Actually, it looks fine as it is. Great job :) If you could please downsize it to 128 x 48 it would be the perfect size to be the HBC logo for the app as Arikado - Ideas, requests
Yeah, you need to IOS_ReloadIOS(202) or whatever else your USB 2.0 IOS may be. But after that, I seem to remember that USB 2.0 just works. If not, look at some media player sources like that to WiiMC and Arikado - Coding
Alright, I looked through all of them personally and reality boy is definitely the easiest and simplest to port. So much so that I've decided to do it myself. It may take a bit more time than I'd like as I'm a little preoccupied with this other emulator I'm working on :P The SVN I've set-up for the project is here: If someone has a free time, making a logo to be usby Arikado - Ideas, requests
To use devkitPPC and libogc you have to know C backwards and forwards. Sure, you can compile stuff without knowing them; But to do anything original you'll need to know them. If you know C, then the idea of asking for what you're asking is completely inane. The only documentation anyone could possibly want would be documentation explaining the purpose of the functions and their paby Arikado - Ideas, requests
You're using the Windows Installer I presume?by Arikado - Homebrew General
Try #include (sdcard/wiisd_io.h) #include (fat.h) //And instead of fatInitDefault() do this : fatUnmount("sd:/"); __io_wiisd.shutdown(); fatMountSimple("sd", &__io_wiisd);by Arikado - Coding
Actually, iirc, you can just use normal usb stuff and it will interface with the 2.0 . Let me know if I'm wrong though and I'll look into it as you've got me Arikado - Coding
I really don't even know where to begin. For starters, you keep using the word patch. But the word is meaningless unless you tell us what was patched. You then say that most of your "Wii brew" doesn't work anymore. May I remind you that WiiBrew is a website? :P In all seriousness, specifically what is not working for you? Finally you begin talking about depatching which I donby Arikado - Getting Started
The wiki page says, "Copy your game files that end in WL6 to the folder that your boot.dol is in." to use the full version. Try making sure you do not have multiple copies of the files or unneeded files present. Also try making sure that you downloaded the correct version of the app as there are four versions of it Arikado - Homebrew Applications
As your need to use it may vary there is no certain set of instructions available. It's rather straightforward, but if you need help, just let us Arikado - Homebrew General
Figure out the best open source virtual boy emulator and someone might do Arikado - Ideas, requests
You had to use an SD Card to install the homebrew channel, so use that. This topic is completely inappropriate for the Coding forum so I am moving it Arikado - Getting Started
I <3 this game. Great work as always =)by Arikado - Homebrew Applications
QuoteDaidEncryption happens at the secret Nintendo HQ. More specifically it happens using an HSM :by Arikado - Offtopic
Lunatik: probably has a broken ios causing the dump, I have a fix for that in the next version, but he'll need to clean up the broken ios Lunatik: basically it's an empty ios folder on the nand and gettmd is failing because the tmd file doesn't existby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
No, but I've heard other people say this. Hopefully my r92 committ solves Arikado - Homebrew Applications
Quotegameboy13That's a bit obscene. If you want it, make it yourself. Kids ;-P Sounds interesting. I don't have the time to make it but it definitely sounds more than doable. Good luck :)by Arikado - Ideas, requests
I updated the build available for download so anyone is free to Arikado - Homebrew Applications
So I finally got mah DS emulator for Wii working thanks to scanff, dancingninja, and baby.lueshi whom are all some of the most awesome people on this planet. I'd greatly appreciate detailed feedback from using Arikado - Homebrew Applications
As of Revision 66: *Currently any and all 3D crashes *Homebrew games tested all seem to be running at full speed *Commercial games seem to be running at close to full speed (but some like Polarium I tested run at full speed) Note that we broke sound in revisions 62 through the present revision 66. Should have it fixed Arikado - Ideas, requests
QuoteWikiFSXWhat's so bad about some degree of socialism? Neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism can run a country. It depends on the scenario. Just like a diverse but balanced ecosystem is the strongest, so is a mixed but balanced economy. In the case of the health care reform, we are given far to huge a dose of socialism and it is a very, very bad thing (please read my longer postsby Arikado - Offtopic
You can not plug a game boy advance link cable into a Wii. Arikado - Homebrew Applications
Your idea would absolutely not work. And I honestly feel it's not worth your time trying to make WikiFSX's suggestions work. Even if you did, it probably would not work as well you would hope (super slow, cumbersome, annoying, etc.) Just use a computer or a Arikado - Homebrew General
QuotePhredreekeUnited States is the only developed country not to have some form of publicly funded healthcare. Are you saying all other developed countries are socialist? :P It depends on the health care system. A public option is not necessarily socialist, however forcing everyone to pay for the public option like the US is doing Arikado - Offtopic
Probably network fail. Hopefully it's fixed now?by Arikado - Feedback & Support
Guess what everyone? We now have video emulation on DeSmuME Arikado - Ideas, requests
Guys, it's entirely possible the health care bill may be killed now: Proper responses later to replies to me. I'm going on a mini vacation for several days :-Dby Arikado - Offtopic
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72QuoteArikadoBump. That is plain awesome. :D Thank you, but it turns out they photoshopped the game case art into the image for the moment. So consider it a teaser of sorts for now. It won't be much longer (maybe a week tops) until it actually looks like that. I was unaware at time of Arikado - Ideas, requests