First you need a demultiplexer to get the raw audio and video streams from the container. Then you need a decoder for the video stream. Then you need a decoder for the audio stream. Then you need a video renderer to display the decoded video. Then you need an audio renderer to play the decoded audio. Then you need an actual player engine that controls all the other parts and keeps everythingby tueidj - Coding
That doesn't really justify running the risk of permanent bricking everytime you want to switch between using US/JPN tueidj - Homebrew Applications
There's no need to change the region just to run games from discs, use tiny load (for Wii games) and gc-booter (for GC games).by tueidj - Homebrew Applications has nothing to do with wii homebrew, try The link for the Hackmii Installer is working fine. Maybe you tried to bookmark the link from the page and visited it again at a later time; that won't work, you have to load the download page ( and then follow the tueidj - Getting Started
Make sure HBC is at least version 1.1.0 then just update from the system menu. Those are the only steps needed to maintain support for homebrew; anything else is not supported tueidj - Getting Started
This forum is for helping with wii-related issues, which your problem is tueidj - Homebrew Applications
You're supposed to obtain those BIOSes from your own actual tueidj - Homebrew Applications
Each program is completely independent. The stack for the main thread is just a reserved chunk of memory like all other static tueidj - Coding
Programs running under Dolphin don't magically get a larger tueidj - Coding
"the games i had downloaded" That's a tueidj - The Junkyard
What's the point when there's already an exploit for the system menu?by tueidj - Getting Started
No, SCART output is active in 50Hz mode, otherwise S-Video output is used tueidj - Homebrew General
That depends what the program is meant to tueidj - Coding
That's not a crash. You probably need to enable Real XFB in Dolphin's tueidj - Coding
gcube is barely capable of running tueidj - Coding
The proper way to clear the message history is to use the system format option. Generating a "clean" NAND image can cause more issues due to some permanent configuration settings not being copied tueidj - FixMii
Sounds like the sensor bar isn't working. If you look at it using a mobile phone camera when the wii is on the home screen, it should have lights on at both tueidj - Homebrew General
The cause is probably a poor wifi signal, maybe your router is set to disconnect idle devices, maybe there's an IP conflict with another device... You won't be able to reconnect unless you shutdown the network (net_deinit + net_wc24cleanup) and reinitialize tueidj - Coding
That error is ENETRESET, it means the wifi connection dropped out and the network has to be shutdown then tueidj - Coding
Well if you've bricked your wii, you're at least expected to know what you did that caused it (the name of the forum is "FixMii", not "DiagnoseMii"). If you don't know what you did/when it happened then you can't expect someone else to just guess the tueidj - FixMii
The files in the bootmii folder are from an old version. Delete them, run the hackmii installer again and reinstall bootmii. Do NOT skip the "prepare sd card" tueidj - Getting Started
You're using an old version of the hackmii installer, your screenshot shows v0.2 while the current version is v1.2. Use the new version to reinstall both bootmii and the homebrew tueidj - Getting Started
There's no such thing as bootmii "2". Do you actually have the homebrew channel installed?by tueidj - Getting Started
2 things that immediately spring to mind: - Make sure the icon for the homebrew channel hasn't been moved to one of the other system menu pages. - Make sure you're using the latest version of the hackmii installer, older versions of the homebrew channel will be removed by the current system tueidj - Getting Started
"some stuff mentioned in this video" aka warez rubbish that we don't support here, because it's poorly written junk that causes problems like the one you've got now. Too tueidj - Getting Started
There is no update that prevents installation of the homebrew tueidj - Homebrew General
You don't have to use GX_DrawDone(), you can use GX_SetDrawDoneCallback() and GX_SetDrawDone() to avoid blocking. Regardless in the code you posted much more time will be spent blocking in VIDEO_WaitVSync() than GX_DrawDone(), and if you hit a frame where drawing takes longer than the frame period your framerate will drop. If you were using two XFBs you would have a one frame buffer to guarby tueidj - Coding
Google "convert YUY2 to RGB", plenty of algorithms for that around. Restricting yourself to one XFB means you can't start drawing the next frame until the previous one has been copied out, so you're potentially wasting useful CPU cycles while waiting for vsync. For simple scenes this won't matter but if you have large scenes that occasionally take longer than the frame period toby tueidj - Coding