Do you know exactly what caused this, particularly if it could have been a region change? This is the most common cause of this sort of issue with the settings, though installation of a bad channel/WAD is usually the cause of the banner brick. If a custom channel was recently installed, I recommend uninstalling it (you can use AnyTitle Deleter, a WAD installer, whatever). However, I doubt thatby jbc007 - FixMii
Please post the log from the Hackmii jbc007 - FixMii
I highly recommend this guide for learning C++. It explains concepts very well and does not require any prior programming knowledge. I only wish that I had found this when I was your jbc007 - Offtopic
You should have two text files; one from Brawl- and one for the additional codes you would like to apply. Copy the contents of one of these two files and place it at the end of the other file. Use CheatManager (or other equivalent program) to create the new jbc007 - Getting Started
Use DOP-Mii to install the latest revision of IOS 56 and the shop jbc007 - Getting Started
This is a common issue with Comex's NAND Formatter. Try a different build of it. Some people have reported success with this jbc007 - FixMii
The region free games patches have been known to break compatibility with certain games. You could try a different patch (perhaps with Priiloader), but it still may not jbc007 - Getting Started
You downgraded or deleted an IOS. The update will reinstall it, nothing more. As for brick protection, Priiloader will protect you from banner bricks and such. If you install a bad custom channel or system menu theme, Priiloader will still run. However, if your wii becomes bricked for any other reason, Priiloader will not be accessible. Bootmii/IOS provides absolutely no brick protection (by jbc007 - Getting Started
Considering the fact that SaveMii will not work, and that in the case of a full brick, Nintendo can not detect homebrew, you should send it to Nintendo. It is possible that they will replace it for jbc007 - Getting Started
4.2+ has improved game region detection. I would have to know how you are attempting to play NTSC-U games on the NTSC-J wii (there are several ways to do this) to provide a better jbc007 - Getting Started
Thanks for the followup. This knowledge about bluetooth module failure will be useful in the future. Anyway, glad you got it jbc007 - FixMii
Savegame Manager requires NAND permissions, which is only present in IOSes on system menu 3.3 and lower. However, you can launch Loadmii through Smash Stack and use Loadmii to launch Savegame jbc007 - Getting Started
IIRC, an application must use HW_AHBPROT to access the power and reset buttons, so having it respond to those button presses is not reasonably possible at this time. Otherwise, it should be quite easy to implement. If I have time, I might look into this next week, but I can't make any jbc007 - Ideas, requests
This could be message board data corruption. Try booting into maintenance mode. If it works, you have corrupted message board data, which can be fixed via a system jbc007 - FixMii
Launch DOP-Mii with Indiana PWNS (or another exploit) and have it install the latest revision of IOS 58. Reinstall the HBC if it still does not jbc007 - Homebrew General
QuotethegreasefireOk this is ridiculous. All I did was insert an SD card with a new system file on it and held down the buttons. But I didn't install a thing! It works. So who knows what happened! It was only coincidental. The wii can not just install arbitrary files from an SD card. With hope this will not happen again, but of course it could occur in the jbc007 - FixMii
FixMii would have been a better place for this. Perhaps a mod can move it. Anyway, I am not sure whether you are dealing with a hardware or a software issue. Can you turn the wii on with a wiimore? Also, does SaveMii/SaveMiiFrii (the method used to start the "menu" with 4.3 in the lower right corner) work every time you try it or only occasionally?by jbc007 - FixMii
If you want to change your shop channel region, you must first change it back to Japan. Next, go into the shop channel and delete your shop channel account (by doing this, you will lose everything you have purchased and all of your wii points, if you have any). Finally, change the shop channel region back to USA and it will work. If you want to use your Japanese channels, you can either launby jbc007 - Getting Started
Sorry, I was not thinking clearly when I wrote that. The chip should make the wii think that any game inserted is of the region that the chip is set to. Therefore, it should be set to PAL as you have it (unless I misunderstand how your chip is configured). By the way, the system menu performs the region checking. It is done entirely in software, and has nothing to do with the drive. The blby jbc007 - Homebrew General
Bannerbomb does not work on 2.x at all. Is it possible that the mod chip is blocking disc updates? If you are missing an IOS, that could explain the black screen. Switching the chip to NTSC-U should allow you to launch your NTSC-U games. Of course, do not update from any non-PAL games, as this would brick the wii. Edit: Misinformationby jbc007 - Homebrew General
Quotelilboyblue3000Dude are u sure the disc channle is asking for a whole system update(Just worried) All it will do is update IOS 36. Quotelilboyblue3000btw you want me to do that then try banana saves again. If that fails use priiloader or pussie You can if you want. Though if you do, you must do it before updating from a game disc. Priiloader, like Banana Saves, requires the older IOby jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
You will not be able to use Banana Saves without using methods no longer supported here. However, if you only want to use it to copy game saves, you can use Pussie Loader. This must be launched through Bannerbomb; therefore, it will not work if you ever update to 4.3. Edit: Come to think of it, it is possible that Banana Saves can run on IOS 15. First of all, perform an update from a game dby jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
Since you downgraded an IOS, the disc channel will ask for an update whenever you attempt to use a newer disc. This can be avoided by using Priiloader or StartPatch to remove the disc update check (these can also permanently apply the patches that you were attempting to perform with Banana Patcher). Alternately, you could launch the game through Gecko OS, but this can get quite jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
QuoteDarkFlasherIt's best to send to Nintendo to see if they will fix it, as they have more experience in fixing wii's. If they say "no" then you will probably have to fix it yourself. No, it isn't "best". Some people will prefer to have Nintendo perform the repair, others would rather do it themselves. Neither option can be considered "better". It is entirely up to the indiviby jbc007 - Getting Started
I'm guessing that you are running Windows XP, which has been reported to fail to extract that .zip. Try extracting it with another application such as 7zip. Windows 7 can extract it properly as jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
Depending on the situation, Nintendo may fix it for free. However, if you do have to pay for the repair, it is not "highly unrecommended" that you do it yourself. If you feel comfortable replacing the disc drive yourself, there is no reason why you shouldn't (and if you had homebrew in the past, this could be your only option anyway).by jbc007 - Getting Started
There probably never will be another exploit in the system menu. Since you updated, you will not be able to install homebrew now, and probably not ever, without a functional disc jbc007 - Getting Started
I assume that this is a bug in the Hackmii Installer. Try it again. If it still doesn't work, we can explore further jbc007 - Getting Started
Nintendo used to fix wiis that had homebrew, but they do not anymore. The only way that they would not notice the presence of homebrew is if the system menu and its IOS were not jbc007 - FixMii