I have no frickin' clue what happened, but my SD card with all of my Homebrew apps and everything is missing. I'm going to be looking everywhere but if I don't find it will I have to re-do Smash Stacks or something in order to get HBC back?by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
Alright, well, would downgrading my Wii to 3.3U make it possible?by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
Sorry, forgot to add I have a 4.3U Wii. Will this still let me do this?by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
Hi, I'm going to get ARC. Yes I know it bricks, but for reasons maybe a few of you know, I don't care. Now, would I have to downgrade before getting it? Or is it possible that this IOS can get ARC? Please and thanks. :)by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
Alright, and if that fails, question. If Nintendo was to put out another update and I updated it (and possibly lose HBC.), would this fix it? Also, I'm about to try it, so I'll put out some info soon.by Luigi886 - Getting Started
QuoteSifJarHBC DEFINITELY doesn't affect it Well that helps my case a little. Quotebg4545You can try re-installing MIOS and then test and see if Gamecube games work again; Can I ask how to install MIOS?by Luigi886 - Getting Started
Can't I use the IOS58 Installer App? Or would deleting the HBC stop this? IDK. I'm just listing ideas...by Luigi886 - Getting Started
Wait, so now I can't play Gamecube games and Wii games?!by Luigi886 - Getting Started
Well, it didn't work, and not only that, NOW MY GAMECUBE GAMES WON'T READ! D: I need help!!!by Luigi886 - Getting Started
I didn't post this in the brick section because it's not a brick. (At least I don't think so.) Anyway, I was screwing around with Savegame Extractor/Installer, and one day my Wii just wouldn't play any Wii games. It still plays GAMECUBE GAMES, but not Wii games. I was hoping I could get some help. Whenever I put in Wii games, it will read them, but when I press start,by Luigi886 - Getting Started
Well, maybe not my brother. IDK, this has happened before, but we fixed it somehow.by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
I was using Savegame Extractor and Installer to use ACToolkit, but IDK WHAT my little brother did and it won't read a SINGLE CD. I'm a newb at Homebrew, and I really could use some help. Thanks.by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
Hi, I need help installing AC Toolkit 1.3. I know this is a bit late (OK, ALOT late. >_>) since this game was released in 2008, but I'm looking at guides and videos and all sorts of junk on how to install it, and when I do, I see people hating on the creator because they're stuck or they bricked their Wii or something. Anyway, I just need some help since I'm a newb at thisby Luigi886 - Getting Started
Quotebg4545I'm not sure what you're asking exactly but if you mean how to run AnyRegion Changer on 4.3 then the answer is you can't. Yes that was what I was asking, and thanks. :Pby Luigi886 - Homebrew Applications
Yes, it's me. Look, I'm gonna try not to be as annoying like I used to be, and I'd like some help on AnyRegion Changer. I have 4.3U right now, and I heard it was originally somewhere in the v3's, but now I think someone said it can be up to 4.3...? I'm not sure, I havn't been up to Homebrew in a while, so I was hoping someone could answer this and if so helpby Luigi886 - Homebrew Applications
QuoteAxel Yes, as a PC app, that is, you double click on its icon :) Wait... I'm confused. How do you load the app on the Wii if it's on the PC? Or do you go to the Channel on your computer?by Luigi886 - Offtopic
Quotejbc007Indecently, I just downloaded a Wii No Ma WAD just to prove that it can be done. Download it with NUS Downloader and install it with your favorite WAD installer, and you are good to go (provided you have region free channel capability). No hassle with region changing the shop channel is necessary. A few things I have questions with: 1) It says NUS Downloader is a PC app. Where dby Luigi886 - Offtopic
Thanks! BTW, if you look online, there are symbols for each district. Now suggestions for the game. Make sure there is a Cannon FX when a tribute "dies". Blood or no blood. Your choice. Maybe a health bar and hunger bar. MAKE THE MAP RANDOMIZED. That's what makes it fun. They made mountain courses, ocen courses, and others in the games, so go idea happy!by Luigi886 - Ideas, requests
If you don't know, Hunger Games is an INSANELY awesome book. I was thinking we could re-create it to a Homebrew app. [BTW, Google HUNGER GAMES for details if you don't know about them. The plot of the game is just you as a character VS. the other 23 people in the colleseum. If we can't make this because of copyright crap, could we make an app along the lines of such?by Luigi886 - Ideas, requests
I'm not good with hardware, but could this by chance be installed with an app to change the colors?by Luigi886 - Hardware
Wow, bg, you REALLY want this thing updated just like me. ... Back to topic, ARC NEEDS updates from it's current state.by Luigi886 - FixMii
QuotePhredreekeMany of the region-specific channels are joint ventures between Nintendo and other companies. For example the BBC iPlayer is only available in UK because that's the only country the BBC have broadcasting rights in. Oh yeah, forgot about that. EDIT: BTW, I'm only talking about this because Nintendo hasn't given any JAP channels like "Wii no ma". There is no rby Luigi886 - Offtopic
I know this is old but I'm a little scared right now. Whenever I go to update, it says: IMPORTANT: If yourselves Wii console includes unauthorized modifications, this update may detect and remove unauthorized content causing immediate or delayed inoperability of your console. If you do not wish to accept this update, you can hold down the POWER button for 4 seconds. I have HBC andby Luigi886 - Getting Started
I want a PS1 emulator, so I tried the 2 we already have, but they both don't work. One says "under beta", when there has been little work to it. The other has a file that is missing, which I cannot seem to put in. Anyway, I just think we need a newer and better one.by Luigi886 - Ideas, requests
NOOOOOOOOOO! Don't let this thread die! I BUMP!by Luigi886 - Ideas, requests
Most likely this was said and I missed it, but there is a new Wii Shop Channel update. I have 4.3 and all the IOS stuff, so I'm just wondering if it's safe to update.by Luigi886 - Homebrew General
Friends at my school think The HBC is illegal. ... Is it? Because I honestly don't know, and I would hate to break the law. :lby Luigi886 - Homebrew General