And I wish, the later would never have been discovered, or even be daniel_c_w - Getting Started
I guess, it is a badly formatted TMD, that causes this issue. But to be sure, I would have to know, how BootMii gets the IOS daniel_c_w - Getting Started
What does DI cover? Disc Access? more? Why speed down the clock? Pardon my lack of daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
No! So far Nntendo only targets cheaters. Don't cheat and you are fine!by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Quotesportbillyeither one is a 2 gig sandisk(that works) the other is a 8 gig kingston mico SD with adaptor(that is having problems) It sounds like, the emulator you are using is lacking SDHC support. Is your emulator up to date? Which one, by the way?by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Quotehenke37There is a master memory allocation system for each of the two memory areas, Where can I find infos about that?by daniel_c_w - Coding
I am sure, using the Gamecube ports would be alot daniel_c_w - Hardware
Quotenardi11011And for a simpler question: is there a way to get the Wii's memory statistics (total, used, free)? I do not know, if there is a convenient library function or hardware register. But you have the whole memory of the Wii (minus the IOS-space) all for yourself, so you can count along, if you need to. Look on (memory related links are on the frontpage)by daniel_c_w - Coding
QuotescognitoDo you know anyway if you think it's normal I get the memory leak (almost) each time I execute a query! If know next to nothing about sqlite, and nothing about mallinfo. As I saw your code, I did some googling on sqlite and the code you posted here looks fine to me. (didn't study the pastebin code) If I would have to take a wild guess: cache memory from the daniel_c_w - Coding
Metroid_maniac you are super helpfull, but we should all try to be either formal or polite. (or at least add a smiley to your funny posts :D )by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Applause for the great writeup. To add some usefulness to my noise: QuoteSifJarThe title will be 0000000100000002, and the version depends on which version and region you want. You should be able to find which one you need on You can find the version numbers here: They can be found in the second to fifth column. The second column is for Japan, the third one is for U-versions,by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
Quotesportbilly that is an exact copy of this one Hardwarewise, Datawise, both? You may be using a different filesystem, or a different cluster size. One may be partitionend. And even if the outside of the cards looks identical, it is not unlikely, that the interior is daniel_c_w - Getting Started
You remeber correctly, there is no IOS 0 (or at least not in the way, the homebrew community counts them up)by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
I am interested in the last question as well. QuoteWiiPower If not, wouldn't it be possible to run gamecube games without MIOS/BC by doing all necessary stuff in a loader? Is there any reason, why we can't load and execute GC code in Wiimode?by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
free() is not a part of the c language, but of the c-libraray. how free() and malloc() are implemented is dependent on the platform. In other words: free() may work in a way that can't do anything with the pointer returned from sqlite's function. (for example: malloc() and free() may organize a table of free memory, and sqlite's functions can not know anything about that tableby daniel_c_w - Coding
Quotescognito char *zErrMsg = 0; int rc = sqlite3_exec(db, command, DB_callback, 0, &zErrMsg); if(rc != SQLITE_OK) { /* This crash if I use one of the free */ //if (zErrMsg) //free(zErrMsg); //sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); } I do not see why sqlite3_free(zErrMsg) fails, but free(zErrMsg) can't daniel_c_w - Coding
The most likely you can't install cIOS. Or at least not without methods that are unsupported here. (I assume your Wii came with 4.0, as your posting history indicates)by daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
QuotenicolacrossIs it possible to download wii games and put them on a disk to play? NO!by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Do you have any IOS with the signing bug? Or was you Wii a "virgin" when it got to 4.0?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew Applications
No it won't. Unless you have an active N64 to Gamecube Controller adapterby daniel_c_w - Getting Started
Was Preloader present, whne you made the BootMii backup?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
You already have system menu 4.1, and you installed preloader on another system menu version?? Then you updated to 4.1? If that is the case, preloader is already daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
If BootMii's bootup core is updated, then of course it will have to be written to boot daniel_c_w - BootMii Beta
QuoteSifJarthe home menu - yes. using my menuify i believe it is legal. but if you're on 4.1 it will brick you, so i'd stay away if you are or will be on 4.1 in the near future. Isn't menuify for the system menu?by daniel_c_w - Getting Started
I don't wanne be a strike breaker, but it may help, if you remove the backup parts, daniel_c_w - Getting Started
This: Quoteajkun updated my Wii from 3.4E to 4.1E. shouldn't lead to that: Quoteajkunmy homebrew channel is dead. Anything else that might have happenend/changed on your Wii?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General
QuoteekeekeSome VI registers also let you modify the frame/line timings but it won't help in that case. Any idea, how they might be abused to achieve teletext or any other other effect? Is there something that indicates Widescreen signaling support?by daniel_c_w - Ideas, requests
Do not talk about backups on this forum, please. (see the rules)by daniel_c_w - The Junkyard
Is ther a new print of Zelda TP that requires IOS59?by daniel_c_w - Homebrew General