QuoteArikadoFurthermore, your statement contradicts itself horribly. Example: "FF3's sound effects to the cart and you'll find a great deal of difference." Next sentence: "Most people might not be able to tell the difference" Wow, what a great deal of difference there must be then. Thta's not a contradictioan at all. Just because many people can't tell the difference, doesnby daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
Does Bannerbomb work on versions < 3.0?by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
QuoteAdmanP.S. What languge is the Wii codes written in, if nobody agrees I will try... and fail! :) The homebrew libraries are written in and for C/C++. But of course you can use any lanfguage you want, as long as you have a toolchain that compiles it for a powerpc-geckoby daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
DCF is a folder. When you right-click the SD card and select "properties" (sorry, I do not speak the language the picture implies. French?), Windows should tell you which file system the card uses.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
QuoteDarknessQuotedaniel_c_wGnash only looks like a movie player to me, nothing more? "Gnash is capable of reading up to SWF v9 files and opcodes, but primarily supports SWF v7, with better SWF v8 and v9 support under heavy development." Thanks, I am glad to see there is more to it than I thought.by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
Gnash only looks like a movie player to me, nothing more? Porting the whole monster, that is firefox is propably more complex than porting webkit and creating an UI for it. But to be honest, I have no idea how hardwired rendering is in both kits.by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
Should we create "one browser thread to tab them all"?by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
QuoteGamewizard71 1. Flash 10 or @least 9 is definitely possible. Really? Did Adobe release enough documents, or was there a major reverse engineering effort? QuoteGamewizard712. Java is out of the question because you cant run 2 things at once like this and would have integrate it into the browser and plus it would make the browser slow because of javas size Of course, you can "run" 2 thingby daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
Quotevekuta but it would be nice if you can actually download things off the web like flash player It doesn't work the way I guess you think. You can't just download any flash player. A new flash player would have to be developed for the Wii AND the new browser you suggest.by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
QuotejotokunUnder the Image catagory, "Color representation" on the DSiBrew Image is "sRGB". Its blank on yours. Under Camera, the "Camera maker" is "Nintendo" and the "Camera model" is "NintendoDS" on the original. Yours are "Nintend" and "NintendoD". Thanks, should have payed more attention there.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Thanks, I will try to create another oneby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Does nobody here have a DSi?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
I am still on 3.2 and starfall works on my Wii, but I never installed BootMii. I will try if my theory works with a region free system menu.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Well, it is from the guy who developed Duke Nukem 3Ds engine on it's own, so it at least has some historical valueby daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
QuoteMattManPreloader, but I don't see how that would help. He said his sytem menu won't show the channels, if they are from the wrong region.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Is thee any way to make system menu 3.3 or 4.0 region free?by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Well, if you could change an arrays size at runtime, after is declared and stored in memory, it can't be guaranteed that enough memory is avaiable directly after the end of the array. I beleive that is the reason for not allowing it in C++. (There may be ways do to that in Virtual Memory) (We adress memory on the Wii directly, don't we?) It is hard to recommend anything w/o knwoinby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Isn't only one IOS active at a time? For example the 4.0 System menu uses IOS 60 and only IOS 60. I remember that Bushing said, that Nintendo began to modularize the IOS functions. Shouldn't a 4.0 Wii be able to boot without any IOS, but IOS 60? EDIT: according to no System menu uses IOS 36by daniel_c_w - Software
QuoteShishouroWell, I followed the steps outlined by daniel_c_w, unfortunately it seems that the channels I had dl'd(Internet Channel for example) from the JPN shop were not restored with my backup. You mean, that all the channels you had, when you made the back up are now gone and were not restopred by the back up? I do not realy see, how that could have happenendby daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Why can't it be any of that 4, Arikado? Has anybody experimtened with it? What happens, when you play a normal Wii game and simply unplug the power after 17 Minutes, for example?by daniel_c_w - Software
Could somebody try, if he can copy this picture on his DSi and open it there?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Quotedevin122I know that system menu 4.0 supports SDHC but can it also be supported on an application level AFAIK SDHC support is only on an appliaction level. The system menu is an application. Old applications and old Wii games can't handle SDHCby daniel_c_w - Getting Started
I must be blind today, I can't find the sample picture on DSiBrew. Would somebody post a link to it, pleaseby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
I guess it should work. Usually only game code handles input devices. In the worst case you might have to install an IOS. AFAIK there is no way to region lock input devicesby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Let me try to put it this way: JPEG is a language, like english. And now try to explain a picture in english. I hope it is obvious, that there are a lot of ways to describe the same picture, it would propably require thousnads of words, and there are thousands of ways to arrange this words, and propably thousands of other words you could have used instead. EDIT: I hate it to use analogies :Dby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Unless you cann guess the parameters and algorithms the DSi uses, I wood say the answer is no. I do not think knowing the exact compression algorithm is important, though.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Quotesteaky1212My bad, it used to be 5 when I researched it in February Installation and use. ...... You may permit a maximum of ten (10) computers or other electronic devices (each a “Device”) to connect to the Workstation Computer to Also.... Wii EULA Chapter VI: Other Article 3: Hosting, Intercepting, Emulating, and Reverse-Engineering Prohibited You may not host, inteby daniel_c_w - Offtopic