Do you have Priiloader or StartPatch? Also, have you made any IOS modifications, especially the installation of cIOScrap/DarkCrap? If the answer to both of these questions is no, try a system update. Otherwise, tell me exactly what you have installed so that we can find a jbc007 - FixMii
QuotelorddunlowThis forum has a tendency to crucify someone and end any useful discussion if someone just happens to mention a backup loader, or something else that may be piracy, even if it has no bearing (or at least very little) on the person's question. In some cases, asking help to fix a problem caused by loaders, etc. Gets the cold shoulder, if not outright attacked. I understand theby jbc007 - Offtopic
SD:\private\wii\title\aktn\content.bin. Delete the aktn jbc007 - Getting Started
The pirates seem to be incapable of running pirated games without the use of tools made by Team Twiizers and others who are against piracy. They certainly rely on the exploits, three of which are based on Team Twiizer's Twilight Hack. Comex's created the other two exploits, and he is also against piracy. Furthermore, pirates need an IOS exploit to install their cIOS. Now that Nintenby jbc007 - Offtopic
Banana Saves requires an IOS with NAND permissions. Provided you have system menu 3.2, any IOS should work, though IOS 36 is usually recommended. However, if you have system menu 4.x, you do not have an IOS with NAND permissions unless you have already installed one. If this is the case, and you are not using an "LU64+" wii, use DOP-Mii to install IOS 36 v1042. Also, Banana Saves is only compby jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
When I was learning C++, I spend a lot of time reading through various C++ books and tutorials. This one was by far the best. Incidentally, I originally found this from a link posted by someone else on this forum (I can't remember who, but it has come up a few times before). In any case, it is very clear and easy to follow. It is really the only guide you need to learn C++. Though, cpluby jbc007 - Coding
Quotebg4545There's also another point; Homebrew ROMs . You can't load homebre with a backup loader and if you have a loader you already have homebrew. A loader could be useful for launching modified games. Though, at this point, it is probably more practical to use Riivolution. QuotelorddunlowI just don't understand why discussion of emulators (for which playing pirated gamesby jbc007 - Offtopic
DOP-Mii automatically downloads the IOSes, so you don't need to find them anywhere. After you have installed all of the IOSes, there is nothing else you need to do. The Hackmii Installer and other homebrew will work properly. In case you were wondering, you must reinstall all IOSes manually. An update probably would not remove that fail pack. It may or may not allow the Hackmii Instalby jbc007 - Getting Started
Use DOP-Mii to install IOS 30 v1040, and the oldest revision of every other jbc007 - Getting Started
It could be an IOS issue. Use DOP-Mii to install the latest revision of IOS 9; then try Wii Sports again. I would also recommend reinstalling the IOSes used by NSMB and the Mii Channel, but I can't remember which IOSes those use (this is not a big deal right now).by jbc007 - FixMii
Are you using the latest revisions of the emulators? Also, are you launching them through the latest revision of the Homebrew Channel?by jbc007 - Homebrew Applications
I could be wrong, but I though that the Hackmii Installer removed all traces of the HBC itself except for the play log entries, in which the HBC only appears if you launch an official title through an application launched from the HBC. Does installation of the HBC even install anything to the NAND other than its contents and the ticket (and now the save file)? Anyway, what games have you trieby jbc007 - FixMii
Have you recently made any modifications to your wii? Try launching a game through Gecko OS and let us know whether it works, or what, if any, error appears. Also, is the error just the text you quoted, or is there some associated number as well? QuoteSifJarIf it was never modded, why on earth did you then install HBC on it? You could have simply returned it to Nintendo, and they would haveby jbc007 - FixMii
Make sure you delete all custom stages from your wii, including the three that appear by default. Furthermore, Smash Stack occasionally freezes randomly. You may need to try it more than jbc007 - Getting Started
