This post cleared me up. I don't know about other compilers dancinninja - Coding
Quotebushing No, you can't "reboot" a Wiimote. Sure you can, you just make it darker, grittier, and dancinninja - Hardware
Why would that mean having to recode everything if it's using a wrapper?by dancinninja - Ideas, requests
I don't pretend to know what's wrong with MicroSDs. It might be best just to buy a small regular SD for cheap and avoid the dancinninja - Getting Started
In the Wii examples that came with DevKitPro, there is a filesystem example. Does that help?by dancinninja - Ideas, requests
Quotethebluescreen I am using an 8 GB micro Do you have any other files on there? I had a problem with big cards due to the fact that the data was located "above" the limit. What I did was delete everything, and the very first thing I move back over was homebrew stuff. This put it in the "lower" addresses of the card, and it read it just fine. Crazy, huh?by dancinninja - Getting Started not written in c. I am dancinninja - Coding
I tried it and it works! I'm still playing around, but it's really nifty!by dancinninja - Testing Corner
So, what needs to be done? What would the new coder be in charge of?by dancinninja - Homebrew Applications
I look forward to your project! Glad I could dancinninja - Coding
Yeah, minus the snow, that's what fog looks dancinninja - Coding
If you set your background/clear color to the same color as the fog, it should be the same as having 100% fog where you have no polygons on the screen. GX_SetCopyClear(fogcolor, GX_MAX_Z24); Then again, I'm not quite sure what you're going dancinninja - Coding
I found my fog code! Here's what I used (modified for simplicity): // Previously defined variables: Mtx44 projection; f32 width, height; // Fog variables GXFogAdjTbl fogTable; bool fogAdjust = true; GXColor fogcolor = {128,128,128,255}; // Set up the projection matrix guPerspective(projection, 45, width/height, 16.0f, 1024.0f); GX_LoadProjectionMtx(projection, GX_PERSPECTIVby dancinninja - Coding
Here is how the fog function is defined in libogc: void GX_SetFog(u8 type, f32 startz, f32 endz, f32 nearz, f32 farz, GXColor col); Let's start with this one (using perspective): GX_SetFog (GX_FOG_PERSP_EXP ,-620,-630,-600,-650, c ); The start and end are awfully close to each other, but I think the problem would the nearz and farz, which need to match the projection matrix paraby dancinninja - Coding
What's the code that you're using?by dancinninja - Coding
I've hit another snag, and I'm wondering if it has to do with the display lists. Here is the complete function: void Model::buildDisplayList(){ if(displayList) free(displayList); displayList = NULL; u8* tmpDisplayList = (u8*)(memalign(32, TEMP_DISPLIST_SIZE)); if(!tmpDisplayList) exit(1); // PANIC! DCInvalidateRange((void*)tmpDisplayList, TEMP_DISPLIST_SIZE);by dancinninja - Coding
If memory serves, the reason that Nintendo has not updated the Flash player has more to do with Adobe than anything. I remember reading something about them not releasing the SDK or drivers or something for flash 8, much less dancinninja - Homebrew General
Huh, I hadn't thought of that. Do you know if they're supported with libogc?by dancinninja - Homebrew General
I would suggest that you just buy the game. It would be a lot faster. Also, anything that has to do with the microphone may NEVER work, due to the fact that the Wiispeak accessory has been discontinued. "Blowing" into it would have to be simulated, and that's not really high on the list of things to do right now. We're still working on getting the graphics dancinninja - Homebrew General
Of course! How silly of me. Looking at the code for pngu, maybe I should just switch to pngs. Yikes. I'm not sure what the differences between pngs and tgas are. If I just plopped the code into the tga reader, it probably wouldn't work, would it?by dancinninja - Coding
Howdy all. I'm trying to load in my texture files from the SD card, and I'm having a bit of trouble. The targa loading function is based on the Nehe OpenGL lession #24. I have run some tests and if I load in the textures via tpl files and have the textures be part of the binary, everything works as it should. The trouble is in the tga file loading. I get, for lack of a better term, "by dancinninja - Coding
I thought that display lists were more static than that. Being able to change the array (color!) would be awesome. I thought I had to pick one or the other, but I can have both? Sign me up. Thanks!by dancinninja - Coding
technik, absolutely. I have a question about that, though. Would the indexing of data really affect the display list? I thought that the display list took care of packing everything that you put into it. Also, and this may be a stupid question, can you use the index on a dynamic array? Since I'm reading everything in via xml files, I won't know everything ahead of dancinninja - Coding
ekeeke, tueidj, you two are absolutely right. Thank you so much! Everything works perfectly now!by dancinninja - Coding
You are correct. I didn't want to clutter up the page with all that stuff. There are actually 24 vertices in the original dancinninja - Coding
The big temporary array is due to the fact that I don't know how big my display list is going to be. So I make a big one, populate it, and copy over the results. The "GX_VTXFMT_CLR", I apologize for not explaining. #define GX_VTXFMT_CLR GX_VTXFMT1 // In the initialization code: GX_SetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT_CLR, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0); GX_SetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT_CLR,by dancinninja - Coding
I have never been able to get display lists to work. That changes today. Here is how I build my display list (in my Player class, which represents the avatar on screen): void Player::buildDisplayList(){ static const u32 TEMP_SIZE = 16384; if(displayList) free(displayList); displayList = NULL; u8* tmpDisplayList = (u8*)(memalign(32, TEMP_SIZE)); if(!tmpDisplayList){by dancinninja - Coding
That's an interesting point you bring up. I could do that after I render stuff. I wonder what would be dancinninja - Coding
Scanff, I could kiss you. That did the trick! Thank you so much!by dancinninja - Coding
I am having some trouble with the vertex attribute table. In the documentation (seen here) it says that you can specify different vertex attributes ahead of time and call them when you need them, like so: GX_SetVtxDesc(GX_VA_POS, GX_DIRECT); GX_SetVtxDesc(GX_VA_NRM, GX_DIRECT); GX_SetVtxDesc(GX_VA_CLR0, GX_DIRECT); // Vertex Attribute 0 GX_SetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ,by dancinninja - Coding