: In the event your system cannot beby darklink - Offtopic
make sure the apps folder is all lowercase not aPps or APPS just appsby darklink - Homebrew Applications
i like the name super smash bros stackby darklink - Ideas, requests
i think hes talking about gh world tourby darklink - Ideas, requests
QuoteWiiPowerNot again... MIOS starts gamecube games, and then does NOTHING. thats because MIOS is part of the wii and when you play gamecube games the wii is basically a gamecube am i right about this?by darklink - Ideas, requests
no i didnt think that Its a friend that wants to try out a japanese channel without changing his region and by using the region free hackby darklink - Homebrew Applications
thats because the shop account is on nintendos servers or something like that right? any way to install them and use the region free channels hack on startpatch?by darklink - Homebrew Applications
how can i get japanese channels to work on my us wii?by darklink - Homebrew Applications
lol this remind me of this guy at the old dsibrew forums made by zack he thought an exploit could be made by a glitch he made on mario vs donkey kong march of the minys and everyone kept telling him about the differences between a glitch and an exploit and how that glitch wouldnt workby darklink - Ideas, requests
this will only work with gh world tour am i right not with gh3?by darklink - Ideas, requests
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72 Oh yeah!! Seriously, our mascot could be a penguin on a motorcycle or something!! luls i like the cowboy penguinby darklink - Offtopic
you need a sd card to install homebrew especially bootmii so it can write the 3 files it needby darklink - Getting Started
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72Who, me? Um, i guess. But i don't want to take the time to set it up. Its easier for me to just do it the way i did it. :P I just put the hackmii installers boot.elf/dol (whatever it is :P) as an app on the HBC, and then I run it whenever it want to play it. It works fine. :D hey waxy could you plz send me the old hackmii installers or are they avable online ill pm yoby darklink - Getting Started