First of all, NO TALK ABOUT BACKUP LOADERS. NO EXCEPTION. Second of all, what he asked regarded connecting 2 massive storage USB devices, not a keyboard and a separate USB device. As a matter of fact, connecting a keyboard and a HDD do work side by side, but not two HDDs or flash Magil - Homebrew General
I know that as soon as you read the title of my post, many insults raced across your mind, and both Mods and Admins alike would fight over who would get to send this post to the junkyard, but I ask you to hear me out first. It came to me as a shocking suprise when I first heard about the possibility of having a 100% un-brickable Wii through the use of NAND emulation, and then soon after findinby Magil - Feedback & Support
I know that this post of mine is not regarding entirely about reverse engineering the Wii, but I figured that if anyone knew about this topic, it'd be you guys. If it's considered not to be in the correct place, please move it. I don't mind at all. I'm not that savvy when it comes looking at the Wii in a physical way. I hope to do so one day, but for now, I have a Magil - Hardware
For anyone out there that doesn't have HBB, or who's just passing by and didn't notice it... a new version of the acclaimed emulator Genesis Plus for the Wii and Gamecube has come out. But my reason here isn't solely for stating the obvious. I was quite thrilled to find out this emulator had finally received an update after 2 years of lacking updates. Moreso, because the prby Magil - Homebrew Applications
You COULD have both USBs connected at the same time, but HBC will only read the one closest to the edge first. It'll read the second USB only until you disconnect the first one. As fas as I know, it won't read both at the same time. So you're better off just all your apps and stuff inside only one device at a time. If you're using an HDD, you could always give a 4GB partitiby Magil - Homebrew General
I thought I did. But your response did make alot more sense. I can't say I've completely grasped it, but I have a better understanding now. I'll just keep quiet now and hope netplay is added some time in the future, if Magil - Ideas, requests
Well, scratch having ZSNES on Wii. I knew from the beginning it was a longshot asking for it, but at least now I know why it hasn't already been done. In any case, would it be possible to at least port the SNES9x versions that have netplay enabled, or SNES9k at the very least? I know these are quite old compared to the revision the current SNES9x GX is based upon, but these older versionsby Magil - Ideas, requests
QuoteWaxyPumpkin72 Man, I haven't posted in a while...... Yeah, I noticed. Not that you know me, or I know you, but you always seemed to post before I ever got the chance, heh... (sorry for straying a bit from the topic).by Magil - Offtopic
Not all cards are compatible. You should go for brand name cards instead of generic ones, since they're the most likely to work. It doesn't guarantee they will, but they still have a higher chance of them being recognized. Also... you sure you copied everything to the correct paths? You might have accidentally copied a folder Magil - Getting Started
Well, I wasn't asking for someone to twist my words so that I looked like a bad person. I would appreciate you not writing in such a vile way, since I took the time to explain my thoughts on having myself posting requests, me confessing having no idea how to program and having a vague understanding of the painful road people go through to port, or as you have already explained it, rewrite anby Magil - Ideas, requests
I rarely ever request anything from anyone, other than help sometimes regarding info and clarifications regarding numerous topics. And I even do so less when I know I haven't contributed, and will probably never will be able to cooperate. But I figured it was still pretty much worth a shot. I'm pretty satisfied with SNES9x GX. I used SNES9x for 5 years for all my gaming needs, untilby Magil - Ideas, requests
I'm too lazy to go through my mp3 collection, since they're all mixed in with music only my mom, or my dad, or even my sister listens to, and I haven't commited myself to making playlists. But I'll give you my numbers regarding a list I made with videogame chip emulated songs (SPCs, PSFs, GSFs... that sorta thing): 725 tracks ??? albums (I haven't fiddled with Winampby Magil - Offtopic
Psst... you didn't hear this from me, but... I heard these forums and wiibrew are all hosted on a computer in some guy's kitchen... Also, the whole thing never did work for me, even though I tried it immediately after I read this when it was first Magil - Offtopic
I know SNEEK is unsupported. I was merely asking that, if anyone here had already installed it, would like to help simply verifying the integrity of it. I care not at all for the backup play features. But if still this is a no-no, well... I will go with the NAND formatter. I was gonna do it anyways. Thanks Magil - Homebrew General
Regarding restoring an old NAND backup... it seems that it was quite defective after all. As I recall saying in that the first thread that started it all (the one were I explained his brick), in the panic of the moment, he attempted restoring the same NAND we were about to restore this time around. And back then it failed (not the restore process, but it repairing the brick). He remembers haviby Magil - Homebrew General
