I forgot about Priiloader. There have been cases where it caused problems even when all system menu patches were disabled. Try uninstalling it. If that doesn't fix it, either live with it or use Comex's NAND Formatter (or convert a NAND dump with Betwiin if you want, though again, I advise against it).by jbc007 - Homebrew General
Super Mario War works with older revisions of the HBC. However, I can't remember which revisions of SMW and the HBC would work best together. Also, WiiEarth has not been updated in a long time, and it used to work fine. Therefore, it would probably also work if you launch it through an older HBC. I recommend you try HBC 1.0.6, and if you still have problems, go back to 1.0.3. Both ofby jbc007 - Getting Started
Assuming that you are unable to access maintenance mode and that you do not already have Bootmii/boot2 (you would know if you had it), fixing your wii will be difficult or impossible. If your wii is old enough to install Bootmii/boot2, you can manually install it with a hardware NAND programmer. Otherwise, if you already have a working NAND dump from it, you could use a hardware NAND programmerby jbc007 - FixMii
1) Somewhat dangerous. It is probably more dangerous than most other things you might do (update or manually install a system menu for example). Though I couldn't tell you how much more dangerous it would be. Bootmii almost always succeeds at restoring a NAND backup (I have never heard of a single situation where it failed), and it does verify that the backup was restored correctly. Therby jbc007 - Homebrew General
There is a list somewhere if you want to dig it up, but that one works fine.by jbc007 - Getting Started
The system menu revision really does not make much difference. 4.2 and 4.3 serve no purpose except to remove homebrew, yet neither has much actual effect on homebrew. Anyway, you still could use Smash Stack if you want, but Bannerbomb is probably easier.by jbc007 - Getting Started
Priiloader takes the place of the system menu; it does not modify boot2 like Bootmii does. There is practically no risk in installing it, and absolutely no risk if you already have Bootmii/boot2.by jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
Hopefully the Priiloader patches will work. However, they have sometimes been known to prevent some games from launching through the disc channel at all (this may apply to the StartPatch patches as well, I'm not sure). At least, I have had this issue with the 3.2U region free patch, and there have been a few other reports of similar issues. Still, since the Priiloader patch is so easy toby jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
It will be easier to update manually than to figure out how to fix this issue. Therefore, there are essentially two options. You could update just the shop channel, or you could spend a significant amount of time updating everything. Since there is absolutely no benefit to being on a higher system menu, it would be much easier to just update the shop channel. Option 1: Use DOP-Mii to instalby jbc007 - FixMii
You could make it work, but you may not want to. If I'm not mistaken, this would have to do with your shop channel region. If you change your shop channel region with AnyRegion Changer, I think it would work (I have not encountered this sort of situation before, so this is all theoretical). However, you likely will need to delete your existing shop channel account first, thereby losing evby jbc007 - Homebrew General
As you know, a broken bluetooth module would normally prevent the system menu from booting. However, maybe the bluetooth module is not completely dead, but does not function normally (I'm not sure if whether this is possible). You could either immediately replace it and hope that that fixes the issue, or first try a few more things to see if this is software related. Try restoring the Nby jbc007 - FixMii
Then uninstall Bootmii/IOS.by jbc007 - Homebrew General
Interesting issue. I recommend you make a NAND backup before doing anything else (if you haven't already). That way, you can keep a backup of all of your data, which you are about to delete. Use NUS Downloader to download any system menu and its IOS (system menu 4.2 and the oldest revision of IOS 70, for example) and the region select. Make sure that the system menu and region select aby jbc007 - FixMii
They could probably include a fix for it in IOS 36, but that would be extremely difficult. In theory, this is possible. In practice, it will never happen.by jbc007 - FixMii
QuoteSifJarIf its the interface of Gecko OS thats the problem, I think you can change it (may need to compile with different images, but thats it). The skin was changed a few releases back, so its definitely possible, and I'd say that'd be easier than writing a new channel loader :P If Gecko OS finds a file named background.png in its folder, it uses that as the background. If changiby jbc007 - Coding
I'm really not sure about Comex's NAND formatter changing the region. I would guess that it would have to do with the region select WAD, but I'm not sure. You could always try installing a PAL system menu (using the PAL region select as well, of course). If it works, you can change it back to NTSC-J later. If you want to try a different build of the formatter, go ahead. Howeveby jbc007 - FixMii
1) No it doesn't 2) Smash Stack never even goes on the wii. Something can not be removed if it is not present. Therefore, Smash Stack can never be "removed". 3) Just try to access maintenance mode when the error screen appears. If this doesn't work, it will be difficult or impossible to repair.by jbc007 - FixMii
Basically, you just messed up your whole wii with that epic fail guide. Practically any softmod guide would lead to problems like this, sooner or later. Stick to the guides on WiiBrew from now on, and you won't have this sort of issue. As for fixing it, launch DOP-Mii through the HBC or Priiloader. Install the oldest revision of IOS 60 and 70, and the latest revisions of all other IOSeby jbc007 - Homebrew General
I doubt that anyone would actually be willing to do that. Besides, it wouldn't really be any easier for the user, since getting a trucha bugged IOS really isn't that difficult.by jbc007 - Ideas, requests
The Opera error is a region issue. Make sure you have the correct region of the region select WAD in the wad folder when running Comex's NAND formatter. Also, are you sure you downloaded 4.1J? Since it appears you downloaded 4.1E. As SifJar pointed out, the wii would not normally display anything if the bluetooth module was broken. Therefore, there is a very good chance this entirelyby jbc007 - FixMii
You use it to download contents (in your case, channels), which you can then install onto your wii.by jbc007 - Offtopic
Interestingly, I recently purchased Team Fortress 2 as well. My steam ID is jakethegreat9. I'll probably be too busy to play for awhile, though.by jbc007 - Offtopic
1) Download it to your PC and double click on the executable. 2) Don't worry about that. Just use the database feature to select the things you want to download. It is much easier. 3) Correct, exactly like any other PC application.by jbc007 - Offtopic
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it seems that Dolphin is not compatible with some of the codes. Some codes cause warnings stating that it is either a bad code or that the code type is not yet supported. I'm inclined to to believe that it is the latter option, since these codes work through Gecko on an actual wii (or at least I think they do, I just used the premade GCT when playby jbc007 - Offtopic
That would be ideal. However, it would be impractical for people creating their own channels with CustomizeMii. On a side note, I wounder if such WADs could be installed with a non-formatting build of Comex's NAND Formatter.by jbc007 - Ideas, requests
I'm sure it's easy for someone who has any idea what he is doing, and that an AHBPROT compatible WAD installer will eventually be released. However, due to the piracy problem, it would be better if this did not happen, so we don't want to encourage it. Of course, it would never be supported by WiiBrew. While it would be no harder to make such an installer for an individual channby jbc007 - Ideas, requests
Is it possible that the bluetooth module is not completely dead, but still cannot function normally? The fact that the health and safety screen appeared was why I did not immediately suggest replacing the bluetooth module. However, when the bluetooth module works, the wii can usually be turned on with a wiimote.by jbc007 - FixMii
You should be able to mount the wiimote to the back of the bob; I see every reason why this would work. However, to my knowledge, the software you would need to measure and output the data from the wiimote does not exist. Writing such an applications should be very easy, and if there were any difficulties, most of the necessary code probably already exists in other open source applications anywby jbc007 - Homebrew General
Comex's NAND Formatter runs through Bootmii, not the HBC. It will work. Just do what I said in the last two paragraphs of my last post, and you will be able to determine whether you need a new bluetooth module.by jbc007 - FixMii