Figured I might add, Priiloader or StartPatch can patch the system menu non-temporarily, which can allow you to copy your game saves, launch out of region games, and block disc updates without the need for Pussieloader or Gecko jbc007 - Getting Started
QuoteBostonWiiGuyQuotebg4545I don't know what you have against Smash Stack but you can use Gecko OS to skip the update and play the game.Thanks... O.K., so being a newb and all, that leads to a new question. The instructions for Gecko OS begin “Load boot.elf from Chain Loader”... Except I don’t know what Chain Loader is and it does not have a wiki page? Can I just launch it using bannerbomb?by jbc007 - Getting Started
You may be able to delete them with DOP-Mii (I haven't used DOP-Mii in awhile, and am not sure of all of its current features). If this is not possible, use DOP-Mii to install IOS 36 v1042 (I'm assuming your wii is not "LU64+", but if it is, do not downgrade IOS). Then use AnyTitle Deleter to delete the titles HAFP and HAGP. In either case, you must launch the latest revision of DOPby jbc007 - Getting Started
Launch the IOS 58 installer through jbc007 - Homebrew General
I think I know which guide you found. If it is the one I think it is, it should work. However, this is not the place to discuss that program. I never heard a good explanation of why that application is unsupported here (though, in any case, the guide would not be supported, as practically everything on that site encourages piracy). All I remember is something about it requiring a boot2 v2 WADby jbc007 - Getting Started
I assure you that it is jbc007 - Getting Started
Uh, perhaps you could launch your original games through the disc channel? In any case, what the heck prompted you to check that box stating you would not talk about this? You know you are not allowed to discuss this, and yet you do it anyway?by jbc007 - The Junkyard
It does work, though you actually have to extract the .zip and look through the folders to find it. You are attempting to use an older revision of DOP-Mii, which will not work. As I said, you must use DOP-Mii: WiiBrew Edition, which is currently at v14.2. V13 will not work. Download the file, extract it, and open it. There is an apps folder and a config folder. Copy the config folder to tby jbc007 - Getting Started
Either you don't have an SD card inserted, your SD card is not formatted properly, or your SD card is incompatible. SDHC cards don't work, so make sure that it is a regular SD card (2GB or smaller).by jbc007 - Getting Started
QuoteUltimaJoe777Well assuming that the 1.0.8 IOS58 v24.32 is the latest version how do i get those other 2 things I have no idea what else you think you need, but I assure you that you need nothing else. QuoteUltimaJoe777If my HBC is not the latest version where do i find it at? 1.0.8 is the latest jbc007 - Getting Started
You must be using DOP-Mii: WiiBrew Edition (that is also where my previous LMGTFY link goes, by the way). And follow my previous instructions. QuoteJbc007Launch it through the latest revision of the HBC and select use IOSxx + AHBPROT when it loads. Then install IOS 36 jbc007 - Getting Started
It may just be a problem with that build of the formatter. As I said, people have had problems with it before. Though, just to verify, you are installing the correct IOS for the system menu you are attempting to install (IOS 80 for system menu 4.3), right? Assuming this is not the problem, you may have to try another build of the jbc007 - Getting Started
Glad you got it fixed. When installed, Bootmii/boot2 will allow recovery from essentially all bricks (of course, be sure to make a NAND backup when you first install Bootmii). I highly recommend you install it. However, Bootmii/boot2 can not be installed on newer wiis, and Bootmii/IOS (which you already have) provides no brick protection. If you have a newer wii, you will just have to be careby jbc007 - FixMii
What we really need is a modified installer that does not have the option to configure it with backup loading jbc007 - Feedback & Support
Quotealexkashcan i ask why AnyRegion Changer is not an option just for my understanding. Because there is no way for you to launch homebrew. If you system menu's IOS accepted fakesignatures, you could create an autoboot AnyRegion Changer DVD. Though again, this would have to be fakesigned (it also requires a mod chip). Quotealexkashso i need to insert "Metroid Other M" in to wii firstby jbc007 - FixMii