QuoteArikado Basically, anything constructive. Like an E3 thread :D Seriously, I liked that thread, because I got to know some things about you, Waxy, Bg4545, Z514. At least your stances on gaming. Same goes for ScanFF and Ninja from the Wii Rant thread. How is this forum financed? Do google adds cover the costs? Do the people that pay mind OT-posts? I know, that the rules actually forby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Quoteahnold11Seeing as they can't "patch" the already pressed to fix the game, a System update is the only option. Doesn't ocarina do that all the time? Quotemetroid_maniacIt looks like only the systme menu and another title were updated. what has the system menu got to do with this? It COULD be doing something to initialize the WiiMote/WMP correctly.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Well, I am not gonna argue about that thread, but why call it "Off Topic", if it still has to be semi-related to Wiibrew?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Well, it is in OFF-Topic and doesn't clutter the informative areas of the forum. And somehow it helps to know the other members. Heck, I even know the digits from z400100500 username from the top of my head.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuoteArikadoQuotedaniel_c_wBut beware, 4.1 is just around the corner. Prolly 4.1U and 4.1E will never happen since the Wii Sports bug should be fixed in the game before it releases in those areas. Even if the bug can be fixed in-game (do we know enough details to tell?), I guess, the DVDs for the rest of the world are already mastered and being pressed. On the other hand: how "old" is the uby daniel_c_w - Getting Started
According to the Wiibrew page, it only affects Copy-prohibited savegames. Everything else seems to work as well, as it did in 4.0by daniel_c_w - FixMii
This thread: The answer to my question is: That thread was bull-crap, and I didn't dare to call it that, and I have the feeling the same goes for this threadby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuotebwpradoThanks metroid_maniac, i'm already downloading it... Downloading? As in piracy?by daniel_c_w - The Junkyard
As I read this thread, I was thinking about this: This is a temporary fix to problems with various Virtual Console games being played over component cable on HDTVs. The mode can be enabled by accessing the operations guide of the game, and (with the Nunchuk attached) pressing the buttons Z + A + 2 simultaneously. A sound is played if the mode is enabled correctly. Several older games also have uby daniel_c_w - Getting Started
QuotejackfungiI am trying to open some apps through the homebrew channel and i need the complete package of CIOS's to make this work. Which apps?by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
I won't say antythging about Tribes, as I never played it, but the ship in the beginning looks like something from Wing Commander. Is that original, or a mod?by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuotebushingStill, I don't believe that support for features like WiiSpeak really comes from IOS. Propably not. I guess the idea is, to manipulate an IOS, that it forces Wii Speak support as good as it can, whether the PPC-side application wants it or not. Say the ARM is performant enough to handle that (is it?), can it even output sound, without disturbing any sound the PPC-side mighby daniel_c_w - Software
The pun was actually intended :-)by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
But beware, 4.1 is just around the corner.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Quotemetroid_maniacQuoteSt.JimmyI for one would love to see a homebrew-positive legal ruling. yeah. Nintendo not letting people run homebrew is like Microsoft not letting people run Linux on their computers. Apples and Organes Microsoft = OS, Nintendo = the whole thing So far there is no Anti-Homebrew law or ruling. On the other hand there is no need for a law, that enforces homebrew.by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
QuoteI.R.onWell you gave the answer actually, program calles the windows API functions, which should be under a separate process's address space (maybe not) Definitly not. All functions you can call have a working adress in the applications virtual adress space. But that is under Windows / x86. On the Wii, memory is adressed directly, and so far all applications can assume, they have tby daniel_c_w - Coding
Another idea: if you don't have a fake SuperUser status for your app, it should only be able to enter the title directory of your channel. One might probe all title directories. Granted, that's more like a hack....by daniel_c_w - Coding
I was wrong. The IOS is not referenced in the ticket, but in the TMD And I do not know, where to find the TMD. EDIT: it may be in /title/title1/title2/content EDIT2: if you are launched as a channel, you should only have the security priviliges for your own title directoryby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteArikadoNo. If they did (intentionally) you could sue them. Exactly!by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Yes, but we link them staticly anyways. The only good would be, that some patches in the librarys will also retroactively work in application, that were not recompiled. On the other hand, we could create our own DLL hell :-) As I.R.on said (well, wrote): QuoteOne another great future about dynamic libraries is they provide applications a plugin mechanism, curently we don't have such aby daniel_c_w - Coding
Quotestarwarsjust wondering watz waninkoko If this forum had a signature function, that quote would be my pick :-) @Starwars: To answer your question. So far I never heard of any report of a Wii bricking as a result of a normal Wii Update. "Normal" as in = no failware instaled. But I guess on one in a million Wiis something can go wrong. That makes about 50 *Ka-chow!* :-)by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Also the user and the system usually have no way to tell, if a block on a SD card is bad, because bad blocked are detected and hidden away by the SD card on its own. When software tries to access a bad block, the SD cards logic redirects that to a working spare block. Also SD cards try to make sure, that all blocks are used equally. Al this happens also on the Wii's NAND, but not as parby daniel_c_w - BootMii Beta
Quotedaniel_c_wp.s.: why does this thread remind me of the "formatted my SD card" story QuoteArikadoThat's bullshit point blank. That's it :Dby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuoteI.R.onBut, yeah like everything on wii, we don't have an operating system. DLLs take the linking job from build process and put it onto the loader's (Operating system) responsibility... To do this loader should have a resident process... On Windows there are 2 ways: -loading the libray at startup -loading it at runtime At startup: the loader load (duh :-) ) the .exe file aby daniel_c_w - Coding
p.s.: why does this thread remind me of the "formatted my SD card" storyby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuoteArikadoI think you need RMCU01 There is no RMCU. RMCE = North America (I assume the E stands for English) RMCP = Europe, Australia (I assume the P stands for PAL) (how ignoarant of me. I clarified the region list)by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
which IOS is in the ticket for your channel?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
OTP= one time programmable area. An area of memory, that can only be written onceby daniel_c_w - FixMii
As this is the forum I spend most of my time, I would like to help out. (and I am not afraid to say "all")by daniel_c_w - Feedback & Support
QuoteiofthestormIt would have to be something that the launcher does when a program starts up, and the linker would have to be modified to put in placeholders instead of actual memory locations when linking a program. We could also use a real dynamic approach and load library funtions at runtime.by daniel_c_w - Coding