Why would you delete a stub IOS? It is doing no harm by being there, only overwriting cIOS. Which are unsupported on this forum.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
IOS61? I thought HBC usually ran in IOS58 for USB2. Try to reinstall the Homebrew Channel.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
The Hackmii Installer uses the Wii Remote, yes. Dont you have to push "1" to get past the scam warning?by metroid_maniac - Wii Linux
The keyboard? Shouldnt you be using the Wii Remote for the Hackmii Installer?by metroid_maniac - Wii Linux
Your are mistaking the feature for something else (I think) If you are using the SRAM save, then that is basically like taking a snapshot of the save that is saved on a normal GBA cartridge - if you get what I mean. There should be another save option (I forgot what it's called)by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
Why do you need IOS 202? IOS 58 has USB2 supportby metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
A korean wii on 4.2U? was it on 4.2 u before or after?by metroid_maniac - FixMii
Your TV should be able to show it, and Gecko will be able to play it. However, one problem that you may find (not certain about this, don't ask how I found this) is that pressing the up button in dungeons (map button) crashes it. I'm not 100 percent on that one though.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
Run the dop mii app from the homebrew channel. Run under IOS58 (AHBPROT). If this option does not appear, re-install the homebrew channel. Then install the system menu inside dop mii.by metroid_maniac - FixMii
No. THe wii isn't powerful to emulate it.by metroid_maniac - The Junkyard
Read the forum rules.by metroid_maniac - The Junkyard
Try formatting part of it to fat32, altough this will only give you 32GB of Homebrew space?by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
No. By the way, you can just rent a copy of SSBB or something and use that for the install.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
Yeah, I can tell by your username.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
I assume you've played portal 2?by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
But maybe if you somehow got the second chip a power supply, and then just swapped the data connection (?????????).by metroid_maniac - Offtopic
No, but if it writes this garbage data, can you just hook up a different memory chip, make it write to that, read from that, and then just connect it back to the actual chip? A bit impractical, but maybe you could slow the clock speed (???) down so that it gives you a larger "window" of time to do this in?by metroid_maniac - Offtopic
I know, that's why I finished with "hopefully". How did that twiizer attack fix work again? It apparrently writes garbage data and then verifies if it was actually written, right? Can't they just redirect that somewhere else? Sorry if this is sounds n00by.by metroid_maniac - Offtopic
It's backward compatable with Wii games, maybe they forgot to fix the twiizer attack this time round. Hopefully.by metroid_maniac - Offtopic
Fine, if you REALLY want to, use anyregion changer to change the system and game region and then dop-MII to change the system menu region. DO not install 3.2 from anyregion changer or dop-Miiby metroid_maniac - Homebrew General
ftpii may not have been updated to use the AHBPROT (New HBC) method of reading the DVD drive. In that case you'll have to find someone who can update it for that.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
It launches Bootmii, which was installed when you launched the Hackmii Installer. Unless you also installed Bootmii as Boot2, it's pretty useless.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
You need some homebrew apps now. If your Wii is connected to the internet, you can use the Homebrew Browser. Otherwise just grab them from here and put them on your sd card. Apps need to look like this on your sd card; SD:/ -apps --appname ---boot.dol/.elf ---icon.png ---meta.xmlby metroid_maniac - Getting Started
Use Priiloader, it's superior to startpatch. Sort of.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
Don't do it unless you have Bootmii/Boot2, then it's perfectly safe. Most are illegal anyway.by metroid_maniac - Offtopic
Yes, that'll probably have the block disc updates hack. A little redundant though.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
- If you want to restore your SD Card Wii Data from before smashstack, delete private and rename privateold back to private.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started
Quotehomer456Hello i have install preloader on someone wii using 3.4 system firmware but half of the blocks are missing like block disc update,etc.I had all of them on 4.3 E any help how to get up more on preloader Oh, and you can just update the Wii to 4.3, as long as the Homebrew Channel is updated first.by metroid_maniac - Homebrew Applications
I should also mention, Bootmii installs will only brick if there's a power cut or something. Probably.by metroid_maniac - Getting Started