Hey i remember you! Man i feel the same way about this place. I'll check every few months just to see what's going on. It's so cool to hear from past members and I'm glad you're doing so well. I'm sure that doesn't mean much from a random guy on the Internet, but I honestly just think its great to see how this place and its users have developed.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
Oops forgive me. Accio Hacks is still a useful tool, though.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
There's a code management app that you can run from the homebrew channel called Accio Hacks. Just install it and launch it, and from there you can download a list of codes and apply them (textures, too) all within the app.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
You no longer need it, so you can go ahead and sell it.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
Its got an accelerometer, which I think opens up a lot of new opportunities for games....by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
If the game is displayed, I don't understand how its your laser thats the problem... maybe the disc? Have you tried other games?by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
If you have a dashboard revision of 8xxx or higher, I don't believe its possible to have homebrew of any kind on your 360.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
You have to check the box that says "I certify that my post is not about any of the above." Then your topic will post. However, if the subject of your topic contains warez, it will be deleted.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Feedback & Support
Google chrome all the way. It has lots of the add ons that firefox has, and also runs great.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
2,431 items 6.3 days of listening time 11.9 GB Man, I haven't posted in a while......by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
1.) Hold down the power button to turn it off. 2.) Follow the instructions in the link bg4545 provided. 3.)? 4.) Profitby WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
Here are 138 pages of codes for you to look through. Not all of these can be found on geckocodes, so this should be what you're looking for.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Cheat Codes
Erm, yeah, well, congrats and all, but this is wiibrew...by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
QuoteMagilYou are the purest of the pure, and deserve praise. Well, thats me I guess. Never done any of those things.... >.< But that doesn't really make the purest of the pure, just because I haven't pirated anything before.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
QuoteWiiHaxhow do i replace file in the szs image? i can only import and export raw data. I don't believe that program is supported here....by WaxyPumpkin72 - Homebrew Applications
Quotebob123456lol nice ive seen this one b4 , not to sound like a mod but its best to put name of creator of the code incase the person wants it tooken down, or doesnt want it on the net , incase it can cuase more harm then fun The post I found it on was an anonymous user. Did it work?by WaxyPumpkin72 - Cheat Codes
I'm not sure what region this is, but it might help. Just try it and see, I guess. {MoonJump} activate with Zr 04275394 8803000A 04254B08 D01F007C 286593DC 00000004 C2275394 00000002 38000002 9803000A 8803000A 00000000 C2254B08 00000003 3E604200 927F7FF8 C01F7FF8 D01F007C 60000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000by WaxyPumpkin72 - Cheat Codes
Shouldn't this thread just be merged with this one?by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
Yes, you can.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Homebrew General
Just navigate to the system settings and delete the channel.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Homebrew General
1.) Yes, there is. Using WiiMC you can play videos from an external hard drive. 2.) Backup games are NOT supported here. 3.) There are tons of things you can do with the HBC. Just look around on the wiki and you'll get an idea of what you can do. I hope that helps, feel free to ask more questions!by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
Launch the channel through Gecko OS Problem solved.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Homebrew General
*Jealousy* I wanted to be there, but no can do. Did you see the Reach Panel? :)by WaxyPumpkin72 - Offtopic
QuoteSifJarI was pretty sure Gecko OS needed a patched IOS36 or 249 to do channel loading... Yep. But talking about this is against the rules... 0_Oby WaxyPumpkin72 - Homebrew Applications
Maybe something similar to this?by WaxyPumpkin72 - Ideas, requests
Yes, me too. It was happening to me a while ago also, but then it stopped. It would seem as if its happening again.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Feedback & Support
Quotelepopomando i have to load the codes? ? Yes...by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
1.) Download this and this. 2.) Extract the contents of the zipped folders. 3.) Make an apps folder on the root of the SD card if there isn't already one there. 4.) Drag the extracted contents of the folders you downloaded into the apps folder on your SD card. 5.) Your SD card should be set up like this: ROOT/apps/accio_hacks/boot.dol and ROOT/apps/Gecko_OS/boot.dol 6.) Pby WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started
If you already have an SD card set up, you can just copy everything over from that to your USB stick.by WaxyPumpkin72 - Getting Started