Yeah, there is a way actually. Take a penny or some other small metal object, hold it really tight, and put it into your electrical plug outlet. I also hear that head-to-the-table banging Arikado - The Junkyard
This fails so hard I'm just going to lock and pretend this doesn't Arikado - Ideas, requests
Themes are extremely dangerous and generally not supported here. Furthermore, they can be made anyone who has even 0 programming skill like yourself. So there's really no need for Arikado - Ideas, requests
Hey, I already got this problem fixed privately. Your issue is that you fixed the libpng compatibility incorrectly. chaosteil made an official maintainer of libwiisprite. I'll have the new version released later today or Arikado - Coding
QuoteMathew_WiWhy doesn't someone just make a cIOS and USB loader that checks the DVD first? Because that would defeat the purpose of USB Arikado - Offtopic
I just released an update to scanff's port of SuperTux for Wii. Grab it here: All feedback (good or bad) is appreciated. Enjoy. --Arikadoby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
My point is simply that homebrew isn't going anywhere so there's no reason to stay up late worrying about it. (And that of course hombrew > official software)by Arikado - Offtopic
I'm sorry, but this is the stupidest topic I've ever seen grace these forums. 1)There's no reason to update to anything past 4.1 2)You can still run homebrew on 4.3 3)Homebrew emulators are obviously much better than VC emulators. You can emulate more than one ROM in a homebrew emulator and you have tons of features on hand. You can also emulate consoles (DS) you can'by Arikado - Offtopic
Yes guys, let's install 30 pounds of bloated software and crappy rip-offs of my own software to install the HBC. If you don't brick your Wii, you'll end up with a Wii with a lot less functionality than it normally should have. But, your version number will say 4.3, so it's all good in the Arikado - Homebrew General
Isn't that a channel? I'd ignore the update request and just use GeckoOS to launch Arikado - Homebrew General
Those programs are outdated and have a few issues associated with them. Just use my Savegame Manager MOD Arikado - Homebrew Applications
Aerinas, your last two posts were completely pointless, incorrect, and vague to an extent making somewhat irrelevant. Then again, the same could be said of this entire topic. Arikado - Homebrew Applications
This request has been completed for a long time thanks to yours truly, scanff, and some other awesome people: Topic Arikado - Ideas, requests
There really is no wifi debugging system. Your best bet at using a real debugging system for wii homebrew development is to purchase a USB Arikado - Coding
Delete large files in your primary partition?by Arikado - Offtopic
QuotetoromeiQuoteJProctor666I remember when the last nintendo update came out and I had to update because there was a game that I wanted to play on the WiiShop channel, so I updated to get my game and just used IndyPWNs and the Homebrew Loader to play homebrew for a while...sure it was a bit of a pain in the ass, but it was less than a week before TeamTwiizers released the BannerBomb version of tby Arikado - Homebrew General
Follow yellowstars suggestions first. If that doesn't give you what you want, then carefully consider using IDA Arikado - Software
Open it up with a disassembler like IDA Pro as a PowerPC Arikado - Software
Restore to 4.0. Then use DOP-Mii to update to 4.2 IMO, 4.1 is better though. 4.2 (and 4.3) adds nothing except homebrew prevention "features".by Arikado - Homebrew General
Really, IMO, dop-Shop is a pretty weak program. DOP-Mii (mine) works perfectly for everyone and will update your shop channel to the latest version in it's current state. dop-shop is nothing but a weak attempt by marc to get his name back into the wii homebrew "scene". Also, funnily enough, I'm reading that DOP-Mii and SifJars WiiSCU do work for everyone but dop-Shop doesn't. lby Arikado - Testing Corner
QuoteMestizoQuoteArikado Bannerbomb and the Twilight Hack are not coming back. If there's gonna be a new HackMii, then why not a new Bannerbomb? Right now, all we have is Smash Stack and Indiana Pwns, and I can't afford Brawl and can't find Lego Indiana Jones. You can't possibly serious, are you? First off, I'll have you know that the HackMii Installer is developedby Arikado - Homebrew General
There is nothing you can do at the moment except wait for solutions to become available. Those of you who haven't updated yet will soon be able to update safely using DOP-Mii v13. Lunatik and I are working really hard on getting it pushed out later today. Team Twiizers, Team Riivlution, and others have tons of IOS exploits to do what the blocked ones could do. There should be a new Hacby Arikado - Homebrew General
QuoteAobxA famous hacker (you know who) has already released a safe updater for system menu 4.3. Maybe it can help people who can't wait until more solutions show up. No, it's not safe. It doesn't patch the system menu so you will lose your precious hackmii titles. Not to mention the code which it uses to update is questionable in it's own right (old exploits, so it wont workby Arikado - Homebrew General
Like with what happens with every other Wii update, we are all going to remain calm and constructive. We are going to have one discussion thread. This first post will be updated with all confirmed information about the system update and workarounds available to it when it is confirmed. Do NOT update your Wii right now. What you will lose from updating to 4.3: The Homebrew Channel DVDXby Arikado - Homebrew General
QuoteSifJarApparently MINI (upon which BootMii runs) cannot access USB for some reason, its listed as a limitation of MINI on its WiiBrew page. It's not a limitation of MINI, its a limitation of the Wii hardware. At the stage of booting process which MINI is run you can't access USB, wifi, or other features of the Wii. Arikado - Homebrew General
Really, this is completely pointless as the Wii stores your wifi key in an encrypted state. After you enter the key into your Wii, no one can view it just by going through your settings. In fact, it's safer to be stored in your Wii than it is to be stored in plaintext on your SD Card where anyone can read it by putting your SD Card into a Arikado - Ideas, requests
QuoteZ31daG33kCould someone make a HB app for wii that will load via HBC and use the wiis wireless capabilities to install a HBC for the dsi via ds download play such as how the Nintendo channel sends demos to Ur ds and once installed can run apps from SD card? blasty spent a sleepless month or two working on this and couldn't come up with anything. You're free to try though :3by Arikado - Offtopic