Consider this, You want to play a song from a buffer, so naturally you call this function and put this buffer as a parameter. For the majority of cases this would work, but what if the first two chars in this buffer are 0x4F and 0x67. Then, instead of playing from your buffer, it calls a function PlayOggFromFILE(buffer). Then, since it isn't a file, your program crashes. Wouldn't it jby g_man - Coding
do you have libpng installed? If you do have you linked it? If your not sure, then post the line in your makefile that starts with LIBS :=by g_man - Coding
Along with having the bootmii folder, you need to have bootmii actually installed on the wii. What problems are you getting when you try to install bootmii from the hackmii installer? If the installation seems to work, but the files aren't appearing, try a new SD card, some don't g_man - BootMii Beta
For Bootmii boot2 to be effective, you need to make a backup of your NAND. If you don't have one, and your wii bricks, then you may be able to access the HBC, but you still won't be able to get to the system menu. If you don't have enough memory on your SD card, then try moving all the files to the compiter so that all that is left os the Bootmii folder. If you still don't haby g_man - Getting Started
I believe so, i've never made an online multiplayer game g_man - Coding
Do you know about BSD sockets? If you don't, here is a good tutorial . If you already know about socket programming, then sending a file isn't too much different than sending a text message. Instead of sending a string of text, you just use a pointer to a buffer containing your file. If you need an example of something similar, then make a simple program to download a website (Look at tby g_man - Coding
1. If you don't have a NTSC wii, I'm fairly sure you won't be able to run any of the NTSC games, meaning you won't be able to install homebrew :( 2. No, this isn't possible 3. There is an app called Gecko OS which allows you to run any region games without modifying your system. Sadly, you won't be able to run this unless you have homebrew installed I don'tby g_man - Getting Started
are you sure your not using a SDHC card, they don't work for exploits. If it is a regular SD card, then try a new one, some cards just aren't g_man - Getting Started
No, you must use an exploit. You don't have to own the game, you only need it for a few minutes to use the g_man - Getting Started
You shouldn't have to worry about bricking your wii unless you start downloading a bunch of dangerous software, most of which is not allowed to be discussed here(Backup loaders, etc). The rest of thr dangerous software is clearly marked. As a general rule, if you don't know what it does, don't use it. If all you want to do is play homebrew games, and watch movies, you have nothingby g_man - Getting Started
Boot 2 is a piece of software, written by nintendo, that is part of a few programs that boot the wii. Bootmii, is piece of software written by team twiizers, which has two versions. The boot 2 version is made to replace nintendo's boot 2 software. This allows many things for homebrew most important of which is the ability to backup and replace all of your data in case of a brick. The other vby g_man - Getting Started
I'm hoping to get an iPhone version out by the end of the summer, my friend is learning iPhone programming, and hopefully between the two of us we can figure everything out. As for making an android version, I'd have to learn java, so it may take a little g_man - Testing Corner
doodinthemood: Thanks for the support, it really helps motivate me and my friend. Also, that final screen is currently just a placeholder until I can think of something better. owen: I started to develop a level select screen a while ago, and I still have the code for it, but I need to tweak it some. Maybe I'll work on that g_man - Testing Corner
Thanks for all the feedback, I know the curret control style isn't great, so if you have any specific suggestions they would be appriciated. Also, I have gotten most of the original features I wanted to add in, so I will start with some of the suggested features. I have thought about a level designer before, but i'm not sure how best to make one. Would you rather have one on the wii thaby g_man - Testing Corner
Thanks for the reply. If you try out the latest version on, I have the B button thing that I think you were talking about. You're right, It makes it much easier to play, and I myself can get sick of clicking and dragging a lot. I also watched the video, and as for the new ball, I have tried various sizes larger, but all seem to be a bit too large, and take up too much of the scrby g_man - Testing Corner
I recently tried to edit a page on the wiki, but it tells me i can't edit it until I confirm my email. I enter it into my account setting, change my email, and save it,but when I leave the page it resets, and I still can't edit the wiki. Does anybody know a solution for this?by g_man - Feedback & Support
run the HBC installer again, but when you go to the bootmii part, make sure you hit prepare SD card. This will place the necessary files on you SD card to run g_man - BootMii Beta
Is there a chance that the disk is scratched, or the wii's laser is bad?by g_man - Homebrew General
There could have been an error on the SD card that was fixed when you plugged it into the computer. Maybe your computer noticed this, and fixed it without telling you. Just an idea g_man - BootMii Beta
Hello, I am in need of some people to try out, and give me feedback my current choices for the control styles in my game, Gravitii. you can download the version made specificly for this task here Here are my current control styles: A button: Start off by pressing and holding the A button somewhere near the middle of the screen. As you hold A, move the pointer, and as you do this the power andby g_man - Testing Corner
Just as a side note, normal SD works better than g_man - Getting Started
You have three options: 1: If you have twilight princess(or can easily rent it) then don't upgrade untill you've installed using the twilight hack 2: If you have Lego star wars(Wii version), Lego Indiana Jones, Lego batman, or if your in the USA and have Super Smash Bros. Brawl(again renting these is fine), then upgrade fully and then use their repective hacks 3: Find a game realsedby g_man - Getting Started
are these real game disks, or are they backups?by g_man - The Junkyard
Exactly what apps are causing the stack dumps(crashes)?by g_man - Homebrew General
If your sharing the internet access on your laptop with your wii, then you shouldn't have to do anything on the wii side. I have done the same thing successfully with an Xbox before. The only thing is that you might need to give your wii a static IP address, as the windows computer my generate an incompatable one. Assuming the test succeeds, you should be able to just use the Ad-Hoc side ofby g_man - Homebrew General
Does the delay occur in normal games? If you can't try it on offcial games, try this homebrew. I haven't tested it for the classic controller, but it worked fine for my nunchuck. If there is still a delay, chances are that its a faulty g_man - Homebrew General
the micro SD shouldn't make a difference. Make sure that the path is SD:/apps/app_name/boot.dol You could also try a different SD card, some are known to not work with the HBC. If you have a USB device plugged in, then the HBC might be trying to read apps from there. If this is the case, then take out the USB drive and try it g_man - Homebrew General
If you haven't done anything to the wii yet you can send it into nintendo, and they will fix it for g_man - Getting Started