QuoteAerialX I was actually planning on releasing my own game for the competition (I just want a USB Gecko D: ), but I wasn't "saving it up" for the contest. The Link doesn't work for me.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Quotebg4545Quotedaniel_c_wHow does that show, that all wads have an emulator? You said that all other systems only use one emulator per system, but if that were true, you could inject any rom into any game No! Beyond the reasons that whodares already stated: I am saying that all games use one emulator (per system, except the N64) - I am not saying that one emulator supports all games (per syby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Quotebg4545For example, Super Mario RPG for the SNES could not be injected to any .wads. How does that show, that all wads have an emulator?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
and the manual (multilanguage), and possibly a config file.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Quotebg4545well each vc .wad has the specific emulator for that game Afaik that is only true for N64 games. All other systems only use one emulator per system.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
No (unless your NAND is messed up)by daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
Congrats and thanks for the answersby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuotewhodaresYes, animation stuff will be added at some point (hopefully). I need to fix my RGBA8 and RGB5A3 decoders first. My RGB5A3 decoder is really odd. I get odd colours out, but while some show the correct image, others are skewed. Some questions, because I am curious: Doesn't RGB5A3 use 18 bits? That sounds odd to me. Why do you need to handle RGBA anyway? Doesn't the Wiiby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteExotahuI accidentally deleted the homebrew channel, then updated it (read: I am a raging idiot). Did you delete it or did you wipe it out (ala WAD-Uninstaller) If he only deleted it (via the system menu), shouldn't the ticket or the TMD still reside on his NAND?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteSpoomNintendo may well have killed general channel installation on the Wii with this update. Pirates won't have to update. Only new Wiis will be affected.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteSpoomII've been told by good sources that there is no such thing as automatic system update on the Wii (other than through game discs, and there are almost certainly no discs with this update on them yet). Gamediscs do not perform an automatic update either. Without user interaction there is no update.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
give it some time: either we can update the shop channel only (assuming it does not check its environment) or team tweezers will develope patches for the current update. (or waninoko will) just be patient. I won't be able to purchase Tetris Party now, unfortunately :Dby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
does anybody know, what benefits the update brings?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
It also seems to update the Nintendo Channel Some people report, that it does not increasee the version number (still 3.3.)by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteDrMario the online was much better and the graphics still a little better and I cannot see the wii ever supporting the online experience xbox did. Why? It's software based.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
QuoteArikadoActually, Xbox games use DirectX code. I don't think an emulator is possible on Wii. I fail to see how this affects XBOX emulation? DirectX is jsut a software and hardware standard. A well documented one. That actually makes it a lot easier.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
look for the ps2 emulation thread. there you'll find a lot of (weell written) reasons to explain, why a real-performance (is that a word?) emulation of the xbox on the wii is impossibleby daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
and documentation / helpfilesby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteDigitalManQuotedaniel_c_wSo it is not important that your Wii is close to the Computer, but that it can recieve the access point very well. Yes, I'm just saying that, because it's near a device that has good reception, it likely has good reception as well (ie. not out of range, no additional walls in the way, etc.) Oh. I did not think about that. That's smart :D btw: Dby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteDigitalMan Given that my computer has a very strong signal, and the Wii is nearby (though not to a degree that would cause interference), it's very odd indeed. Are you using your computer as a WLAN access point? (for example by using Nintendos USB Stick) Usually WLAN-devices communicate via an access point, i.e.: WLAN-routers, hotspots, etc. So it is not important that your Wii isby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuotestrongfanIt appears that it isn't. That makes me wonder how Nintendo got it. Nintendo ordered the browser and paid for it. And I am with Whodares: nothings wrong with the Internet Channel, yet.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Quotewhodares Also, I would have thought drawing to one single display surface (that you will do on the Wii) will most like be more effecient than the two seperate displays on the DS. I may be wrong in that respect though When the DS was released, I read that many games split the screens between the DS' two processorsby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteParadoxIs a portal possible? A what?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuotewhodaresThat's my assumption Oh :( Thanks anyway. I guess I will have to look further then.by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Does an embedded Firefox exist? A "mini" Firefox. A small browser based on the same architecture? Something opensource?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Quotewhodares in the same way that GeckoOS/Ocarina overwrite memory whilst the game is running. Hooking an interrupt handler to run code once per frame etc. Thank you. I have been wondering how Ocarina stays active for a long time. Now I knowby daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteParadoxIf a ps2 emulator is not possible for wii, would it mean that the wii can not do better than the ps2 No, it would not mean that. Emulation requires extra power, because it has to "translate" between the ps2 and the wii in real time. And by the way: no standard wii control sheme supports all the buttons needed.by daniel_c_w - Offtopic
Quotepinball Wizard You do what Sony did with the PSP. You patch the issue in updates and to use newer games you must update OR add tons of killer features and you will update. Or take Microsoft's method, forcibly apply updates without your consent. I do not know a lot about the PSP, but neither Microsoft nor Nintendo force you to update. As off now, Tweezers and co have the wii and itsby daniel_c_w - Offtopic
QuoteGoldenAlchemistAlso "pirating" is the only way to get rare games like Final Fantasy VII, Suikoden, and Suikoden II. I've searched far and wide for those and I can only find them online for 100 bucks. so pirating is not the only wayby daniel_c_w - Offtopic