Ok, so... this thread has been revived twice already. And on both ocassions nobody ever did need any help. Well, they did at one point, but it seems as though they were originally lazy to google the solution and posted first, then as all common noobs do, got desperate within the hour and finally googled it themselves. And while they're posted solutions could be insightful for people with theby Magil - Getting Started
There is a very good reason why it don't work, but this is certainly not the place to discuss that. While you may legitimately own the game, the tips I'd give you might only encourage piracy. I'd suggest you google it and never ask anything related to backups, cIOS and the like ever Magil - The Junkyard
So in light of this evidence, which would one would you recommend me most? I told my friend to proceed with restoring his NAND, but he's hesitating. He already knows the risks, but he fears the worst. Not that I blame him or anything. Though it's not my Wii, I'm personally interested in finding out how to use Comex's. How does it work? Other than formatting, heh. I Magil - Homebrew General
I thought that if I wiped the NAND with bootmii as an IOS, I would have absolutely no access to bootmii since it would get wiped out along with the rest of the NAND. And, supposing that the formatter ignored bootmii... it would kill everything else, like Priiloader, which would be the only way to access bootmii. Or am I interpreting something wrong?by Magil - Homebrew General
Just a heads-up... Uninstalling Priiloader didn't do the trick. My friend has finally decided, after much debate, to restore his older NAND backup. I've already told him repeatedly the risks implied with going through with such procedure, and he's accepted it. Somewhat. Not much. He's actually as nervous as I am, or perhaps even more. At one point, he did go about restoring aby Magil - Homebrew General
@CrystalSpark: Sorry, but... is that it? Did you just went through all the trouble of registering to write a one-line post just so you could AGREE with SifJar? Not that it's against the rules or anything... but I personally wouldn't have gone through registering just to agree with someone. At least make it worthwhile and add something memorable and useful. Otherwise, this was just stby Magil - Getting Started
Wasn't there an app out there to test these custom channels and see how they'd look like on the sys menu FIRST without having to install them? My memory is fuzzy, but I do recall of such an app Magil - Homebrew Applications
Yeah, I've tried eBay on that matter. And while the cheapest Wii's are the one's with Disc Read Error's (found one for 20 bucks), the replacement DVD drives go for up to 40-60 bucks, which is a bit too much for a purchase. And no, I don't have any means to revive any dead Wiis... yet. I do plan on getting to know the Wii on a more hardware related level Magil - Offtopic
I dunno if it's appropriate to talk about it here, but then again... there aren't that many other options that seem appropriate enough. So, here goes: I'm looking for a bricked Wii. Sure, some of the sarcastic among you will think: "why not brick yer own Wii", and others will simply say "just google it". And while bricking my own Wii is stupid, and I did google with little relevby Magil - Offtopic
You really didn't further instruct him. All you did was ask him to format and that's what he did. After what I've read, I do strongly believe he requires replacing his bluetooth module, but you can't really blame him if he wants to keep trying. On the other hand, there's no need to fret if someone doesn't listen to your advice. It's his Wii, and ultimately heby Magil - FixMii
No, I was referring to an entirely different and more complete disc. But if that one you've linked is also a bootable CD that only runs that specific program, then much better. I guess it'll spare him waiting for 200 MB to download and burn (assuming this one is smaller).by Magil - Getting Started
Hardware modifications on your Wii are not up for discussion on this forum, since they're most likely linked to playing illegally obtained games. And if you took the time to read the rules, it's a no-no here. Your definition on "homebrew" needs to be corrected. In order to use any emulator of any kind, you first have to have (obviously) installed the Homebrew Channel through one of tby Magil - Getting Started
Why not download something like Hiren's Boot CD? Other than having a bunch of recovery programs, it contains a portable version of Windows. You can try launching that tool you mentioned through there if you don't wanna go through the trouble of finding a Windows ISO online and installing it on your HDD. Don't worry. That portable version is loaded only on your RAM, and doesn'tby Magil - Getting Started
If you have anything on that SD card worth saving, back it up now and try formatting to FAT16 (sometimes also referred simply as FAT) and see if that Magil - Getting Started
I wouldn't know much about what's going on the Xbox scene, nor if any or all of the members of Team Tweezers are involved (I think they aren't, but anyone is free to correct me). If you own the games, there are several programs available online to assist you. I didn't look that far when I went looking for a program, and I basically... ehem... just downloaded the first one I sby Magil - Homebrew Applications