Possibly the bluetooth module. However if the bt module went bad priiloader would still work, also savemiifrii will load the recovery menu. So test priiloader again, turn the wii off, hold reset, turn the wii on and keep holding reset. Also if you have a gc controller you may like to test savemiifrii. One other thing to test bt module, which may not work with other hardware issue. Download haveby mauifrog - FixMii
When you run the hackmii installer it makes a log on sd:\installer.log. If you look at that and post it here it may help determine what your issue is. There are two possibilities, 1- your wii's ios have been modified and need a proper reinstall, or 2- you have a very old wii and in some rare cases hackmii 0.7+ refuses to install on them (0.6 works with the proper ios34 installed).by mauifrog - Getting Started
Anyone know why a bricked wii with boot2 bootmii would load bootmii to a black screen with a flashing blue led drive light? But still loads other mini apps like cboot2 (fails to load ios), and nand formater (fails to install wads). Replaced bootmii folder, format sd card, new sd card, no joy. edit- does anyone have a copy of the nand formater that only installed wads and did not format? eby mauifrog - FixMii
Use dopmii to install a clean ios36, and a clean system ios (60, 70, 80?), make sure the system ios is the functional version, not the non functional stub. Probably your system ios and ios36 have some patches that your wii does not like much, so SSBB is not working.by mauifrog - FixMii
You killed your wii. Throw it out the window, smash it, something to make yourself feel better. Perhaps if you post back here every minute for awhile you will feel better. But you can not fix it.by mauifrog - FixMii
If you suspect the disc drive is bad, open the wii up and remove it. The wii would boot normally without a disc drive. It is rare, but possible for a bad drive to prevent the system menu from loading. Not so sure about bootmii. But if the thing is making noise, I would pull it out and see what happens. It should not be making noise like that.by mauifrog - FixMii
Thank you Just one question, is this right? 0x8137AE64 - 0x8132FAE0 = 4b384by mauifrog - Homebrew General
Any suggestions for porting hacks.ini to hacks_hash.ini?by mauifrog - Homebrew General
Get a Game Cube controller. Try to use savemiifrii, see if you are able to load the recovery menu. Are you able to turn the wii on with your synced wiimote?by mauifrog - FixMii
Try to use capser to load bootmii via letterbomb. See if you can get something else to load. If bootmii loads, make a nand backup of this wii, then check the nand.bin with nandbincheck. Then from bootmii also try to load the bootmini.elf from bootmii's sd loader. More info on casper setup @ google hackmii fixby mauifrog - Getting Started
Wow, 15 months and your back?by mauifrog - FixMii
You shouldn't need HBC, you could load it with an exploit. However I am not sure, it may work or not. It may give you an error if loaded from exploit and need to be loaded from the HBC to get the ahbprot, not sure. Try it either way.by mauifrog - FixMii
Check to see if priiloader is installed and online updates are blocked. Or load dopmii and update ios56, ios62, and install the shop channel update. Then install the transfer tool via the shop channel.by mauifrog - FixMii
What happens when you try to put the wii online? You can't do the transfer without passing the connection test. So what is the problem?by mauifrog - FixMii
Anyone have RealWnD with gc controller support? I would be most appreciative. Edit- I got it.by mauifrog - Homebrew Applications
Have a look at sd:\installer.log What does it say?by mauifrog - Homebrew General
You should try to do savemiifrii, see if that will load the recovery menu. Have a look at the recovery options on savemii.net, they are outdated but can be used as a general guide.by mauifrog - FixMii
The installer make a log on sd:\installer.log. Have a look at that log, perhaps paste it here.by mauifrog - FixMii
Quotekiko67hi hello muifrog can you help me to use the NUSDOWNLOADER, DOP-MII step by step please i want to update softmode wii ican't update on online it give me error code 32004... please muifrog Posts Merged can you show me the step by step procedure please!!!!!You open nusdownloader, select the desired title, download and pack it to wad. Then place the wad on sd:\ or sd:\wad. Whyby mauifrog - FixMii
Since homebrew app channels are fakesigned when installed on the wii, they can not be loaded from the sd card. When the wii loads from sd card it checks the signature of these channels, since they are fakesigned it refuses to load or install them. Not to say it is not possible, this was possible on all wiis 3.2 and less which had the trucha bug in the system ios. System menu runs on ios80 and doeby mauifrog - FixMii
Turn the wii on, when you get the health screen hold + and -, then press A while holding + and -. If the system menu loads, go to the wii settings, backup any savegames you can't live without to your sd card, then do a system format. Even better would be to install the HBC and bootmii first, then make a nand backup, and get priiloader installed just in case the format makes things worse.by mauifrog - FixMii
You can load a title manager and remove the tickets of installed channels that where removed from data managment.by mauifrog - Homebrew General
Since you where able to install bootmii as boot2 the fix is simple enough. Load bootmii boot2, make a new nand backup. Copy your nand.bin and key.bin to your pc and make a second backup of the files somewhere on your pc. Use ohneswanzeneger, giantpune's nand.bin formater, use it to format the nand.bin file on your pc. Then in ohneswanzeneger install 4.3u, it will download all files from nusby mauifrog - FixMii
If you want a chinese language you must install a system menu that supports the chinese language. I am not sure which one does. If you set the language to one that the system menu does not support it will not load, same for games. Probably Jap or Kor system menu supports the chinese language.by mauifrog - Homebrew General
Do your wii channels, vc, wiiware work?by mauifrog - FixMii
Did you do a nandbincheck of the new nand.bin? Did it look good? I am not exactly sure, but It could just be linked to the serial number of the wii in the setting.txt. When I make a new nand.bin with the default serial number from giantpune's nand.bin formater, I get bonus free wiiware/vc that someone purchased. I could be wrong though, there could be other factors. As for your new nanby mauifrog - FixMii
Wiibrew is definatly not the place to ask about patched ios. You should keep in mind that there is brick potential when messing with ios less than 200. If your not sure what those ios do and such you might want to leave well enough alone as your syscheck looks functionaly fine. I imagine that your games loading to black screen are being loaded in a way unsupported by wiibrew. As Naughx said, youby mauifrog - FixMii
Load bootmii and make a new nand backup. Use giantpune's nandbincheck to check the nand.bin for errors. Download the lattest hackmii installer, load the bootmini.elf from the bootmii sd loader and reinstall HBC and bootmii. Then you should be able to load HBC. The nandbincheck should give you a good idea what might be wrong with your wii.by mauifrog - FixMii
You could use the nus downloader and get the needed wads. Put them on sd:\wad and install from sd. You will need to name the wads exactly what dop-mii is looking for.by mauifrog - FixMii